Douglas MacKinnon, in The Hill, Says it is Possible that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Could Win the Election

Douglas MacKinnon, a contributing opinion writer at The Hill, writes here that it is conceivable that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., could win the presidential election as an independent candidate this year.

MacKinnon is a former speechwriter for two presidents, and a former Pentagon official. He is also the author of two books. Read about him here.


Douglas MacKinnon, in The Hill, Says it is Possible that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Could Win the Election — 28 Comments

  1. I want some of what he’s mainlining thru the jugular. But a much smaller quantity, so that it wouldn’t instantly kill me.

  2. It’s also possible I will hit the lottery jackpot. Actually that’s probably more likely.

  3. You can stuff the Kennedyheads in a Coat Closet. Main Stream Liberals don’t even pay attention to him any more. The dude got lucky and found a shill in the Newsroom of The Hill he could bribe into writing a Puff Piece.

  4. If Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was the Libertarian Party candidate for President I would vote for him.

  5. It’s also “possible” that I become as rich as Genocide Bob, if he adopts me as a family member and hires me to work on his campaign.

  6. Kennedy LP deal seems all but certain when RFK Jr. recently appeared on Part of the Problem, Dave Smith’s podcast and slipped at the end that he’d offered Smith the VP slot. Dave Smith was the “candidate in waiting” after the previous LP National Convention but declined to run. If deal occurs, the Kennedy-Smith combination would practically guarantee RFK Jr. secures the support of a majority of delegates to the upcoming LP National Convention to clinch the nomination. This is all speculation of course but LP National Chair Angela McArdle teased on X formerly known as Twitter about an upcoming announcement from Dave Smith which seems to be about this situation.

  7. George Whitfield is a moron. He doesn’t care about what a candidate stands for, as long as they run as a Libertarian.

  8. If RFK,Jr actually becomes the LP presidential nominee (which I think would be a BIG mistake) at the very least the Veep nominee should be a long standing unquestioned libertarian such as Jacob Hornberger or someone else with history in the party and the bona fides of activism.



  10. Scott: ballot access is not his main problem. He’s sitting on, allegedly, iirc, 70 mill. He’s personally wealthy. It’s not the same situation as what y’all face in the el pee. And, he might could combine with el pee. It’s looking likely.

    Winning the election, however , is a pipe dream. It takes a lot more than ballot access.

    Also, technically, you’re wrong. Missing a small state or two of ballot access is far from the biggest impediment to winning. However, the level of screwing up it takes to get to that point is indicative of larger problems that make the already extremely improbable odds of winning that much more remote.

  11. CO: the vice presidency isn’t worth squat. The vp candidate of a long shot ticket, even that much less so. I would say nobody cares, but a few of y’all do. What I can say more accurately is very few people care.

    Also, allegedly the deal is the token libertarian vp is “comedian” Dave Smith. Good luck with that.

  12. If anyone besides AZ cared for an explanation of why AZ insinuations are ludicrous, Lmk. Otherwise, perfunctory reminder that this is more attention than the AZ BOT and its upside down world nonsense trolling deserves.

  13. I remember as a boy watching both Kennedy(s) coffin trains pass by on the railroad tracks in Baltimore. Jackie Kennedy was standing on the rear passenger car dressed in black. I still believe there is a big cover up regarding those assassinations. Perhaps the only way we will ever get the truth is to elect another Kennedy into the White House to open all the secret files.

  14. I don’t know about winning, but I have no doubt that if Kennedy is on the ballot, the election will be decided on which way he flips the swing states. No one of any party will get 50% of the popular vote.

    It could be that, while he COULD get on the ballot all by himself in nearly every state, getting a free ride on the ballot in 30+ states with the LP nomination would save him a lot of cash for real campaigning.

  15. Kennedy will be on the ballot. Whether as a libertarian or independent remains to be seen, and yes as a libertarian would save him ballot access money, however it has costs/risks also:

    There’s always a chance he could lose their nomination, which would then give him significantly less time to get on as an independent in however many states he would need to do at that point, thus making it more expensive, not less.

    More importantly, independent candidates tend to do better in general than l.p. candidates or candidates of other third parties with a track record. That could be worth a lot more to a candidate with levels of resources that make ballot access a secondary concern vis a vis the direct cost of ballot access viewed in isolation.

  16. The idea that there are swing states and Kennedy will decide them is incorrect. There are states which were swing states in the last two presidential elections. Other states were swing states looking further back.

    I see no reason to presume the election will be close again, or that Trump can’t get an actual majority this time, versus just a plurality (even in the skewed official results). Trump is more popular than 4 years ago, and Biden is much more hated.

    There’s no telling, at least yet, which way Kennedy and possibly a No Lube candidate, if there is one, will impact that, either. My best guess is that either or both will on net help Trump.

    But with or without them, Trump wins, by a lot. Without them, I’d stake money on actual majority vs plurality. With them, that’s less certain, but the electoral college will likely end up in an even more lopsided landslide victory for Trump than a one on one race would.

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