Nebraska U.S. Senate Race May Be Competitive Between a Republican Incumbent and an Independent Candidate

Nebraska has a U.S. Senate race this year.  Republican incumbent Deb Fischer is running for re-election.  So far no Democrat has announced, but an independent candidate, Dan Osborn, has announced.  The Democratic Party might endorse him.  A recent poll showed the two virtually tied.  See this story.

In 1936 Nebraska elected an independent U.S. Senator, George Norris.  Norris had first been elcted as a Republican but he switched to being an indepedent in 1936, and he got re-elected.  But in 1942, when he again ran as an independent, he was defeated.


Nebraska U.S. Senate Race May Be Competitive Between a Republican Incumbent and an Independent Candidate — 16 Comments

  1. This isn’t a story about the Nebraska legislature. It’s a story about the US Senate race.

  2. Those polled probably thought that the candidate was Tom Osborne, who not only was the football coach at Nebraska, but was a US Representative, and candidate for governor.

  3. @RichardWinger- per Ballotpedia, Michael Janulewicz and Preston Love Jr have declared for this seat-it’s the Nebraska Special Senate election that no one’s declared for yet

  4. @Chris,

    Ballotpedia may have used FEC filings which might not have made it clear which seat they were running for. It could be that candidates are deciding which race to enter. It is hypothetically possible that the two senators swap seats. This happened in North Dakota a few decades ago.

    If Ricketts were to be elected to the full term he would have 6 years. If he is elected in the special election he would have to run again in two years. Fischer is 72. Two years would let her retire at 74, and could be an opening for Governor Pillen.

    Paul Theobold announced last July that he was not running, and that announcement is still on his campaign website. Preston Love, Jr. announced in December that he would announce on January 17 what he is running for. I could find absolutely nothing on Michael Janulewicz, and Ballotpedia does not have a campaign website.

    The Osborn poll was run in November. It’s methodology sounds dicey. Osborn may have been trying to scare off any Democrats. Democrats might decide to concentrate on one race. They can maybe pick up some folks who want bipartisanship.

    Filing opens today.

  5. No, sir. Tuberville was a mediocre coach, and besides, he’s already a senator. I don’t see him ditching Alabama for Florida the way he did Ole Miss for Auburn or Vicki Lynn for Suzanne.

    I don’t discriminate against dead folks like that. Some of the best folks I know is dead, like Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and folks like that. I’d a said Bobby Bowden, but I went to FSP not FSU, where I joined Kappa Kappa Kappa, so like Buford says, Roll Tide!

    Good ole Tommy Osborne now, I ain’t seen no death notice, but the man is 86. Where I’m from that means you’re outta here when it comes to runnin for U.S. Senate if you’re not an incumbent.

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