Missouri House Passes Proposed Constitutional Amendment to Raise Initiative Threshold to 60%

On February 2, the Missouri House passed HJR 43. It is a proposed constitutional amendment to require statewide initiatives to pass with 60% of the popular vote. If the bill passes the entire legislature, it will be on the ballot as a ballot measure in 2024.

The measure is worded so that the first sentence says the measure would require voters to be U.S. citizens. The language about raising the vote threshold to 60% follows, and is therefore less visible. Thanks to Ken Bush for this news.


Missouri House Passes Proposed Constitutional Amendment to Raise Initiative Threshold to 60% — 30 Comments

  1. Is it for all statewide initiatives, or just constitutional amendment initiatives and not statute initiatives?

    I am pretty sure Missouri has both constitutional amendment initiatives and statute initiatives.


  3. Yes. They should also pass a law that in order for the legislature to pass anything they need 60% of the vote.

  4. I think it’s better to have legislators pass laws than for voters to vote on them directly so it makes sense to have a higher threshold for initiatives if they are to be allowed at all. Voters by and large have no time to examine numerous pieces of legislation. Voting should be one day a year and one vote in the election – for the winning party. It should be conducted in person with voters standing in that Party’s corner. The winning party should then through an internal process of its choice pick officeholders and substitute them in and out as it sees fit.

    The winning party’s legislators should then be in charge of amending the laws, just as their enforcers should be in charge of enforcing those laws. The role of the electorate should be only to pick the winning party once a year, and the vast overwhelming majority of those who are allowed to vote now should not be allowed to vote at all, or to be anywhere near where voting takes place on election night.

  5. Thanks for asking, AZ. For starters, voters would have to be genetically pure of European descent, not of any other race or mixed race, and would need to prove it with genetic tests. They would also have to be men, and to prove they were also born male using their original long form birth certificate. Given how immature most of today’s young people are they should be no younger than at least 30, or perhaps even 40.

    These men should all be active duty military or veterans, and part of a state civil defense militia or law enforcement. They should all be gun owners with proven adequate supplies of guns and ammunition at home. They should be family men, married with at least two natural born biological children, again with genetic testing proof of fathership. They should be church going Christians and members in good standing of a church which is accepted as Christian by state and national church councils to weed out cults operating under the guise of Christianity.

    They should pass background checks and show no history of drug use, criminal activity, homosexual activity, religious heresy, any kind of immoral sexual behavior, any kind of support for commie or socialist groups or their agenda, and other such disqualifying past behavior.

    They should own property, and to weed out transient individuals without long standing community ties, their father’s father and his father’s father should be proven to have owned property in that very same county.

    These leaders should demonstrate intellectual ability through written and oral civics and history tests, as well as pass physical aptitude tests similar to those required of those serving on the front lines in the military and law enforcement.

    They should not be recipients of government welfare or have government jobs, unless those jobs are in the military or law enforcement officers.

    They should be height-weight proportionate, and drug and disease free. We can’t allow anorexics and obese gluttons to make our most important decisions, or for the diseased to be spreading diseases during the vote. They should be photogenic and well dressed, so as not to bring shame on their community when videos of the voting are shown on television and the internet. They must pass hair and urine drug tests.

    In addition to being property owners of at least 40 acres, they should be be easily able and willing to pay a large poll tax which will replace all other taxes. They should be financially sound with no history of bad credit, bankruptcies or undischarged debts.

    As well as being genetically elite, they must have no history of mental illness or incompetence. They should be alpha males and prove that they have a well above average penis, both in length and in girth.

    They should swear a loyalty oath to God and Country with their hands on the King James Bible. And of course they must be willing and able to stand proudly for their party in front of their neighbors at the vote, to have videos of the vote available on television and the internet, as well as their names and who they voted for printed on billboards and in newspapers, and signs identifying them and the party they support posted in plain view in front of their homes.

    I may have missed a few additional qualifications, but that’s a good start, I think.

  6. Max –

    Major effort in writing your Elector definition post.

    Any estimate of the total population who could be such Electors/Voters ??? — 1-5 pct ??????

    Baaaack to olde Sparta or Athens in Greece — about 500 BC ???

    Very good luck in reversing the course of Elector definition SINCE olde Greece or Dark Age 1200s in olde England [election of members of olde English House of Commons and local sheriffs] —-

    after 2,500 years of monarch/oligarch civil/foreign wars / domestic terror/oppressions.

  7. I think what Max proposes is a step in the right direction. I like his ideas about making law enforcement officers the judge, jury and executioner. I also really like making laws and elections much simpler. Society today is drowning in a sea of ink from all the volumes of new laws and regulations being passed every year and all the legions of lawyers chasing ambulances and spending day in and day out in courtrooms and legal offices further hashing out the application of these endless books of laws.

    It’s ridiculous. Law needs to be something very simple which a reasonable adult or even a child well on the way to adulthood can be reasonably expected to know and memorize. Interpretation should be left up to law enforcement officers in the field, who would have the latitude and authority to interpret and apply the law as they see fit to real life situations they encounter. Punishments for breaking various laws could include summary execution, maiming, public whipping, stockades, judicially ordered corrective rape, confiscation of property, and for less dangerous offenders, perhaps being sold into slavery. They could also be put into arenas to fight each other to the death or to be mauled to death by hungry wild animals for public entertainment. The punishments should be swift and sure, and not cost taxpayers a bunch of money warehousing, feeding and coddling lawbreakers.

    I do like the simplicity of the election system Max lays out, and also the severe limits on who would be allowed to vote – a sort of natural aristocracy meets meritocracy, if you will, or a much overdue return to a neofeudal organization of society, albeit with modern technology. It’s long past time to come to grips with the fact that the so-called enlightenment has been a massively failed experiment, and that is only through the leftist, luciferian bias of our modern fake historians that the so-called dark ages have come to be so unfairly maligned.

    If anything, I believe Max does not go far enough. Reading Dr. Professor HANS HOPPE’s seminal work “Democracy: the God that Failed” has led me to become an unabashed monarchist. Only hereditary power can achieve the sort of long view time horizon that is truly needed to solve society’s problems, and for society to become healthy, unhealthy individuals and those spreading unhealthy ideas and habits should be physically removed, so to speak, perhaps by being dropped from helicopters. I was far less convinced by the good Professor’s argument that anarchy could be viable, however; I think we need to treat such dangerous ideas much more skeptically.

    I also differ with Max in his enthusiasm for Christianity. From my perspective, it’s still a newfangled innovation, having only been adopted by Europe for less than two thousand years (and in many places for not nearly that long). In my view, European peoples have not been well served by a monotheistic Abrahamic faith which teaches us to turn the other cheek. Let us instead recognize that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are three weeds from the same root, and return en masse to the pagan beliefs of our European ancestors, with gods who exhorted us to crush and destroy our enemies and revel in their defeat, not ones who offered themselves or their own children as human sacrifices.

    What we really need, I think, is something like the Roman empire before it adopted a revised derivative of Judaism or allowed barbarians inside the gates. Perhaps if the Romans had avoided expanding around the Mediterranean and focused all their attention on uniting Europe we would have a much better world right now. If we are very, very lucky, maybe it’s not too late to make something like that happen, and to include the other areas of the world more recently conquered by European peoples by rounding up and deporting all those who are not of European genetic origin from our European based countries.

    If that spreads us too thin, perhaps we should instead give up those gains and all retrench to Europe, deport all those who are not genuine genetic Europeans from there, and let the rest of the world go to hell as we cease all economic trade and all travel with them. If we have to give up everything outside of Europe to achieve that, and to give back everything we have adopted from non-Europeans, including Christianity, I say that’s a trade worth making.

  8. Thanks again for your follow-up question, AZ. I estimate that only a very small portion of 1% of today’s electorate would qualify under my proposed rules – perhaps somewhere on the order of one in a thousand or even one in ten thousand. I would be happy with whatever the number turns out to be. The goal should never have been, and should not be now, to have all or most people vote, but rather to have the Right people, and only the Right people, vote, revise, and enforce the laws.

    I accept that this will not be easy to implement and that the odds may seem heavily against us. That is one of the reasons why unshakable faith in God and Jesus and the manifest destiny of Slavic and European peoples is of such great importance. It is only with such faith that we have beaten the odds over the centuries, and only with the continued renewal and reaffirmation of that faith that we can continue to be mighty conquerors and continue to beat all the odds.

  9. Victor Vasilyevich,

    While you do make some good points, for example regarding the punishments which criminals should face, your rejection of Jesus is utterly unacceptable. He died for your sins, and until you accept that sacrifice and welcome Him into your heart as your Lord and Savior, you are headed to hell for eternity. Search your heart, find an Orthodox Christian church, and seek forgiveness.

    Your proposal to have all European peoples retrench to Europe also can’t be taken seriously. Think for example how this would apply to Russia. Siberia has been ours for hundreds of years.

    In addition to all the natural resources we would be just handing over to the Orientals, imagine tens of millions of ethnic Russians crossing into Europe in search of jobs and housing. If you think it’s hard to find a decent apartment at a reasonable price in Moscow now, particularly without an hours long commute to the city center, just wait until something like that happens, God forbid. We couldn’t throw out enough Hajis to make nearly enough room.

    And do you really think the Orientals would see us on the run, giving up our long held territories, and just stop at the Urals? Of course not! It would be the Mongoloid Yoke once again, and would take just as many centuries to win our independence back from the Orientals.

    The lessons of history are clear: always expand our territory; never give any back. Every time we have, it has been a costly mistake. Take the sale of Alaska for example. It will cost a lot more to get it back than what we got for it. Or, consider the collapse of the Russian sphere of influence after the fall of the USSR, and what it will take to win that back.

    Instead of making steps backwards, let us make steps forward. I think it’s safe to say that President Putin is the true President of Christendom and European peoples everywhere. Let us proceed to unite Russia, Europe, the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand into a great White Union. Let us lead a new Orthodox crusade and reconquer the Holy Land for Christ. If a few million of us die in the process, and a few million of the enemy have to be killed, so be it – it won’t be the first time.

    One big drawback to your monarchist proposal is who exactly will be our Czar. Putin has no legitimate male heirs, and at his age, it’s quite likely he never will. There may still be time for him to marry a young woman and father sons, but that time is growing short, and while he is still alive we should not even think about anyone else ruling Russia. I don’t know if anyone else stands as good a chance of putting together a global White Union, either. General Suverkin, perhaps?

    In any case, none of it would make any difference without Christ as the King of Kings. Without Him, we may as well all die in a world nuclear, chemical, and biological war.

  10. I don’t know why I even tried to watch the geriatric Chinese puppet in Chief mess up reading things he did not write and does not understand from a teleprompter. I couldn’t even take it for a whole minute. It’s such a disgusting disgrace that they engineered the China virus, stole our election, and put in THIS idiot of all people to rub it in our faces. And now they have rubbed it in some more with their spy balloon. When is enough going to be enough? It’s way past time to launch the ICBMs at Beijing already!! And can we please have our wonderful President Trump back in the White House, yesterday???

  11. I don`t see necessity for amending constitution. Parsons already ignores the constitution by refusing to honor the referendum for expansion of medicaid. “Badges? We don`t need no stinking badges.” quote from The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Well, banditos will be banditos.

  12. I lasted just a few minutes watching Sarah Sanders before she started blathering about how much she loved the little rock nine little negroes and how they besmirched the high school there with their dirty black selves. When it comes to Arkansas governors, I’ll take Orval Faubus over her, her daddy, and all the rest of them since then put together. She looks like a woman who has sex with negroes behind her husband’s back, if not right in front of his face. GOP, you can and must do better from here on out!

  13. As I said elsewhere it’s time to come clean. I have been a dirty rotten scoundrel and I apologize for everything I’ve done. I disavow Satanism, Communism, and all the other -isms I allowed to brainwash me. I apologize for disrespecting President Trump, the greatest president the US has ever had. I apologize for trolling this site under multiple names. I apologize for being rude to customers while working as the night manager at the El Reno Motel 6. I admit I vomited in the elevator, shat in the parking lot, and blamed someone else. I admit I am the reason the whole building smells like curry. I am so sorry to everyone I’ve wronged. Please forgive me.

    Now I must further admit I got paid by George Soros to disrupt this site. I can’t believe I stooped so low. Jesus Christ forgive me!

  14. Fuck you up your ass for using my name you White Supremacist Christian Taliban Nazi piece of shit. Not once have I ever posted anything under a pseudonym. Unlike you.

    Fuck Donald Benito Mussolini Trump. Fuck all Maga Republicans. And fuck all Mises Caucus Libertarians.

  15. Hi Maxim, my apologies for taking so long to reply, as I have been quite busy.

    As you have posted elsewhere, it is true that Slav in our languages means glorious, and we have many times lived up to this, and continue to so do. But, it is equally our propensity at other times to exhibit the slavish mentality that lead Slav in other languages, English included, to be the root of the word slave. And indeed, your slavish bowing and scraping before a Jew god cannot be more accurately characterized. You are textbook exhibition of slave mindset in so doing.

    Consider please where the problems of our world derive. You have a tribe which has caused nothing but trouble and mischief everywhere they have gone in the world, and have thusly been kicked out of over a hundred nations. They have been seeking revenge against White European peoples ever since the Romans took Palestine from them, and then kicked them out. In particular they have been seeking revenge against Slavs, and most of all Russian people, ever since we dispersed their terrorist kingdom of Khazaria. It is not for nothing that they have always been the traditional enemy of Russia and Russians.

    This tribe is Turko-Mongolic in origin, thus I contend that we have yet to truly cast off the Mongoloid Yoke. We have after a great struggle and many millions killed cast off Jewish Marxism, at least to a great extent and for the time being! Yet Jewish Christianity has held our people, and all European peoples, in bondage and slavery for far longer. And it is not until we fully reject all things Jewish, and all things non-European in origin, that our people can once again be truly free and independent.

    Consider how many problems this Elders of Zion, this luciferian synagogue of Satan has caused: Judaism and Zionism of course, but also Christianity (the root of our people’s suicidal tolerance of enemies and invaders), Islam, Marxism, and many others. All stemming from a fraction of one percent of the world population. How can this be? And how can a rational ethnic nationalist and racial realist follow one of this same tribe as your god and demand our continual allegiance?

    What sort of god is this you kneel before? A fitting god for a race of glorious conquerors and undefeatable warriors? Far from it! Your god was a Jew rabbi who committed suicide by cop, Roman empire style. In between he was an effeminate long haired hashish head – literally, it was hashish oil they anointed his head with. Consider also that in those times there was no effective birth control, yet he fathered no known children, and spent his time entirely with men, except for one dirty harlot. A true God would have easily had a young, beautiful wife or more likely several, as polygamy was not taboo to any people, even Jews, at that time; and fathered many strong warriors. But instead we have this dope addled rabbi who was quite likely a homosexual, or perhaps a cuckold and adulterer, as well as an eventual suicide. His example exhorts our people to all the things which spell death: surrender, suicide, eunuchry, cuckoldry, homosexuality, drug addiction.

    Indeed, Christianity is nothing but a bastardized form of Judaism, specifically chosen by the late Roman Emperors to make their slaves and conquered peoples less unruly and more compliant. This is the sad and self-destructive legacy you seek to perpetuate today and forevermore. I say enough, we have our own gods who sprang from our European people, blood, and soil, and who set far more worthy examples for us to emulate today and in the future.

    Furthermore you misunderstood, wilfully or not, the idea of retrenchment to Europe alone. This is not my first choice by any means, I too would wish to keep our gains in Siberia, portions of North America, Oceania and so forth. However a fallback position is prudent to keep as well. Keep in mind that we would have hundreds of millions of people of other than European origin to remove from Europe alone. Such a monumental task would be made easier by the return of hundreds of millions of people of European origin from outside Europe, or conversely more difficult by instead having to remove hundreds of millions more from lands Europeans gained in recent centuries.

    As for your proposed crusade to take for the millionth time your “holy land,” it is not worth one White European life, much less millions. My visit to this so called holy land played a great role in my rejection of Christianity and adoption of Slavic Paganism. It is a place of Jews, Arabs and other foul smelling, pushy, noisy, loud, unattractive people who resemble nothing so much as the goats, sheep and camels their ancestors herded, and which some of them still herd today. Millions more such people, Turks, Kurds, Armenians, Persians etc, squat in between Russia and Palestine. Please, let us be thankful for that distance, not seek to erase it.

    Likewise, you make a great error of calculation in the hypothetical return of ethnic Russians from Siberia to Europe. Indeed, there are far more Hajis in European Russia alone than there are ethnic Russians in Siberia. This would become immediately apparent to you if you yourself had undertaken the long commute from suburbs to center city of Moscow, as I did for over a year subsequent to my return to Russia after 35 years, on the trains and buses, before my work from home business generated enough income to render the long trips to center city largely unneeded. Looking at the vast and horrifying demographic change in those 35 years, staring it directly in it’s beady little eyes, it is quite easy to believe what I read, that Russians and all other people of European derivation are on track to be a minority in Russia by 2050 if not before, same as all other European ethnic groups in their own countries. Do you ignore such facts deliberately, or is it a position of privilege of having one of those hard to find apartment’s in the center city?

    And furthermore indeed, why posit that in the event we must give up Siberia that the Russian people from there must return so far as Moscow? Rather, the Urals region is natural home of mining, heavy manufacturing and industry. It could be the home of many expanded or even new cities, and military garrisons to guard our prospective new border.

    Now as for our new Czar, Putin need not father sons – daughter could do in a pinch, like in the day of Catherine Great – not only a woman, but a German herself, like the typical Romanoffs. Stalin was of Georgia, and on and on. In any case, Suverkin or Pogozhdin are among many who might be suitable to the task. And why not Donald Trump? Trump Tower Moscow could be revived, and perhaps a Celtic-Germanic Czar would make it easier to win other parts of Europe and perhaps even north America. Trump for Emperor of Russia! If he remains in the USA he may well be president again, but will certainly in any case feel the burning wrath of the deep state, swamp creatures, fake news media, Soros, and all who seek to put this great and good man behind bars based on lies and persecute him with fictions.

    In short, the imperial flag and sun wheel must fly over Russia. Let us proceed boldly into this bright and wonderful future.

  16. You mean Prigozhin, I take it. Well, that would be of a piece with the rest. I’ll agree about the imperial flag, and little else. You need Jesus. Your Slavic Paganism revival holds very little appeal to anyone who isn’t already in a penal colony, or whose career and life choices dictate arrival there in due time, or return there if already previously discharged. If the other 98% or so of us are slaves, perhaps you moved to the wrong country. Better luck in Antarctica perhaps? Novaya Zemlya?

  17. Maxim,

    Yes, thank you of course as always for the correction on Yevgeny Prigozhin’s name, which I unaccountably mangled somehow in my haste. I still maintain he would make a great Tsar, as would General Sergey Surovikin, whose name I equally dismally botched, the President of our mutual second home for the all too brief time when he made America great again before being unjustly usurped of his office in a Chinese Communist coup, Donald Trump, his heir Donald Trump Jr, our own amazing leader Vladimir Putin, and the would be Tsarina, his daughter Masha Vorontsova, among others.

    Aside from that, I found your most recent reply truly quite underwhelming and disappointing. You know as well as do I, you are easily capable of doing much better. So, please this time, do better!

    For starters, how can you have an imperial flag without an Emperor, and what good would such a beheaded body, an Emperor’s clothes with no Emperor to fit, possibly serve? And naturally, you have no explanation for why I need, or why any self respecting man should kneel to, a hashish head effeminate Jew rabbi who was likely a homosexual or virginal eunuch, taught surrender to enemies, and died a suicide by cop? Riddle me that, if you would please.

    Perhaps, to your point regarding penal colonies, those who are there or working their way up to it are most keenly aware and closely beset by the ongoing rape of our motherland by the invading dark alien hordes, much unlike those (like you?) who can afford college education abroad and center city apartments. It is they who have to deal with Hajis in their very own apartment blocks and markets, taking their jobs and women, threatening and stabbing them with their blades, killing their own family members. They can far less abide or tolerate a Jewish originated religion of love and cheek spreading for enemies, which is a cruel joke on our people by those who despise and envy us most of all. In truth, you are no better, and perhaps even more depraved than the terrorist savages who copulate with herd animals, worship an Arabian moon rock, and rightly keep the ugliness of their women hidden out of deep and well deserved shame and embarrassment.

    As for your majoritarian (Bolshevik) claim, what are you thinking? The truth is still the truth, no matter how many people are deceived by a lie. No numbers can ever add up to rightness or righteousness. I’d rather be the last man standing for our Slavic Gods and blood and soil, than to be yet another herd animal shepherded by a doped up homosexual Jew rabbi suicide.

    I moved to the right country, make no mistake. Being once again out in the nature of our countryside, I once again breathe fresh air and feel myself rooted in the soil as I never once could in 35 years, over half my life so far, in the United States. The blood of my ancestors washed these rocks, their bones are buried beneath them, and mine will be as well. Gods willing I will die defending them in victorious battle.

    Perhaps, it is you and your fellow dead end vassals of a drug weakened effeminate dead Jew rabbi who rightfully ought to be exiled to the wastes of Antarctica. There you can sink along with the icebergs, penguins, and their poop.

    What have you to say to that, Max?

  18. Victor Vasilyevich was born in Siberia, part of the former USSR in 1972 and the USA is reminding him more of the country his parents took him out of every day. Growing up in the epicenter of the 1980s crack cocaine explosion in NYC, Victor got caught up in the available business ventures and saw some of his friends die, and then became an activist against the drug war. Through his involvement in the drug peace movement, and college studies in free market environmentalism, he became interested in libertarianism, and abandoned the Democrats after they picked the military-industrial-corporate-statist DLCer and drug warrior hypocrite Bill Clinton as their nominee in 1992, thus finally disproving the idea that 1960s radicals were merely infiltrating the establishment in order to change it. Victor became an LP member in 1995 and a life member in 2000, and has occasionally been on the executive committee of the Alabama LP. Since 1998, he has traveled the country as a professional activist. Between that and his earlier travels in the import-export business as a teenager, he has been to 49 US states and about 20 countries, and lived in a number of them. As a life long entrepreneur, he has also started hundreds of businesses in a wide variety of fields. Victor recently worked on the Steve Kubby for President campaign, has been an active member of the Libertarian Party Radical Caucus, an advisory board member of Liberty Consulting, and hopes to start a new national College Libertarian Organizing Committee. He is an Anti-war, true leftist, anarchist, left libertarian, agorist, (r)evolutionary. Victor currently also blogs at Next Free Voice and occassionally at ideas from free minds.

  19. Knower of nothing

    You are a liar. You have been told repeatedly none of this is true. You are not a good liar or good writer.

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