
Former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan Says No Labels Likely to Run Presidential Ticket if Biden & Trump are Their Parties’ Nominees — 20 Comments

  1. Sounds like the Democrats are going to say any No Labels effort will just benefit Trump.

  2. Sadly, a lot of people will buy into No Labels because they think neoliberal Democrats are sekrut Commies

  3. Seems highly unlikely given the amount of water in the Pacific and distance from Japan to the US. You’d have significantly more exposure from a single medical/dental xray.

  4. That’s sort of a cop out remark when Democrats start whining about a minor political party running. That means they have no confidence in their candidates or positions. They want no competition or criticism or debates. What ever happened to “We need minor parties running for Democracy” and “Freedom of choice first”? You don’t hear Republicans boo-hooing when conservative minor parties (Constitution Party) run a candidate. At least, I never have.

  5. I have. They usually blame Perot for Clinton winning, even though Bush consistently lost in the polls, including while Perot dropped out before dropping back in, and Perot voters had Clinton as a second choice as often as they had Bush in exit polls. Bush lost because the economy sucked, not because of Perot. Same reason that Biden will lose next year. Yet the myth persists it was because of Perot.

  6. I remember when Ross Perot ran. My wife voted for him. I’m starting to think the major parties would be afraid of another Perot running because Perot had some good ideas and his competition had to get on the ball. That’s what they don’t like. The spotlight on their failed policies especially the dumb-dumb that’s in office now. He was a lousy Senator when I lived in Delaware and a lousier President. I still believe the corrupt System wants Biden to win in 2024 because if he doesn’t they realize no one will vote for Harris thereafter.

  7. No one will vote for her commie hooker ass any way. But you can’t cheat your way to a second illegitimate term when 80% and growing think the economy sucks, you and your family are corrupt, and you can’t finish a sentence or make it up or down a flight of stairs without stumbling without starting a revolution. There’s limits to everything. They can want all they want but even they are not omnipotent as the 2016 election proved.

  8. Here’s a good question? If Trump doesn’t run in 2024 who on the GOP side is qualified to run and win? GOPers should have a backup plan in case. Doesn’t hurt.

  9. Trump won in 2020. Trump will win in a massive landslide in 2024 that that the demon rats can’t cheat their way out of plausibly.

  10. All it takes is one bullet to knock Trump outta running. Believe me, its on its way. Watch and see. I know this system, plus he’s careless. P.S. I am not anti–Trump, but I call it like I see it. Kennedy will get one too if he starts to be a threat to Bidens renomination. Admit it, Biden has already won no mater what.

  11. Biden has already lost. 80% and climbing think economy sucks. Biden crime family follies will get more and more play for the next 15 month’s. Biden mental decline will get harder and harder to hide even temporarily. A candidate like that can’t win. Secret service will do their jobs and Don Jr is in the wings.

  12. “Biden has already lost. 80% and climbing think economy sucks. Biden crime family follies will get more and more play for the next 15 month’s. Biden mental decline will get harder and harder to hide even temporarily. A candidate like that can’t win. Secret service will do their jobs and Don Jr is in the wings.”

    That’s what people thought in 2020. Was that an illusion too? Duh!

  13. Biden was not the president in 2020 so he wasn’t blamed for what covid did to the economy. His mental incompetence was not as bad yet so it could be hidden, especially with him campaigning from the basement. It’s become much worse. His family corruption was just starting to come out and the story was suppressed. It’s way past that point now. This is not 2020. It won’t be close enough for them to cheat and steal without starting a revolution.

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