
Some Interesting and Perceptive Comments re: Third Party and Independent Candidates in a USA Today Article — 16 Comments

  1. So, Manchin didn’t, Christie might, but not one mention of Jill Stein who IS?! de la Cruz who IS ?!
    What is this, the good ol boys political club, compliments of crappy USA Today writers and
    their prejudices or lack of familiarity with their subject material??
    I’ll bet they aren’t even aware of the Free & Equal Election Debate tonite!

  2. They mentioned people capable of getting more than 1 or 2 million votes. Nothing illogical there.

  3. Let’s see if more than two million registered voters boycott the 2024 presidential election. That would mean they rank choiced “none of these candidates is acceptable and no party speaks for us”.
    Either the right to vote is an individual right or it is no right at all.

  4. Highly unlikely. In most cases it means they don’t care, don’t have the time, don’t believe the votes are honestly counted, have other priorities, don’t believe anyone with any real chance to win will change anything meaningful to them, don’t like the privacy violations that might arise from registering to vote, just haven’t bothered to register, falsely think they permanently lost the right to vote, accurately believe the chance their vote will change the outcome is miniscule, etc, etc.

  5. D. Frank Robinson – Casting a blank ballot for president removes some of the ambiguity involved with not voting at all.

  6. I don’t vote. I know a lot of people who don’t vote. There’s no point in voting. They’re going to do what they’re going to do anyway.

    I also happen to have lost my right to vote. I could probably get it back by paying some small fines and filling out paperwork. I don’t see the point. If voting changed anything, they would have already made it illegal.

    Realist got my to commentate here. We live near each other. I’m not going to be checking back for your replys.



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