North Carolina Independent Voter Sues to Keep Former President Donald Trump Off the Republican Primary Ballot

On December 29, a North Carolina independent voter, Brian J. Martin, filed a lawsuit in state court to keep former President Donald Trump off the North Carolina Republican primary ballot.  Martin v North Carolina State Board of Elections, 23cv-037438-910.  Martin says he intends to vote in the upcoming Republican primary.  North Carolina lets independent voters choose a partisan primary ballot.

Martin had earlier asked the State Board of Elections to bar Trump from the ballot, but the board voted 4-1 that it doesn’t have jurisdiction to do that.  The Board has three Democrats and two Republicans.  The challenge procedure in North Carolina doesn’t seem to apply to presidential primary candidates who don’t actually file to be on the ballot; instead the party tells the State Board which presidential candidates to list (and those not chosen are then free to submit a petition).


North Carolina Independent Voter Sues to Keep Former President Donald Trump Off the Republican Primary Ballot — 10 Comments

  1. It would be a waste of time. Crooked courts won’t kick off Beijing Joe, and Trump will beat him anyway.

  2. It seems the ones trying to keep Trump off the ballot think its a cute game to play for name recognition. Gives them something to talk about and point the finger at themselves for this so-called brazen act.

  3. Dig into this Brian Martin creep – he is not a non-partisan – Was a huge Kasich activist and donor and only located to NC as a transplant from Key West FL after storm damaged his place (~ 2019 – he has recently locked down his social media). He lives in Maine too – literally this guy has some sort of “relationship” resort in Stokes County – however, the so called business does not seem to do any business. He is using a Law Firm out of SC for his SC filings (why??) – and his law license was suspended in TN in 2004 (still digging on his complaints). This guy and his “partner” are life long activists for the RINO establishment with deep left wing activism – and his residencies are very very odd. Still digging.

  4. Brian Martin sounds like someone who believes the words in the Constitution and is acting on them. Read Martin’s actual words in his Amicus Brief to SCOTUS before deciding what you think.

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