U.S. District Court Strikes Down Texas Ban on Voter Registration Forms Submitted by Fax

On June 16, U.S. District Court Judge Jason K. Pulliam, a Trump appointee, struck down a Texas law that won’t permit voters to fax their voter registration applications to the elections office. Vote.org v Callanen, w.d., 5:21cv-649. The Texas law says that if a voter submits an application by fax, the same voter must within four days send a paper copy; otherwise the fax application is rejected. Here is the decision.

The state has filed an appeal, case 22-50536 in the Fifth Circuit.


U.S. District Court Strikes Down Texas Ban on Voter Registration Forms Submitted by Fax — 2 Comments

  1. NOOOO personal appearance with ALLEGIANCE oaths ====

    one more subversion of the USA/States.

    SCOTUS awaits.

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