CNN Calculates National Popular Vote for U.S. House

With 90% of the votes counted, CNN calculates that Republicans have received 52,179,411 votes for U.S. House, and Democrats have received 47,504,278. See this article. If one scrolls down below the Oregon section, one finds the national totals. CNN does not have any data for minor party or independent candidates for U.S. House. Also the CNN figures includes the votes cast for major party nominees on minor party lines, in New York and Connecticut.

CNN updates the numbers constantly. Thanks to Mark Scarberry for the link.


CNN Calculates National Popular Vote for U.S. House — 10 Comments

  1. Are there any national totals for total number of votes cast? That could provide a clue to how many votes were not cast for major party candidates.

  2. The American Constitution (Colorado) and U.S. Taxpayers (Michigan) ballot lines are state affiliates of the national Constitution Party. The Independent American Party might be, depends on the state I think.

  3. That’s not very nice, Dolph. I’m just here to comment and be friendly with everyone and elect Libertarians to office!

  4. As everyone knows, CNN IS FAKE NEWS. Therefore, Republicans do not have more votes than Democrats, nationally.

  5. The lack of Libertarians in their numbers means the Libertarians probably received more votes than any party.

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