Three Oregon State Senators Appear to be Barred from Running for Re-Election Under New Provision

Last year, the voters of Oregon passed a ballot measure, providing that if a state legislators misses as many as ten sessions of a legislative session, that legislator is barred from running for re-election.

Three Oregon State Senators have now missed ten sessions, so they apparently can’t file for re-election. They are Republicans Dennis Linthicum and Daniel Bonham, and Independent Party Senator Brian Boquist. Boquist had been re-elected as a Republican in 2020 to a four-year term. In 2021 he had switched his registration from Republican to the Independent Party.

Many Republican legislators in Oregon have been boycotting some days of the session, to protest the likelihood that certain bills with Democratic support are passing, even over the intense opposition of most Oregon Republican legislators.


Three Oregon State Senators Appear to be Barred from Running for Re-Election Under New Provision — 34 Comments






  2. More states should pass similiar legislation. If you’re not going to show up and do the work of representing your constituents in the legislature then you should be prevented from continuing to serve in the legislative body. That’s common sense legislation.

  3. The idiot who thinks TRUMP is just like Hitler thinks everyone here is his students? That would be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic. While it’s true that there are plenty of commies around Portland, Salem, and Eugene, there are plenty of people who don’t like commies and communism whatsoever in those areas.

    As for the majority in rural Oregon, what is the evidence that they trend fascist? From everything I’ve seen, they tend to be great, hard working, patriotic, freedom loving folks who mostly just want government to leave them alone, quit taxing and regulating them to death, quit pushing a woke agenda down their throats, quit messing with their kids, quit importing dangerous criminals into the country while letting all kinds of criminals roam free while attacking law enforcement officers, quit threatening their means of self defense against both criminals and the threat of tyranny, quit selling out to Red China, quit shipping jobs overseas, and so on. That’s far from being fascists. If you think they are fascist, please explain how you define fascism and what makes them fascist.

    Oh wait, never mind. You’re the incredibly moronic troll who thinks Trump is just like Hitler. You obviously have absolutely not the first clue about what fascism is or what fascists believe. The mish mosh mess that must exist up in your head is not remotely worth the effort of trying to untangle.

  4. I disagree with jbf above. Boycotting certain votes is a legitimate form of representation of constituents, and if the constituents disagree, they are the better body to pass judgement at the next election, vis a vis top down votes from outside those local districts limiting their choice of representation.

    I have a set of proposals which would render all of these games moot, but within the context of your present system of government there are still lesser and greater evils, and this top down interference in local selection of representation is a greater evil, comparatively.

  5. Pat is correct. During my time as a student in your country, and on my many subsequent visits, I had occasion to spend a not insignificant amounts of time in conservative rural and small town areas, and in liberal urban enclaves as well. This included various parts of Oregon. Of the two, the woke liberal areas much more closely approximated both communism, which I lived under the boot of as a young man, and fascism, which I’ve studied extensively both formally academically and through my own independent studies of various forms of government.

    Az is, as usual, at best woefully ignorant, and at worst purposely engaged in big lie propaganda techniques, in his erroneous contention that conservative parts of Oregon are fascist, or that conservative Oregonians are more fascist than leftard Oregonians. It is, in fact, the other way around. The same goes true for every one of your other states.

  6. They can’t be declared write-in candidates. The law is not a ballot access restriction; it is a qualification. Also Colorado only counts write-in votes for declared write-in candidates, and they won’t be permitted to file as declared write-in candidates.

  7. True. AZ LOVES Big Lies such as equating Trump to Hitler and falsely perpetuating the common misconception that nAZis and fascists were and are left wing. He couldn’t care less how often those lies are called out and shredded with facts and logic.

  8. Az also could not care less that equating TRUMP to Hitler is horribly offensive to holocaust survivors and their friends and family, or that crying wolf about a Hitler where there is none makes it that much easier for a real Hitler to come to power because people will be lulled into ignoring the warnings after all the false alarms. Or maybe he does care, and that’s why he keeps doing it. Probably the second one, since it keeps getting pointed out to him, and yet he keeps doing it.

  9. Good points, guys. I’m reluctantly forced to conclude that Az is a clueless preschool troll moron.

  10. That would be great, except that it would require the approval of the commie red donkey Oregon legislature, so it’s not likely to actually happen any time in the foreseeable future. I think it would also require the approval of the commie red donkey Oregon bulldyke governess, or a veto override. Then it may need (supermajority?) approval from the US Congress, especially if the dementia ridden and corrupt puppet in chief doesn’t approve. So, good luck with all that, even if only the first part is true.

  11. I understand the motives behind Greater Idaho. However, as a general rule, units of government which are smaller in land area and especially far more so smaller in population are better than the other way around. Areas where people live further from each other are as a general rule also better, counter to smaller land mass being better, but it makes it harder to physically hold government accountable when it requires more significant travel time, and when interaction between those governing in their various nongovernmental capacities and those they govern is reduced due to physical distance.

    On the other hand, modern communication and transportation technology reduces the downsides of physical distance, albeit imperfectly. The downsides of excessive physical proximity are however in no way mitigated by recent technological innovations, aside from the indoor toilet and noise cancelling headphones. I suppose I should include the internal combustion engine, as horse feces was a significant quality of life problem in urban areas before its use became predominant over the more traditional equine mode of transportation. Overall, modern technology ranging from stereo speakers to increasingly ubiquitous espionage technology, both government and private, has made urban living even worse. Animal experiments confirm that both excessive isolation and excessive crowding can be psychologically detrimental.

    More importantly, large population makes government worse by removing many forms of accountability. In my proposal, I’ve envisioned governments of approximately around 100,000 people, of whom about 100 would be voters/civic leaders, and perhaps 10 would be annually elected peace officers, ideally part time. They would serve as responding officers, judge, jury, and executioner, but would only rarely be called as a means of last resort to address serious crimes and otherwise intractable disputes, with more minor transgressions and less unsolvable disagreements addressed by the patriarch within the household, church counseling, voluntary part time neighborhood watch, private arbitration firms, businesses council meetings, and other voluntary / nongovernmental means.

    I’d like to get these government units down even smaller, but I think a fairly comprehensive set of voter qualification criteria is important, with the underlying principle that voters should be qualified to serve in a peace officer role approximately covering the duties of law enforcement officer, judge, executioner, and conflict mediator, and should also have experience or current service in national defense military and the ability to so serve again in the event of foreign attack, as well as ongoing volunteer service in civil defense / militia / neighborhood watch. It seems to me that it would be hard for more than one in a thousand humans to qualify under my voter criteria, all of which I can provide rationale for, and that units with significantly less than a hundred voters get too close to a junta type of tyranny.

  12. The PR provision may be permissive, and it may or may not be enforced, but calling anyone who equates Trump to Hitler a potato is an insult to actual potatoes.

  13. I’m fortunate enough to have three residences, a Moscow center city apartment, a summer dacha I purchased on my ancestral lands in a rural part of Moscow region which were stolen by the communist scum, and a winter dacha I recently acquired just outside Sochi, after selling one I had for a few years in Crimea. I also take a lot of business and vacation trips abroad.

    The Moscow apartment is best for getting to business meetings outside of the internet meeting pestilence, and for many cultural and social purposes. The winter dacha is essential for escape, especially after winter has worn on for some months. I must admit that overall the summer dacha is my favorite of the three, but perhaps only because there are the two others. The trips abroad are very educational, as are my conversations with foreigners living in or visiting Moscow, and I enjoyed my years studying and working in the US and UK.

    But overall, I would not want to live anywhere except Russia or perhaps Belarus long term. It’s important to me that my children, grandchildren, and eventually their children and grandchildren remain rooted in my ancestral soil and culture. Rootless cosmopolitanism in all its aspects is one of the world’s greatest evils.

  14. Lest I be accused of excessive hypocrisy, let me be the first to admit that I would no longer qualify as a voter under my proposal, although I think I would have for several decades. That is, I am no longer in physical shape for military or law enforcement duties due to the ravages of age. I’m ok with that, because it’s highly detrimental for too many people to qualify to vote. Voting should be highly selective and elite.

    It should also be fairly unimportant in most people’s lives, as should be all of government as a whole; ideally, few people would pay it any attention at all outside of election night and perhaps the following morning, if even then, and would rarely if ever encounter peace officers in their official capacity. As mentioned elsewhere, there would be no other government except military and law enforcement. If government plays an important role in a lot of people’s lives, you have an unhealthy government and society. I’m not convinced by anarchist arguments that it can safely be dispensed with entirely, but I would like to get a lot closer to that than any government currently in existence.

  15. MAXZIM-







  17. I’ve seen it, as previously mentioned, and it informed my proposals to try to improve on subsequent results. I’ve explained why I propose each of the reforms I propose, and have answered objections as to possible defects. That doesn’t mean my proposal is perfect by any means. You’ve been one of the few to offer a non trivial question, as to what would happen in case of major future population growth (or, I suppose, decline). I think population will likely become much more stable in the future, with a lot less moving around under my proposals, but it’s still a question I don’t have a great answer for.

    Otherwise, repeating the same objections I already addressed ad nauseum, claiming without evidence that I argue in bad faith, disparaging my intelligence contrary to standardized testing and the opinion of thousands of other people I have interacted with in various ways in the course of my life, including those who know me well in person, childish name calling, not answering questions on your part, condescension, and the rest of the shopworn Az bag of tricks isn’t helpful in improving the proposal, or even in discovering any over all fatal defect it might have.

    While no system of government is perfect, and I’ve never claimed my proposed one would or could be, overall small regimes have done better than large ones, historically. I’ve explained why I think government being largely unimportant in people’s day to day lives and various other factors would mitigate against any possible abuse of power, including removing a great deal of the temptation to create strong factions. Having a small set of written laws which are extremely difficult to change also mitigates against abuse of power. Knowing exactly who to blame and easily being able to replace them every year or even more often in the case of individual abuse of authority is another such factor.

    In general, catastrophizing everything and ignoring questions and concerns about the possible weakness of your own proposals is not a helpful attitude. Your condescending attitude would ideally lead to you being ignored, other than as several people have pointed out the necessary of warning others of the offensive and dangerous nature of some of your most absurd claims, such as equating President Trump to Adolf Hitler.

    You can read the Bible for yourself, as can I. If you have something to say, then say it. I’m not doing the work for you, and contrary to your repeated lies, I’m not advocating hereditary monarchy, or indeed monarchy of any kind.

    Male relatives are indeed part of extended family, as are female relatives. Again, your point is obscure, but so what? You’re the guy who says TRUMP is just like Hitler.

    Oligarchy is an element of my proposal, but not an absolute or unmitigated oligarchy. It’s part of a balance or separation of powers with various types of power counterbalancing each other. Part of its function is to mitigate against overly rapid changes, which have proven to be disastrous far more often than not in the last century or two or three, which is not at all to say that anything was perfect or anywhere close to it before that.

    Tradition should play a much larger role, but not an absolute or completely unmitigated one. A lot of plans may sound great in theory, but be disasters in reality. Communism, feminism, secularism, and race mixing are just a few of the many examples. Democracy is certainly another one. Changes should be introduced slowly and cautiously to test over several generations for real world results. Doubling down on failed theories such as Marxism has been the greatest man made catastrophy in actual world history, even as bad as the downsides of suffocating tradition and long standing yoke of hereditary tyranny have at times been. Similarly, coddling criminals has been far worse than police abuse of power, even though the latter indisputably does in fact happen.

  18. I’ve had no negative interactions with any “secret police.” There’s a lot of nonsense propaganda in the US about Russia these days. You should try visiting for yourself to see whether the BS you are being spoon fed in any way resembles reality. I participate in some Russian political forums, including robust criticism of defense strategy among other things.

    Until very recent change of leadership I was active in an opposition party, LDPR, and had no negative consequences for such involvement for myself or anyone I knew, or for that matter those I know who have remained involved in LDPR under Slutsky. I myself switched to United Russia after Zhirinovsky passed away last year.

    No one I know has reported any harassment by “secret police” except for a few rather obvious foreign agents and lifelong troublemakers who substitute attention seeking for any other type of ambition, usually because of lack of success in any other parts of their life, severe mental problems, or most often both. I don’t generally associate with such people, but a few are somewhat unavoidable, due to close residential proximity, familial ties (thankfully none very close), etc.

    Even such people are not generally subjected to any “secret police,” contrary to your imagination. They are sometimes arrested by completely obvious public riot police for causing public disturbances, or by ordinary municipal police for defying libel and slander verdicts, narcotics or public morals laws, etc. As in your contrary, this some times involves secrecy which is required for normal police investigations. There is nothing sinister in this as you imply, and it is nothing whatsoever like Soviet times, which I remember well.

    But then, the spurious accusations of “secret police” are coming from a guy who says Trump is just like Hitler, among other things. Just ask all the millions of people who died in concentration camps in the United States and the dozens of countries it invaded and occupied from 2017 to 2021, following many decades of peaceful coexistence with the rest of the world, and followed by a golden age of peace and prosperity under wise old Biden. Oh wait, none of that actually happened. So much for AZ and any credibility he may have ever wished to have.

  19. Correcting typo in my last comment above, next to last paragraph, as in your contrary was meant to be as in your country.

  20. To be completely fair, while AZ is indeed a target rich environment, it feels unnecessarily cruel to point out his relentless nonsense. It’s kind of like beating a dementia patient at chess. After a short time, it’s more interesting to see if he can ever actually win, without too blatantly just letting him do it.

    But winning is not even my objective here. I’d like to refine a series of proposals for the least bad possible system of government. So far, this forum has been quite disappointing in that regard. I’ve asked before but may as well keep asking: does anyone here know of any better venue for that, if possible primarily in English or Russian language?

    If need be, other languages will do; free internet translation programs have improved to the point that it’s now quite feasible to meaningfully communicate in writing in languages in which one is less than fluent, particularly if patient enough to clear up occasional miscommunication, and I sometimes do so for business reasons, and less frequently for various hobbies.

    I don’t like so called social media; I do maintain a couple of VK accounts, one strictly business and one for trivial communication with younger family members who seem to avoid any other form of contact like it might be some deadly contagious disease, but never spend much time or post anything serious there. I generally hold “social media” in low regard. Any other type of internet forum would be of more interest, particularly if it doesn’t require downloading any new app.

    Meanwhile, while I’m still here for lack of a better place I know of to discuss one of my current hobbyhorses, let’s try someone else, as AZ is, shall we say, too predictable. Above BDLU expresses strong preference for Hitler over Trump.

    BDLU, or anyone else here who agrees with him if anyone does:

    What do you think was so great about Hitler? Do you think he got much if anything wrong, and if so, what should he have done better? Do you believe he was just unlucky? Why do you admire him, if indeed you do? Do you believe he has been unfairly maligned by historians, and if so, why?

    What do you think is so terrible about Trump? Do you believe it’s possible for him to do better if he wins another term, and if so, how, and what are the chances?

    Do you think it would be better, worse, or the same if Biden or Harris or some other Democrat wins? If DeSantis or Haley or some other Republican wins? If No Lubels somehow manages to sneak in?

    Or, do you believe that only a national socialist would save the United States? In what time frame do you see that as plausible? Do you see it happening through elections, violent overthrow of the government, or some other way?

    Please note that those questions are only for bdlu and anyone else who might agree with him that Trump is literally worse than Hitler.

  21. Max, Max, Max! For shame! Where to begin? How about at the top? As politically incorrect as it maybe, White rural Americans have more than a modicum of racial consciousness. Believe me, I’ve spent time in rural Florida and Arizona, and after a few rounds of Russian vodka and local firewater of choice, candid conversation about race and nation, blood and honor, and conquest and defeat is not hard to come by. Whether you like it or not, there’s a space where conservatism and national socialism have a productive meeting ground, despite the obvious differences.

    Next, you equivocate in a performance worthy of Hamlet over the ideal proximity to neighbors. What are you going to do about it, centrally plan housing density? Ban multistory or multifamily housing completely? People will live where they’re going to live, some more densely than others. Perhaps you haven’t outgrown communist thought as taught in grade school quite as much as your foreign university education makes you think you have?

    Your central planner instincts are further exposed by your nitpicking over the details of your proposal and clucking like the mother hen about some stitch or another. Who cares? It’s a mental exercise at best, and a hypocritical one, given what you say elsewhere about ideal pace of change. The biggest thing you overlook in your comprehensive opus is how we get from here to there. Isn’t that blindingly obvious??

    Next, you brag about your little lordly wealth and cosmopolitanism, and I think about your noble blue blood, or did I misunderstand? I am after all a simple Russian man, of common peasant stock. My ancestors may have been your ancestor’s serfs.

    I know you won’t answer but I’ll ask anyway; what exactly did you do to regain your ancestral wealth, or at least such measure of it as you have? Did it involve special favors, and what favors did you provide on return? Did you have to fleece very many people or very often? Perhaps a bit of yellow in your blue blood? Did it cause you to neglect other duties, such as to family and nation, a great deal? There are unfortunate facts about our new capitalism, of which you are no doubt more aware than am I.

    It sounds like some of it at least involves international commerce; any divided loyalties to declare? In business, honesty is rarely the best policy, and even if you never told a lie, there’s the accumulation of wealth itself. What would your dope addled suicidal Jew rabbi god say?

    Perhaps out of class solidarity and against national, ethnic, or racial pride, you wistfully pine after near anarchy. Be careful what you wish for, as we may yet live to see it. I doubt it will be anywhere as peaceful as you seem to think. Somalia in recent decades comes to mind, and other places around the world historically. In any case, isn’t this bit of hyperatlanticism rather odd in a supposedly dedicated Eurasianist?

    LDPR? LMAO! Didn’t you know Zhirinovsky party was a KGB/FSB operation from start to present day? Well, probably you did. If I may be so bold to ask, if you were old enough to have one, and before you somehow found a path to be the little lord your ancestry commanded you to be, what was your job in Soviet times?

    And just to be clear, you do fully buy in to the mainstream version of German concentration camp deaths? And with that, we are now free to discuss the relative merits of Trump and Hitler. I’m not an unqualified fan or detractor of either of them,but more about that and replied to your questions later.

  22. Taking your questions in order:

    Hitler took a defeated, disgraced, humiliated and impoverished nation and made it great again. He performed an economic miracle, restored national pride, cleaned up the infamous Weimar moral rot, set Germany’s enemies back on their heels, stood up to the Bolshevik thugs and Jewish capitalists alike, restored military might, took back stripped lands, liberated oppressed ethnic Germans in nearby nations, united Germany and his native Austria (the eastern Reich in German), and proceeded to liberate and unite almost all of Europe under German leadership.

    As he admitted himself, he should have put much more emphasis on a tactical alliance with Arabs and Muslims. He underestimated the resilience of the Russian people. Had he flanked us from the South with a Haji invasion and done more to encourage Japanese invasion in the east he may have stood more of a fighting chance against Stalin, but ultimately I believe it is the destiny of Russia to always prevail, even if we have to for a time suffer under a foreign yoke.

    Historians have maligned him unfairly as evil impersonified. I think he had a mixed record given his ultimate defeat, but I believe he was never ill intentioned, and deserves just as much credit for his earlier successes as he does blame for his ultimate downfall. Stalin was much closer to pure evil than Hitler ever was. Hitler just fought fire with fire.

    I don’t think there’s anything terrible about Trump. During the end of my 35 years in the US I voted for and supported Trump in the primaries and general elections of 2016 and 2020. If I still lived there, he would be my choice for 2024.

    He didn’t accomplish as much as Hitler did in his first four years, but he was never given nearly as free a hand, and I believe the best by far is yet to come when he is back in office. I’m very optimistic for Trump’s second term, and perhaps even a constitutional change or emergency that might grant him a third. As we discussed before, I have become a monarchist, and I can’t think of any family in America more suited to the throne than the Trumps.

    I believe great disaster awaits America and the rest of the world if Trump is not back in his legitimate office that is currently stolen from him by the dementia ridden corrupt usurper in chief and his Chinese puppeteers by 2025, but I believe this disaster will be averted because Trump will win in a historic landslide that the communist Democrats and communist Chinamen won’t be able to cheat their way out of. I believe that Trump will save America again and make her great again and again, and that she will be grateful and reward him and his progeny for doing so.

    Ultimately, I do believe we need White national socialist revolution and monarchy, and I believe Trump secretly agrees with me. He is playing the long game, but I believe it’s his ultimate objective, that he will ultimately achieve it, and that United with Putin and Russia, America under Trump will save the world from European and Chinese globalists, Islamic jihadist caliphate, Jewish supremacy, and population replacement / White genocide.

    I see all of this playing out in a 10 year time frame. The biggest battle will still lie ahead however. Your Jewish Christianity is the Achilles heel of all European and European based people everywhere. Ripping it out by its roots will be harder than defeating any external enemy, and it will be a long and arduous struggle, but I do believe that ultimately European paganism will prevail.

  23. Now that Fox News is firmly without any doubt left in the establishment leftist fake news camp, AZ has belatedly been cleared by his handlers to link to them. He usually goes full retard with CNN and the like. This guy may or may not be like BDLU in thinking Trump is actually worse than Hitler, but he left no doubt he believes Trump is equally bad. What a maroon! Who could take him seriously after a whopper of that magnitude????

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