
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Campaign Website Posts Map Showing Petitioning Progress — 26 Comments

  1. Looks like they are showing only 1 state (Utah) where they have formally finished the process. A long way to go to get to 50.

  2. I heard that the RFK J. campaign finished their petition in Utah with all volunteer petition circulators, which required 1,000 valid signatures in 2 days.

    So far the RFK Jr. campaign is utilizing all volunteer petition circultors.

  3. @Richard Winger (or others), is there a list of states which only let a registered voter sign one petition per office? i.e. you can’t sign petitions for competing candidates

  4. I’d be interested to know where they are petitioning here in West Virginia since we don’t have any public fairs or festivals going on right now and daylight is limited to go door-to-door, weather permitting. Guerilla petitioning in parking lots? Been there, done that; rough work, especially for likely inexperienced volunteers. Haven’t seen anyone where I’m at.

  5. Maryland is going to be really tough since there is only space for five (5) signers per petition sheet and the circulator must sign the bottom of each and every one with full contact information and name of their first born. A flat 10,000 needed. No thanks!

  6. Andy, Jones is the person who posts as AZ here who useded to be Demo Rep. He is a troll moron.

    Santos is the Brazilian wax artist who was recently ejected from congress, and is currently making more money on Cameo recording personal messages than what he made as a congressman. He is the VP candidate on the Jones Santos ticket which is being put on the ballot in different states as the Retard Party and the 666 Troll Moron Party and different other names in different states.

    Can you find out more about how their doing in different states?

  7. Jeff Becker, you don’t have Christmas events in your whole entire state? Seems a bit hard to believe?

  8. Sure, we did have Christmas events earlier, but they’re all but finished with now. When did the RFK volunteers start? Were they at any? I went to two parades, a tree lighting, and saw the Capitol Christmas Tree twice on its way to DC (grown in WV) and never saw any of their volunteers petitioning.

  9. Plus, others on my team were at other Christmas events all around the state and nobody reported any rival petitioners. We’re actively petitioning for Marshall Wilson as the Constitution Party gubernatorial candidate for ’24. He already got close to 15,000 votes, almost double the ballot access requirement, when he ran as a write-in last time but our AG is both a fool and fearful of him (from when Marshall was an elected delegate) and wrongly advised our SOS to deny party access. Long story for another day. The point is, of the dozens of us petitioning around the state, nobody has seen anyone from RFK, Jr’s group.

  10. Door to door doesn’t have to be in daylight. Maybe West Virginia doesn’t have street lights or porch lights etc but I’m betting y’all do. You’d probably want to go door to door when folks are home from work. Whether you get natural sunlight during that time of evening or not.

    Some times of year you do, others you don’t. In some parts of Alaska you don’t get any “daylight” at all 6 months a year. Others are not as bad, but still close – this time of year, virtually no daylight (which reminds me – happy solstice, heathens).

  11. Petition in parking lots does not have to be guerrilla. Gas stations and dollar stores etc will give permission to roam their lot or even set up just outside the front door if you ask enough of them nicely and don’t look or smell like you just parachuted in from trench warfare in a crowded cow pasture during an inmate riot in a secure facility for the criminally insane.

    There’s government facilities of all sorts too – libraries, post offices, motor vehicles, public bloodsucking, and so on.

    Hospitals? Family gatherings? Workplaces, by employees thereof? There are numerous possible answers.





  13. Then either nobody would get on ballots or only establishment candidates would, which is why it’s not generally done that way.

    One voter forms don’t minimize fraud, if anything they only increase it. They don’t do anything except kill trees, take up space, and other bad things.

    They’re even worse than 5 signature forms.

    They’ve been tried in states like Florida and New Hampshire.

    Failed idea, no redeeming value whatsoever.

  14. Adam Cerini,

    Illinois and New Hampshire are the only states I know of which vigorously enforce such a rule, at least in recent years. In Texas, I’ve been told it’s legal to sign for one independent and one party, but have not heard of signatures actually being rejected for that reason.

    There are states which have unenforced ruled against it, or rules which could be read that way, or ones which were perhaps struck down or still on the books. Then there are challenge states where signatures could be challenged for a wide variety of sometimes unpredictable reasons.

    In fact, even states where the state election bureaucrats, or town or county and then state bureaucrats etc check signature validity with or without a challenge, could likewise face a challenge by lawsuit from proponents or opponents afterwards, depending on their ruling.

    With all these X factors, I’m not sure the answer to your question would be a mere simple list.

  15. I’ve heard they submitted the Jones Santos petition in Alabama. Except that they messed up and submitted it at a Wal-Mart in Lower Alabama, which is actually in Florida and not in Alabama at all.

  16. Jones Santos circulaters have been spotted in Burger King bathrooms from New Hampshure to Arkansas, Vegas and points in between. I’ve been told from multiple sources that they like to empty stalls of toilet, paper. Then when someone sits down and discovers too late that there is a paper shortage, they get passed the petition and crayon under the stall door from the next booth.

  17. Porcus,

    I ran into this phenomenon at a TA truck stop in Kentucky recently.

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