Public Interest Legal Foundation Amicus Says 14th Amendment, Section 3, is No Longer in Force

On January 4, the Public Interest Legal Foundation filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court in Anderson v Griswold, the Colorado Trump ballot access case.  The lead argument is this amicus is that the 14th Amendment, Section 3, is no longer in force, because Congress in 1872 and again in 1898 passed “Amnesty Acts”.

Of course Congress can’t amend the Constitution all by itself, but the amicus says the portion of section 3 saying congress can “remove the disability” applies not only to past acts but future acts of insurrection as well.  This is an argument that hasn’t been made so far in the lower courts in Trump ballot access cases.  Read the amicus here.


Public Interest Legal Foundation Amicus Says 14th Amendment, Section 3, is No Longer in Force — 4 Comments

  1. Another excellent argument against all the desperate antiTrump 14-3 nonsense. It’s all just trying to stop the inevitable. Trump will be President again, and will save America. To hell with Satan and all his demon rats!

  2. Congress can’t “remove” a disability that doesn’t exist, just like the President can’t pardon an offense that hasn’t happened yet.

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