Blog Post by Walter Olson on Recent Paper That Evaluates Trump’s Stolen Election Claims

Here is a blog post from Friday, February 2 that reviews a recent study by Justin Grimmer and Abhinav Ramaswamy of the Democracy and Polarization Lab at Stanford University that analyses Trump’s various fraud claims about the 2020 presidential election and concludes that they are essentially 100% total bunk.

Comments Blog Post by Walter Olson on Recent Paper That Evaluates Trump’s Stolen Election Claims — 18 Comments

  1. I would like to see some counter arguments and debate on this. I did not agree at all with that Cato Institute guy who debated Angela McArdle on vaccine mandates.

    Just going by anecdotal evidence in my on travels around the country during the 2020 election season I saw evidence of tons of support for Donald Trump with lots of campaign hats, t-shirts, bumper stickers and signs, and lots of people telling me they were voting for Donald Trump. Thousands of people showed up at Trump rallies in a lot of places. I saw very little support for Joe Biden. Very few articles of clothing the Biden on it and very few Biden signs or stickers. Few people showed up at Biden rallies. I talked to lots of Democrats who admitted to me that they were only voting for Joe Biden to keep Trump out and that they really wanted another Democrat to win the presidential nomination. There seemed to be very little enthusiasm or grassroots support for Joe Biden.

    Regardless of what the.truth is, as long as elections in this country lack transparency people are going to question the results. We should demand a more transparent voting system.

  2. C’mon, Andy. If you want Trump as Emperor just say so. He is a bully and a blowhard and he only won in 2016 because Hillary was worse. We have NO CHOICE this year because we have a candidate who clearly has dementia and another who is clearly a megalomaniac.

  3. Fake news in that there’s no actual link there at your “here is a blog post,” Richard.

    Since a co-author has the last name Ramaswamy …

  4. I never voted for Trump, and I have no plan to vote for him him this time. I am just calling it how I see it.

  5. ANDY —



  6. There were 91 lawsuits around the accuracy of the 2020 election and Trump lost all of them. Many of the decisions were by Republican judges. Anyone who thinks any state was called inaccurately has a duty to say which state was called inaccurately. If one says Arizona, then one must deal with the fact that the Republican legislature commissioned a “forensic audit” which took months, and finally concluded that to a slight extend, the official count in Arizona actually cheated Biden by a few dozen votes. Whatever state you think was called wrong, there is a rebuttal. People who say the election results were rigged never say which state they think was called inaccurately.

  7. Richard Winger obviously doesn’t realize there are plenty of Republicans who don’t support Trump and would rule like this to harm him. They prefer deep starters like Nimrata.

  8. Multiple states have been mentioned here. Richard Winger always ignores it. He doesn’t want a conversation.

  9. Whether vote fraud is real or speculated, the risk of it affecting the outcome can be greatly reduced in the Presidential election by having large swing states choose their electors by Congressional district. This greatly reduces the chance that large numbers of electoral votes would be awarded based on very narrow pluralities in a populous sate. Any organized fraud would be unlikely to affect more than a couple electoral votes in a large swing state.

  10. I honestly believe Biden won that 2020 election. There might have been a sizable protest vote against Trump. If it wasn’t for Covid and the economy going crazy I believe Trump would have won 2020 in a landslide. However, I do believe Congress should have set up an investigative committee to investigate and expose any state irregularities in voting. The January 6th people protesting wanted that and went apeshit when it didn’t happen. I blame both major political parties for that. It’s not the first time in history (Bush/Gore election).

  11. Biden won by illegals and people voting multiple times and dead people. Throw those out and Trump won easily.

  12. Lots of Never Trump Republicans. Establishment Mitt Romney types.

    I recall hearing that the Bush family supported Hillary and Biden over Trump.

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