Massachusetts Poll Includes All Minor Party Candidates for All Statewide Offices

This Suffolk University/Boston Globe poll includes all the statewide offices on the Massachusetts ballot. It is somewhat unusual for polls to include lesser offices such as Secretary of State, Auditor, and Treasurer. The poll shows that the Green Party and the Libertarian Party are likely to poll enough votes for at least one of the statewide offices to regain their qualified party status. However, it shows the Workers Party is not likely to reach the required 3%. Thanks to Independent Political Report for the link.

It is obvious that the Libertarian Party will qualify, due to the fact that the Treasurer race has only two candidates, a Democrat and a Libertarian. The poll shows the Libertarian receiving 17% of the vote for that office.


Massachusetts Poll Includes All Minor Party Candidates for All Statewide Offices — 6 Comments

  1. There are no libertarian party candidates.

    The state party refused to endorse them because they are being funded via act blu

  2. Like all Libertarian candidates on the ballot in MA this year, this candidate is associated with the Libertarian Association of Massachusetts. LAMA was the longtime LNC affiliate until the LNC switched its recognition to a new, Mises Caucus controlled group (which has no candidates running this year).

    In other words, when LAMA regains party status from this election, it won’t be the LNC-affiliated LP in Massachusetts. LAMA officially disaffiliated itself from the LNC, though after they’d already been de facto disaffiliated by the LNC.

  3. Whether they are Libertarians, libertarians or independants….whatever you wish to call them….they appear to be poised to win ballot status as the Libertarian Association of MA. That’s a different organization than the current state party recognized by the libertarian national committee. #WEAreAllLibertarians

  4. Looking good for the Libertarians in Massachusetts. Best wishes for continued success and ballot status in the General Election.

  5. I’m also pretty sure Juan Sanchez will qualify the Green Party with his run for Secretary of State. The Republican is getting blown out of the water in this poll, so the unDemocrats have no leg to stand on with their usual “spoiler” fear tactic. Quite a few progressives and environmentalists who ordinarily vote Democrat out of fear might view this race as a safe one to cast a Green vote.

  6. i think it is interesting that both Massachusetts and New Hampshire have two groups each claiming to be the Libertarian Party. I actual see this is an opportunity for the party.

    There have always been differences in the Libertarian Party since the very beginning about, messaging, issue priorities, tactics and strategy. When one faction has control, the minority factions do not go away. They just harass whoever is the majority faction.

    The national party ought to scrap the rule that there ought to be only one affiliate in a state, and recognize as many affiliates that form in a state. They can then compete against each other, and may the best affiliate win. It would keep more members of the party actually active in the things that they really want to do. The total CAN be greater than the sum of its parts.

    This is not as exotic as one might think. The Liberal International has several countries in which they recognize more than one affiliate.

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