Vermont Secretary of State Releases List of Candidates who Qualified for Presidential Primary Ballots

On December 22, the Vermont Secretary of State released a list of candidates who qualified for the Democratic presidential primary, and the Republican presidential primary. There are six candidates on each ballot. Candidates qualified by submitting 500 signatures. The Secretary of State’s office issued a statement saying the office does not have the authority to adjudicate qualifications, and former President Donald Trump is on the Republican list. Thanks to William Stevenson for the link.


Vermont Secretary of State Releases List of Candidates who Qualified for Presidential Primary Ballots — 14 Comments

  1. Cenk Uygur, best known for being host of The Young Turks, is on the ballot in VT.
    The article says “Uygur’s name will not appear on the ballot in a number of other states, including neighboring New Hampshire, because he was not born in the United States, which would make his presidency unconstitutional. In Arkansas, for instance, the secretary of state listed that as a reason Uygur’s name would not appear on its ballot, the Associated Press reported.

    Bryan Mills, chief of staff of the Vermont secretary of state’s office, said the state “does not have legal authority or authorization to conduct inquiries into a candidate’s qualifications to serve in the office they are seeking.””

  2. Obama wasn’t born in the US either, he was born in Kenya like his father. And yet they let him be president for 8 years. Affirmative action hire.

  3. @DWP,

    In Texas, the person receiving a filing need not go beyond the four corners of the application to determine if a candidate is eligible.

    If Uyger swore on his application that he was eligible it might stop there.

    Or someone might show by government record that Uyger was not a natural born citizen.

    Arkansas, Texas, Vermont, and New Hampshire likely have different laws in this regard.

  4. I actually meant 1988. It was an interesting year. My good friend David Duke ran for President. He could have done better, but there were a lot of other good candidates running that year, like Pete DuPont and Pat Robertson in the primary and Ron Paul in the general.

    1488 was also an interesting year. Jews were kicked out of Wurzburg in Germany as well as Parma in Italy. Dias of Portugal became the first known European to travel as far south as he did, rounding Africa to enter the Indian ocean. That’s all I’m remembering of my reading about that year without looking it up.

    I did look up the code section you suggested and it said 1000. I did not check to see how recently the source was updated, and did not look up Vermont in the search box here to see whether there were any articles about the law changing.

  5. I started writing in Trump in 1988 and did so in every election until he was actually on the ballot. I’ve continued to vote for him since then, and will keep doing so.

    Donald John Trump can refer to Sr, Jr, III and possibly future generations, so even if the dumb 22nd amendment is not repealed, it will not be an ineligible write in vote even after Trump Sr finishes his second term.

  6. @nn88,

    The statutes on the Vermont legislature website are said to reflect the 2023 legislative changes.

    The amendments to 17 V.S.A. $ 2702 in 2011 and 2017 modified the filing deadline; that in 2013 modified the disposition of the filing fee.

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