Law Professor Derek Muller Notes that Commission on Presidential Debates Seems Dormant

Law Professor Derek Muller writes for the ElectionLawBlog that the Commission on Presidential Debates, sponsor of the general election presidential election debates from 1988 through 2020, now seems dormant.


Law Professor Derek Muller Notes that Commission on Presidential Debates Seems Dormant — 8 Comments

  1. Just as well. The Commission is a blatant duopoly tool.

    In the bad old days, outside groups, like the League of Women Voters decided who would be invited to their debates.

  2. Good. If they’re too biased to consider the possibility of including relatively strong Independent and third party candidates, especially given the GOP’s current refusal to participate, they should just cease operating entirely and let the Free and Equal Elections Foundation take their place.

  3. What Walter said. It had been bought off before it became dormant.

    That said, I don’t get why no third-party candidate has borrowed a page from when Indian PM Narendra Modi launched his re-election campaign a few years ago, beaming himself around India via hologrmm.

    Beam yourself virtually into the debate stage and challenge whomever’s running them to try to block you.

  4. “Beam yourself virtually into the debate stage and challenge whomever’s running them to try to block you”

    Before you know it, candidates will be beaming themselves everywhere.

  5. @Socratic: I understand that a third-party candidate would only be able to beam their hologram into the debate by having set up projection equipment in the auditorium, which I can safely say the Commission and the other candidates would not allow.

  6. The commission is out of business. And Beijing Biden can’t stand up and fake being lucid long enough for a debate now, much less in 10 or 11 months. He will not be debating Trump. Maybe Trump and RFK Jr will debate.

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