Louisiana Election Results

Louisiana elected its state officers on October 14. Here is a link to the election returns.

The lone Libertarian legislative candidate, Heide Alejandro-Smith, polled 9% in a three-person race, in the 90th House district.

The independent legislative candidate who did the best is Russ Wise in the 57th House district. He polled 16% in a field of eight candidates, placing third. There were also independent candidates in the 45th, 68th, and 85th House districts.

The Independent Party had two House candidates, in the 19th and 30th districts; and two State Senate candidates, in the 22nd and 37th districts. It also had gubernatorial and Lieutenant-gubernatorial candidates.

The state’s election returns show independent candidates with this designation: “(OTH)”. Independent Party candidates are labeled “INDEPENDENT.”

The Green Party is qualified in Louisiana, but it had no candidates for state office.


Louisiana Election Results — 14 Comments

  1. Never mind, you were talking about State House. I’ve been too busy celebrating the other Landry winning the Guv election.

  2. Nancy Landry (wife/relative of guv elect?) also looks like she’s leading for SOS, and independents trolled Landry by running a Lundry.

  3. 9% for the Libertarian candidate is pretty good. In some European countries they would have some seats in government and a voice . What a shame that America mouths off as a democratic country, but has some terrible ballot access laws, fraud in voting, and non-proportional representation, including a near two party tyranny that can’t get nothing none unless its giving away taxpayer money so freely to Jew Zelensky in Ukraine or the Jews in Israel.

  4. I know it might be unrealistic, but I honestly hope Russell Wise wins the runoff election on November 18th. Obviously I wish all the other candidates were able to get better numbers, but I am glad that the Libertarian was at least able to force a runoff in the 90th district.

  5. Parties that run one or no candidates are weak.

    Registered voters in Louisiana are 39% Democrat, 34% Republican, and 27% other.
    The lower state house was 31% Democrat, 68% Republican, and 1% other.

    Many voters are electing Republicans, but refuse to register with the party. In other words, they compromise when it comes time to vote. Or maybe they’re not voting, since turnout is pretty low. Either way, many of these people would totally vote for another strong party, if only it existed. Let’s see it, Louisiana.

  6. Only an absolute zero IQ Alzheimer’s Zealot could fail to detect when he/it is being mocked.



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