Nye County, Nevada, Will Count Ballots by Hand, but Nevada Supreme Court Tells County Not to Count Ballots Before Election Day

On October 21, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order in ACLU of Nevada v County of Nye, 85507. The court will allow Nye County to count its general election ballots by hand instead of with vote-counting machines. But the Court forbad the county from counting the votes as they come in, during the early voting period. State law forbids releasing the returns before election day. Without the Court order, the county’s original plan would have live-streamed the county process starting this week, so that the early returns would be known before election day. Thanks to ElectionLawBlog for this news.

If the county were using vote-counting equipment, the votes could be counted early, because counting them early with a machine would not be releasing the results early.


Nye County, Nevada, Will Count Ballots by Hand, but Nevada Supreme Court Tells County Not to Count Ballots Before Election Day — 14 Comments

  1. So, Las Vegas returns may not be final until sometime Wednesday morning (Nov. 9). That, in turn, will probably feed election conspiracy theorists, who can say “why are they hiding ballots” or some other lunacy.

  2. Las Vegas is in Clark County. Nye County has about 48,000 people and is near Clark County but is not very populous.

  3. I think hand ballot counts are great as well as voting with a pen/pencil and paper. Maybe another good idea would be fingerprint voting, which means that a voter’s fingerprint is cast for a preference. I would extend this to voting booths as well, where voters fingerprint their vote in their voting booth.

  4. None of these methods are any good. The all-Caucasian caucus system is much better. Naturally, only those of the Caucasian persuasion would be allowed to participate. They would also have to be married natural born male heads of households with at least two children, gun owners, over the age of 30, members in good standing of a Christian church, property owners of at least an acre, have served in the U.S. military, pay a poll tax, pass verbal and written tests, and their father’s father and his father’s father must have been voters and property owners in that same county (or parish if in Louisiana).

    On the night of the caucus all these qualified Caucasian male heads of households should gather in a large hall before the Flag and the Cross and stand in a corner with those of their Party in front of all their neighbors doing the same. Only the parties with enough voters in enough precincts would have their votes count.

    There would be one and only one vote taken on election night, where each voter would select a party. Each party could choose a number of speakers from among their ranks to persuade the undecided to join their corner and the persuadable to switch sides. The names and number for each party would be recorded at the end of the voting and left up on a board in a prominent place for all in their precinct to see until the next election. From each precinct a man riding a white horse will be selected to bring a copy of that same roll to the seat of their county , and from there one to bring a tally to the state capitol, etc. All the rolls and tallies should be prominently posted in the local newspapers, bill boards, radio and television broadcasts, and government web sights.

    As for those holding individual offices they should be selected by the party officials of each political Party in rooms which are thick with cigar smoke behind closed doors. The Party having the most votes in a State, County, House District, etc, would select the officeholders of that district, who would occupy those offices until the next election. State legislatures would choose US Senators and Presidential Electors, and the Presidential Electors would caucus in each state capitol to elect the President with Congress then tallying those votes.

    All other ways to conduct elections are highly suspect at best and no doubt illegitimate and corrupted, often with the help of our foreign enemies.

  5. At least ONE STONE AGE politics person on BAN — to entertain other BAN folks ???

    ALSO baaack to slavery and NO *rights* for women and any foreigners who dare show up ???

  6. Stone age politics was better than what we have now. Everyone got stoned all the time and human deaths due to political decisions were a tiny fraction of the new “enlightenment” age, moron.

  7. Even when adjusting for the population difference between the two eras. But, why are you equating Stone age with dark age, out of curiosity? There was quite a bit of history with many significant developments between Stone age and “enlightenment.”

  8. How many STONE AGE tribal wars / civil wars / slave revolts with NOOO records

    — except dead bodies (and later bones) and building ruins laying around ???

  9. Records aren’t really needed to estimate deadliness. A working knowledge of archaeology, biology and history combines to yield an answer: The so called enlightenment is far deadlier and more ruinous than the Stone age could ever try to be. That still remains true if you falsely and ahistorically extend the Stone age to the start of the luciferian “enlightenment.”

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