US is rated a “Flawed Democracy” for the 7th Consecutive Year

The Economist magazine’s Economist Intelligence Unit (“EIU”) has issued its Democracy Index 2022 report, which it does annually. For the seventh consecutive year, the United States has been rated as a “Flawed Democracy,” ranked 30th among all nations, down from 26th in the 2021 report.

In this report, nations are rated on a ten point scale, with “Full Democracies” earning a score between 8 and 10, and “Flawed Democracies” scoring between 6 and 8. The US Overall Score was 7.85.

“Hybrid Regimes” were nations that earned an Overall Score between 4 and 6. A score below 4 meant the nation has an Authoritarian Regime.

Each democracy’s Overall Score was an average of scores in five subcategories: Electoral Process & Pluralism, Functioning of Government, Political Participation, Political Culture and Civil Liberties. Within each of the five subcategories, there were between 8 and 17 fairly objective questions, each of which required a “Yes” or “No” or “In Between” answer.

The US’ lowest subcategory scores were 6.43 on Functioning of Government and 6.25 on Political Culture.

The report has an interesting and in-depth analysis of Russia’s inability to develop into a functioning democracy after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and how that led to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War.

Here is the report:





US is rated a “Flawed Democracy” for the 7th Consecutive Year — 4 Comments





  2. They’re still being far too generous with that rating, given all the laws and stacked boards of election/judiciaries which often work to keep opposition parties off the ballot. I mean, they gave our country a 9.17 in “democratic Process and Pluralism”! It’s like they saw the existence of the Democratic and Republican Parties and didn’t bother looking any further than that. In fact, that’s probably what they did, since they seem to have spent most of their time discussing the Russia-Ukraine war.

    I’d put us as a “hybrid regime”, as we’re not a full blown totalitarian one-party state, but we’re nowhere close to being a country that has free and fair multiparty elections.

  3. This implies that perfect democracy would be a good thing? Globalist claptrap. Pure democracy would be mob rule and communism.

    Lazy people would vote themselves the proceeds of less lazy people working harder, and more and more hard working people would join the ranks of lazy parasites as they see the rewards of their hard work confiscated more and more. Over time fewer and fewer people would support larger numbers of parasite leeches and productive wealth creators as well as less productive heirs would flee the country, hide their assets, blow their money, and or join the ranks of the broke, envious, ignorant, and venal. The ranks of impoverished third world immigrants, the children of dysfunctional jobless parents with nothing better to do than mindlessly reproduce without means of support for themselves or kids, and rampant vote fraud would guarantee the acceleration of the conversion of free nations to totalitarianism on the installment plan, dumbing down the kids would get worse with each passing year, and civilization would go into the dustbin of history as an ignorant, impoverished, dumbed down, multiculti tower of babel mud race would live in total totalitarian slavery to a satanic global government with yet unimaginable powers to constantly surveil and brainwash everyone and no hope remaining for human freedom or greatness anywhere.

    Partial democracy is better than “perfect” democracy. It puts more speed bumps in the way of the decline and fall of European based Christian civilization. It buys us a little more time to fight back against globalist totalitarianism and communist fascism. It gives us hope without which we are literally as well as figuratively cooked. Remember, Soylent green is people, and better dead than red. Joe McCarthy was right!

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