New California Registration Data

On March 17, the California Secretary of State released new registration data. This is the last tally California will produce until January 2024. Here is the data. Relative to the last tally in October 2022, all the qualified parties gained slightly in registration, except for the Republican Party. The Common Sense Party, which is not ballot-qualified, declined. The percentage of voters who are independents declined.

The percentages are: Democratic 46.89%; Republican 23.83%; American Independent 3.61%; Libertarian 1.07%; Peace & Freedom .57%; Green .442; independent, miscellaneous and unknown 23.60%.

The percentages in October 2022 were: Democratic 46.87%; Republican 23.85%; American Independent 3.54%; Libertarian 1.05%; Peace & Freedom .56%; Green .439%; independent, miscellaneous and unknown 23.69%.

The Common Sense Party has 24,454 registrants; in October 2022 it had 25,715.


New California Registration Data — 8 Comments

  1. I am surprised by how small the Green Party’s registration is. Didn’t it used to be much higher in California?

  2. The Common Sense Party did paid voter registration drives in California to try to get on the ballot for 2020 and 2022, and they failed both times. They lost a lot of these registrations because a lot of the people hired to gather voter registrations used deceptive tactics to “slam” people into registering under the Common Sense Party banner. After a lot of people found out that they had been tricked into registering under the Common Sense Party banner they switched their voter registration to something else.

  3. Green’s used to be above 160,000 in California. There are only 11 states in which the Greens have more registrations now than in 2004.

    In 2008 the GP had more voter registrations nationally than did the LP. This year LP is on track to have more voter registrations just in California than the GP does nationally. That’s a pretty strong rebuke of the direction in which the GP has chosen to travel in recent years. 2012 and 2016 Presidential candidate Jill Stein said that Fidel Castro was “a symbol of the struggle for justice in the shadow of empire”, while her 2016 VP running mate, Ajamu Baraka, said that the assertion that Cuba, Venezuela, and North Korea had dictators was just propaganda for liberal, white saviorism, and that, actually, countries like North Korea had free health care and free or affordable housing. That was followed by Baraka claiming “China has exposed what can be accomplished with central planning and a rational allocation of the people’s resources to address human needs.” I like to assume he was referring to China’s organ harvesting from political prisoners.

    There is a reason the only 3rd party to set party records in 2016 was the Libertarians.

  4. Jim said:

    . That was followed by Baraka claiming “China has exposed what can be accomplished with central planning and a rational allocation of the people’s resources to address human needs.” I like to assume he was referring to China’s organ harvesting from political prisoners.

    Recycling at its best.

  5. Peak for Elephants in 1960s ??? Reagan era ???

    How soon before Red Chinese majority ??? – overt or covert

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