Alaska Supreme Court Agrees with Lower Court that Only Three Candidates Should be on Special General Election for U.S. House

On Saturday, June 25, the Alaska Supreme Court agreed with a lower state court, that Tara Sweeney should not be on the special general election for U.S. House that will be held in August. See this story. The ballot will have three candidates, two Republicans and and one Democrat, and ranked choice voting will be used. Thanks to Mark Seidenberg for this news. The case is Guerin v State, S18457.


Alaska Supreme Court Agrees with Lower Court that Only Three Candidates Should be on Special General Election for U.S. House — 6 Comments

  1. So in effect a party could have 3 candidates out of 4 make the final round, convince the bottom 2 to drop out, and the election becomes 2 people straight up? Is that what the authors intended?

    The one thing that never gets acknowledged of everyone doing election reform ideas is there’s zero consideration of gaming the system that will inevitably occur. Someone went to this Gross guy and threatened him with something if he did not withdraw. That’s pretty clear to see. Not threaten as far as we’ll kneecap you, but threaten in we’ll attack you personally, items in your history, business, family, etc.

  2. How many New Age election officers, incumbents and non-incumbents getting REAL death/injury threats ???
    End the R-O-T.

  3. Let’s see which write-in skip the first two choices and run at choice number 3.

  4. SB 6 passed by the California legislature in 2010 in conjunction with Proposition 14 had a similar provision where if one of the Top 2 died, the third place candidate would be placed on the general election ballot.

    This had long been the law for non-partisan elections in California which use a Top 2 system, except election is possible in the primary. SB 6 simply applied it to partisan races.

    The legislature subsequently modified the statute such that if one of the Top 2 died they remain on the ballot for the general election. If a deceased candidate received the most votes it was treated as a vacancy occurring after the election. California differs from Alaska in that it does not permit withdrawal after the election. California continues to move the 3rd place candidate up for nonpartisan races.

  5. So far 3 write-in candidates have been certified for the August 16, 2022 election with the top two and number 4.
    The write-ins are Libertarian, American Independent, and Democrat.

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