Several Newspapers Speculate that Maryland Governor Larry Hogan Might Be an Independent Presidential Candidate

Several newspapers have recently run stories about the idea that Maryland Governor Larry Hogan might be an independent candidate for president in 2024. Here is one such story. Hogan is a Republican.


Several Newspapers Speculate that Maryland Governor Larry Hogan Might Be an Independent Presidential Candidate — 12 Comments

  1. Unequal ballot access laws for independents even worse unequal than for third parties ???

  2. When you call someone a RINO, that person can agree with you and just run for office outside the party.

  3. He is not a true Republican. Not a nationalist and not loyal to Trump. A traitor, not a patriot.

  4. Anyone mounting a serious independent or third party campaign for President in 2024 needs to be busy getting ballot access in whatever states they can this year.

  5. There can be no serious independent or third party campaign for President in 2024 because the true independents are those who are most strongly for Trump and now taking over the GOP. All you have left are the egg mcmuffins, green pukes, leftarded looney tunes and the other disgusting dregs of the wannabe spoiler clown show. Meanwhile real Americans are ready to vote, march, ride, stab, shoot, kill or die for Trump. To us this is war, not a game. It is a total war with no limits and no rules, and the only thing that matters is victory. This is the final war in the Book of Revelations so the end game is simple, Heaven on Earth or Hell on Earth forever. There can be no mercy and no hesitation in this final war.

  6. Your knowledge of the Bible lacks or whoever you’re copy and pasting from their knowledge does.

  7. My church the past couple months we’ve been doing a good series on the Book of Romans (or more accurately Paul’s Dictated Letter to the Church in Rome whose membership possessed holier than thou sensibilities that Paul decried) and it’s always amazing to me how much things stay the same.

  8. Simpleton, I am not copy and pasting anything and my knowledge does not lack due to your pedantic focus on a simple error between singular and plural. True knowledge comes from understanding how the events described theren are coming true in the here and now. And in understanding how the left is under the direct control of Satan.

  9. You want copy and paste. Ok here you go.

    I found this just now on the IPRX blog. I agree completely:

    We are entering a dangerous period. America as we know it is over. We’ve seen it coming, but the actions of the FBI today make it clearer than ever. Are we at war?

    Freedom of speech is gone. We can no longer say what we really feel on social media. Even our favorite president is banned. Now someone like Alex Jones is being successfully sued for millions just to keep him and us silenced for not parroting their talking points. Is this war?

    Perverts are injecting lies and grooming children in our schools. They want to inject our children with dangerous chemicals and castrate them. They want to have sex with them. When you raise your voice about it, the DOJ labels you a terrorist. Is this war?

    Gas prices are higher than ever. Everything is more costly. We are in an economic recession. Congress is raising taxes and mandating the hiring of 87,000 new IRS agents just to go after you and me. Is this war?

    The FBI is targeting the greatest president we’ve ever had. The DOJ will prosecute him on false charges related to a capital breach they themselves encouraged after they rigged a presidential election. They want to throw him in prison and execute him. Are we at war yet?

    I think I hear the gunfire outside right now.

    War is here.

    Which side are you on?

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