Former Georgia Republican Legislator Advocates Removing Libertarian Party from Statewide Ballot

Bob Irvin, who was the leader of the Georgia House of Representative caucus between 1994 and 2000 (Republicans were in the minority in those years) now advocates that the Georgia legislature change the election law to remove the Libertarian Party from the statewide ballot. See his column, carried in the Insider Advantage, an on-line newsletter covering Georgia politics.

The current law was passed in 1986. It allows minor parties to be ballot-qualified for statewide offices if they poll approximately 2% of the vote for any statewide race. Other parties that also had qualified status for statewide offices are the Reform Party in 1996 and 1998, and the New Alliance Party in 1988.


Former Georgia Republican Legislator Advocates Removing Libertarian Party from Statewide Ballot — 16 Comments



  2. This present System is turning into a two-party tyranny. You have liberal capitalist party and conservative capitalist party. Both protect the System and status quo. God forbid another ideology want to get on the ballot and change anything.

  3. Ummm… where are the capitalist parties? All I see are two parties that favor mixed economies; Dems lean more socialist while the Repubs lean more capitalist but neither is actually a capitalist party. They both hate anything that even resembles a free-market. There’s nothing capitalist about protectionism, bailouts, subsides, trade restrictions, regulations, etc.

    If we had a liberal capitalist party I would be happy and the Libertarian Party could pack it up and call it a day. All I see is one party with a socialist/social democratic coalition and another with a nationalist/theocratic coalition.

  4. The worst part about the two-party system?

    Each of the two parties eventually gets the ambition to turn it into a one-party system

  5. Aiden, I think your description of the two major parties was appropriate and well done. I hope the people of Georgia have the common sense to preserve their electoral options and that the Libertarian Party continues to take part in the process.

  6. Rather than eliminate third parties, how about ranked-choice voting? That avoids the need for a runoff, even if nobody gets a majority of first choice votes.

  7. Meanwhile in MICH — divide and conquer some more —

    Democratic group boosts Libertarian candidate in hotly-contested Flint-area U.S. House race
    Riley Beggin ,  Melissa Nann Burke   The Detroit News

    A Democratic group is spending six figures to support the Libertarian candidate in Michigan’s 8th Congressional District race, a tight contest between incumbent Rep. Dan Kildee, D-Flint Township, and Republican nominee Paul Junge.
    The Voter Protection Project, a political action committee that supports Democratic candidates, has spent around $158,500 on digital advertising and direct mail in support of Libertarian David Canny, a retiree who formerly worked in the retail seafood industry, according to Federal Election Commission filings.

  8. Why not flip a coin between the Ds and the Rs stop all this pretense of voter consent in a democratic process? Heads you live in a fascist police state and tales you live in a fascist police state.

  9. *yawn*

    If this man is so butthurt over this, why not just eliminate the general election run-off in its entirety?

  10. Yeah, Mr. Irvin, but many many people in Georgia and all over the country don’t really like this Red Team Blue Team deathmatch. Like, they’d rather have a fairer, more proportional system with groups that they actually identify with, and figure out how to make allies with other groups. I bet people like Mr. Irvin have the skillset to navigate that system, too – no sarcasm.

  11. Wake up. Red team blue team death match is real world. Everything else is stupid fantasies. We are living in the last days and times . Idiots with fantasies don’t belong on the field of battle in politics any more than they do on an actual battle field in a shooting war. Politics is war through other means. There are only two sides. This is the final war with nothing less than eternal salvation or damnation at steak. THE RED TEAM CAN, MUST, SHOULD, WILL AND SHALL WIN AT ANY AND ALL COST. IT DOES NOT MATTER IN THE LEAST WHO ALL GETS HURT OR HOW BADLY OR HOW MANY DIE OR HOW AS THE PRICE OF THAT VICTORY BECAUSE THE COST OF DEFEAT IS STILL UNIMAGINABLY FAR WORSE YET. get it? Got it? Good. Didn’t get it? Lead the GOP charge, follow TRUMP, or get out of the way. Can’t or won’t do any of those? Then get ran over by our charging herd of elephants, and rightly so. Amen!!! Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!!

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