North Carolina Voter Files Lawsuit in State Court to Remove Former President Donald Trump from Primary Ballot

On December 29, a North Carolina Republican voter filed a lawsuit in Wake County Superior Court, to remove former President Donald Trump from the Republican presidential primary ballot.


North Carolina Voter Files Lawsuit in State Court to Remove Former President Donald Trump from Primary Ballot — 28 Comments

  1. Didn’t NC already rule against this, or am I remembering wrong? How many different lawsuits would they have to entertain about the exact same thing ??

  2. I have the same questions as uncle Pig Farmer. But it will all work out in the end and Trump will win and save America because Jesus is in charge.

  3. Challenging crooked Joe in courts would be a waste Of time .. The courts are crooked too, and he’ll lose any way. Which will be better that way any way.

  4. Ps if I’m not mistaken the prior nc ruling was a bureaucrats board, not a lawsuite.

  5. No doubt, but after TRUMP is sworn in again after winning an election, and a fair trial, by which time he’ll probably be dead of old age or comatose, so what’s the point?

    It doesn’t matter since the biased courts won’t take him off anyway and this time he won’t be within plausible cheating range without starting a revolution. Either way Trump wins.

    Always remember, the Lord is in charge.

  6. Rape is a barbaric punishment for anything, even treason. Shoot traitors or hang them after a trial. Only sick psychos like my ex and jihadists consider judicially ordered rape to be ok.

    Take it from a 20 year abusive relationship survivor.

  7. Ex,

    Please seek psychiatric help. Whoever abused you, it predated our relationship.
    All activities between us were 100% with your consent. Try to get criminal charges filed if you think you can prove otherwise. What you or I claim makes no difference. What the judge says does.

    Anyone else. Of course I’m not objective . Court awarded me custody. It usually goes to the mother. She is appealing the ruling. It’s not in my interests, but I’ve nevertheless advised her to talk to her lawyer before making any additional allegations.

    My political opinions are beside the point. If she wants to allege rape, abuse or anything like that it’s defamation, libel, slander, and prejudicial to the appeal.

    There is no child abuse here either. Everything has been discussed with both civil and criminal attorneys and I’m 100% within my legal rights.

    Again, talk to your attorney, minister, counseling, and get mental health help if you possibly can.

    Good luck with everything and please stop making up stories about me.

  8. No, unfortunately, B*** is right about one thing. My attorney advise me to shut my d***s***er at least until all legal avenues are completely exhausted.

    I apologize for any claims of alleged personal experience based expertise, although I am also not saying i lied about anything at all either.

    So, believe whatever you want about my former marriage, or believe nothing about it, it’s not like either of us gave our names.

    Striking any personal references from 2:09 pm, my point about judicially ordered rape, or about sadistically taking vicarious pleasure over illegal prison rape as a form of proxy for judicially ordered rape, being unfit for a civilized society, or for anyone who is not a scumbag. That point still stands.

    I don’t care if the crime is treason, serial murder, serial rape and torture – when we catch and convict people like that, we need to be better than they are. I’m not even against the death penalty. By all means, they deserve to die. Or lock them up and throw away the key.

    But ordering criminals to be raped, or taking joy in the fact that it happens in prisons illegally, is sick. Only a very sick society, or very sick, mentally twisted people wish that on anyone, no matter what they did to others.

    I said that the first time because someone above wishes for a traitor to be raped in prison. I mentioned someone else who also may have expressed the opinion that people who go to jail or prison deserve to be routinely raped as part of their punishment the whole time they are incarcerated.

    I apologize for anything which distracts from that and hope I was clear this time.

  9. Ex,

    So I take it you pay your legal fees the same way you afforded your drug habit after I restricted your access to our previous joint finances?

    My apologies for the low “blow.” Maybe your lawyer just likes colorful language. Maybe you’re legit dating (no longer my business, and if so, congratulations).

    In any case, people having political opinions are like strippers having g strings; everybody has one. Mine tend to be politically incorrect. I think that’s still my right in this country, last time I checked.

    I don’t know what is or isn’t ok to say in this particular forum, it is after all private property. And the idea of a public political issues debate with you is too surreal to take seriously. I’ll politely decline.

    Mumble my regards to your lawyer whenever you get a chance, LOL.

  10. I think the safest way to hint at my view on crime and punishment is obliquely. That is, examine animal kingdom norms, or human species norms outside of the very narrow geographic and historical window which hilariously calls itself the enlightenment.

    I think that self-description’s true only in such terms as the lights of an oncoming train in a tunnel, the fires of hell, or lucifer, the fallen angel of light. I know lots of other people who agree with me on that.

    So called enlightened progressives think our inevitable destiny is to soar ever higher in the direction of their light. In greek mythology, Icarus thought something similar, and if you don’t know or remember how that worked out for him, please look it up.

    I tend to see the evolution of public policy as more or less a cycle, roughly following such universal laws as “every action has an equal and opposite reaction” and “what goes up must come down.” Draw from that such conclusions as you think are fitting.



  12. Possibly none.

    Not near as many as innocent people saved because criminals are dead and not back out on the streets, in addition to other ways they victimize people, escapees, deterrent effect, cost of keeping them alive, etc, etc.

  13. The idea that nobody should be executed because somebody might conceivably be executed once in a blue moon and not be the actual murderer is one of the dumbest ever.

    How many innocent people are killed by criminals? How many are harmed in other ways? How many live in fear of crime? Effects of victimization? How much does that cost us as a society?

    Criminals are very hard to catch to begin with. They get away with the vast overwhelming majority of crimes. Then they get off on all sorts of technicalities or appeals. Some escape or get work release or furloughs and commit more crimes. Others figure out all sorts of ways to commit all sorts of other crimes while incarcerated.

    Criminals tend to have a very short time horizon. In order to be an effective deterrent, punishment needs to be extremely swift, extremely sure, and extremely severe. The neighbourhoods where organized crime bosses live are extremely safe. That’s because, being criminals themselves, they know how to deter crime. It’s not by coddling criminals.

  14. Prisons, if that continues to be the preferred method of punishment; there’s other ways that were historically more prevalent and likely to be better – need to be much less pleasant places to be effective deterrents.

    Criminals, in addition to heavily discounting their chances of being caught, which are very low for any given criminal act to begin with, have little reason to fear prison. For many of them, it’s better than whatever they have on the outside, as well as an environment they’re used to.

    They get guaranteed housing and plenty of food, a gym membership, guaranteed work or comfortable leisure, educational and recreational programs, job training, medical care, professional networking opportunities, etc. There’s physical and mental therapy, individual and group counseling, etc.

    They get plenty of access to drugs, legal and otherwise. There’s music and art therapy and entertainment. Lots of opportunities for consensual and nonconcensual sex. Conjugal visits. All manner of contraband is readily available for a price. Criminals even have groupies, like rock, movie, and sports stars.

    Prisons need to be a lot less like adult sleepaway camp meets all expense paid resort and a lot more like medieval dungeons. There should be regular beatings and torture of the most horrible sorts imaginable, public humiliation, horrid and painful public corporal and capital punishments, maiming, intentional physical injury, disfigurement , and, yes, repeated, 100% guaranteed judicially ordered gang rapes, including being raped to death. The more horrible and “barbaric” the punishment, the better

    It will all spare innocent people even greater pain and suffering at the hands of criminal scum.

  15. The idea of widespread wrongful convictions needs to go. There are far more guilty criminals wrongfully exonerated.

    That includes the vast majority of those who get wrongfully released early due to technicalities on appeal.

    In addition to that, even when they’re not guilty of the particular crime they are convicted of, they are almost always career criminal vermin “usual suspects. ” Having them off the streets, or better yet cremated to power the energy grid (if possible while still alive), spares countless victims countless misery .

  16. Mock executions and psychological torture should also be part of the regular punishment routine of criminal humanoids. They should be subject to chemical and electroshock torture, get surgeries without anesthesia, fed rubbish or starved, etc.

    Their families on the outside, if any, should get detailed bills for the cost of their punishment and execution. They should be subject to the most gross and disgusting things any sadist can suggest, and have zero privacy at any time, with all their punishment broadcast on live and recorded video for any voyeurs who want to watch at any time.

    Beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt and unanimous jury verdicts are way too exacting standards. Majority conviction on a preponderance of the evidence is a much more reasonable standard that brings the rights of accused and victims back into balance. Presumption of innocence is also not reasonable. If anything, the presumption should be that anyone apprehended by law enforcement professionals and prosecuted by The People is guilty unless and until conclusively proven otherwise.

    It would also serve the interests of justice and avoiding excess cost to taxpayers to combine the duties of arresting officer, judge, jury, and punisher / executioner.

    If not, why not?

  17. If you weren’t so long winded, I’d swear you’re Mr. Bing. He’s expressed all those opinions plenty of times. Sadism doesn’t prevent crime. It just breeds even more sadism, including among criminals. Victims all too often go on to be victimizers.

    Two wrongs don’t make a right, and an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

    The statistical evidence for deterrence effect of sadistic punishment is lacking. It actually just increases sadism and sexual violence and non consent throughout society by making such things even more socially acceptable and giving everyone the message that they are ok and normal. If government agents of society and authorities do such things, why shouldn’t everyone?






  19. Most people went out and celebrated. AZ has no friends so he spent New Years ranting and trolling here. What a fucking loser.

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