Constitution Party Chooses a Presidential Nominee in Two Days, Yet National News Media Seem Unaware

The Constitution Party national convention will choose a presidential nominee on Saturday, April 27, in Salt Lake City. There is a somewhat surprising lack of news in mainstream media about the upcoming convention. The party’s presidential nominee will probably be on the ballot in more states than Cornel West, and yet national polls often include West and never include any Constitution Party potential nominee. The two leading candidates for the party’s nomination appear to be Randall Terry (long-time activist against legal abortion) and Joel Skousen, part of a famous family.


Constitution Party Chooses a Presidential Nominee in Two Days, Yet National News Media Seem Unaware — 134 Comments

  1. They’re probably not getting any coverage because they rarely get on the ballot in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston, and a lot of other big cities.

  2. There are five (5) candidates so far. The two aforementioned, plus Daniel Cummings (Utah), Louis C. Hook (Mississippi), and Sheila “Samm” Tittle (Virginia). Mr. Skousen and Mr. Cummings have been active with the party for many years while Mr. Terry is an outsider. Mr. Terry operates as an independent and told the West Virginia CP that if he did not win their party’s nomination, he would continue to run for president as an independent (as he did in 2012), even if it meant competing state ballot lines. He also stated that if his preferred running mate, Stephen Broden (another non-CP outsider), did not win the party’s nomination for the slot that that would be a “deal breaker” and he would decline the party’s nomination. Mr. Cummings has ran for the nomination twice before (2016, 2020), and Madame Tittle (as her name appears on her FEC filing) ran for it in 2020. Mr. Hook is a retired Admiral currently affiliated with the Federalist Party as there is no active CP in his home state.

  3. I was under the impression the Terry nomination was a done deal. No?

  4. It could be a knock-down drag out. Stay tuned. I’m not there, but am in communication with two who are.

  5. The mainstream media often ignores minor party and independent candidates, and considering that the Constitution Party has declined in recent years I am not surprised by the lack of coverage.

  6. Randall Terry is making a lot of promises such as access to his television station, ballot access, funding, etc. The party needs to be cautionary as they have heard all of that before with the previous nominee… who then registered as a Democrat and quietly disappeared from them.

  7. Bob makes a good point. Trump is the greatest friend and defender the Constitution has ever had. Trump alone can save us. Without Trump, our nation is done for. Only Trump can make America great again.

  8. First, amount of news coverage–Zero. Second, they have been on the ballot in Texas and California, one or two times in NY, and never in Ill. Third, they lost 70 percent of their vote for president in 2020. Fourth, the only two candidates I’ve heard of are Terry and Skousen. Either one of them would make an excellent nominee.

  9. The party was on in Illinois in 1996. Howard Phillips, their nominee that year, did a good job of getting on the ballot that year. He was helped by the fact that the Republicans nominated Bob Dole instead of Pat Buchanan.

  10. LOL, Richard. That was 1976. The Constitution party didn’t exist then. Have you tried Prevagen? I have no financial stake in this recommendation.

  11. Jack, you beat me to it. I was living in Ohio at the time but not yet old enough to vote. If my memory serves me, if Ford would have won Ohio, which Carter only barely won, he would have had enough Electoral votes for the victory.

  12. Does anyone know if there will be a broadcast/stream of the convention?

  13. Joe, all,
    Pay careful attention to state delegations which may not have legitimate credentials. In the past, there have been a lot of shenanigans whereby just one person showed up from a state that had no bona fide party organization and was allowed to cast that delegation’s votes. Idaho and some other states ended up disaffiliating over that and other issues of corrupt behavior. We shall see.

  14. Apparently the national leadership was allowing that because it made the party look bigger than it actually was.

  15. Randall Allen Terry was that 2012 pro-life democrat the DNC didn’t want running as a democrat because he was far too sensible for them.

    Joel M. Skousen is a doomsday prepper who has said some pretty retarded things, like:
    “More than ever, I still consider the nuclear attack on America as inevitable, both because the real axis of evil (Russia and China) are still building for that attack, and because our own government is controlled by those intent upon destroying US sovereignty and delivering our nation over to a socialist New World Order (NWO).”

    Louis Charles Hook either withdrew or was disqualified from the 2022 Republican primary for U.S. House Mississippi District 4. The only other thing I can find about him is a ballotpedia survey so bizarre that it makes me wonder whether someone is trolling him, he trolled ballotpedia or he is perhaps mentally unfit for office:,_Armed_Forces_America_(Except_Canada),_candidate_2024)

    Daniel Clyde Cummings ran for Congress under the Constitution Party in 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2022.

    Sheila Samm Tittle ran for president in 2012, 2016 and 2020, presumably as an independent.

    Since you can still apply until tomorrow morning, there is a small chance of more candidates coming out of the woodwork.

  16. @Q @Everett DePangher Unfortunately, no live stream or conference call of the nominating convention. There may be videos afterwards, but even that isn’t guaranteed.

  17. I’ve tried various variations of parentheses for the ballot pedia link, no luck.

  18. The one complaint I have about BAN is the comments section. Removing it will make this website perfect.

  19. The problem is not the comment section. It is allowing right wing trolls to participate. Far right/trumptard fascists need to be banned (here and everywhere)!

  20. You can shake an apple off an apple tree
    Shake-a, shake- sugar,
    But you’ll never shake me
    No-sir-ee, uh, uh
    I’m gonna stick like glue,
    Stick because I’m
    Stuck on you

    I’m gonna run my fingers thru your long pubic hair
    Squeeze you tighter than a grizzly bear
    Yes-sir-ee, uh, uh
    I’m gonna stick like glue
    Stick, because I’m
    Stuck on you

    Hide in the kitchen, hide in the hall
    Ain’t gonna do you no good at all
    ‘Cause once I catch ya and the kissin’ starts
    A team o’ wild horses couldn’t tear us apart

    Try to take a tiger from my daddy’s side
    That’s how love is gonna keep us tied
    Yes-sir-ee, uh, uh
    I’m gonna stick like glue
    Stock, because I’m
    Stuck on you

  21. Think there’s a chance of a last second candidate? Darryl Castle jumped in at the last moment in 2016 and won the CP nod. Could Scott Bradlee or anyone else do that?

  22. @Aaron
    I don’t know why, but ballot-access apparently doesn’t allow links to include a comma. Just copy the entire URL including the ,_candidate_2024)

    I’ll also try filling it into the website field of this comment, so hopefully my username should link there.


  24. Is it Don Blankenship who registered as a Democrat and stepped away from the Constitution Party?

  25. Louis Charles Hook is obviously a genius. Getting a Ph D and being promoted to admiral at his level of literacy are amazing achievements. He should consider running with the Retard Party for Baron of Munchausen.

  26. @Andy
    Yes. Running as democrat at least. But I don’t think he really stepped away from the CP, rather he’s just trying to be strategical. He’s looking to take over the seat from Senator Joe Manchin (West Virginia), one of the best democrats in congress, so it doesn’t fall into worse hands.
    The dems still haven’t forgiven him for being a climate realist and for exposing how the Mine Safety and Health Administration caused the Upper Big Branch Mine disaster and then tried to pin the blame on Massey Energy Company for complying with their own orders to change airflow in the mine, despite Massey’s warning them their changes were dangerous.

  27. That’s not strategic. West Virginia is heavily Republican now. No Democrat will get elected there now, which is why Manchin is retiring.

  28. In West Virginia most republican candidates are as socialist as most democrats, if not more so. Look at Joe Manchin and Shelly Moore Capito: Manchin may be a joke next to Blankenship, but Capito is a joke next to Manchin.

  29. That doesn’t matter from a pragmatic strategy pov. It’s still going to be a Republican.

  30. Unless the republican voters wise up and don’t vote for a “republican”.
    I don’t give Blankenship much chance of getting the democrat nomination even if he does win the primaries. But if he were to, then any republican voter worth their salt would vote for him over their own nominee.
    And it’s not like he would have had any more chance of getting the republican nomination. Nor of becoming senator, had he stood as Constitution Party candidate.
    So I agree that he probably wouldn’t get to be Senator regardless of which banner he runs under. But running as a democrat still seems like the most strategic of the options.

  31. Maybe I’m confused about how it works in West Virginia, but how would he win the primary and not get the nomination? Is the primary nonbinding?

    You have somewhat unrealistic expectations of average Republican voters. They’re going to vote for the Republican nominee, period, unless maybe if Trump campaigned for the Democrat, but that won’t happen. It especially won’t happen on behalf of someone who ran against him.

    I only say somewhat unrealistic because you go on to acknowledge that he is unlikely to be senator or major party nominee for Senate, regardless. If that’s the case, what exactly is the strategy in running for a major party nomination and losing it to someone who will then lose the general election? How does it keep someone worse from being elected?

    As far as I can see, it does nothing to change who ends up getting elected. I don’t call that strategic. If I’m wrong, how and why am I wrong? What am I not seeing here?

    Btw, to make a paragraph break, hit the enter button twice.

  32. @KD, Since Joel Skousen and Dan Cummings, both from Utah, are already in the running, I would doubt that Scott Bradley, also from Utah, would try to enter the race at this time. However, one of the West Virginia delegates has emailed me that a Brandon McIntyre and Ben Stuart have registered as candidates and are seeking the requisite minimum two states to place them into nomination. Mr. McIntyre is from Florida/Georgia but I know nothing about Mr. Stuart. We shall see.

  33. As a democrat Blankenship is running against only two others. Meanwhile, the republicans have fielded seven candidates.
    As a result, not only does he face less competition as a democrat than as a republican, he is a more useful spoiler candidate in that primary, because there are fewer candidates to split the vote.

    Should democrat voters elect Blankenship, the party will never respect that choice. I do believe the primary results are non-binding. But even if they are binding, the party will find some excuse to disqualify him during the late stages of or after the primary. They always do (e.g. Joe Lieberman 2008, Bernie Sanders 2016).

    You’re right that my argument hinges on the unrealistic expectation(s) that republican voters prefer Blankenship in the general election over whichever RINO they elect in their primary, and/or democrat voters prefer Blankenship over whoever the republican primary churns out (either as the democrat nominee, or more likely, as their rightful primary winner snubbed by their party and gone independent at the last minute).
    Unrealistic expectations, sure. But nonetheless, in my opinion, Blankenship’s best, that is least bad, option and therefore his most strategic choice.

    Why use a paragraph break, where a line break was more appropriate?

  34. I was surprised that the Constitution Party website has not kept its Presidential voting record up to date on its website. Not a good indicator of attention or interest.

  35. @Jeff Becker
    Well they had better hurry up then. They only have another five and a quarter hours, at most (since it isn’t clear what the exact cutoff is for “no later than Friday morning”).

  36. I might have misheard, but what I think I heard was that the Florida delegation nominated EVERYONE, regardless of what their positions are. They apparently did that so that all prospective candidates could have an opportunity to have the floor and speak. I dunno – seems to defeat the whole purpose of a nomination process. One would think that convention rules would limit delegations to, say, two nominations at most?

  37. @Porcus – Yeah, his campaign slogan is “Mo Money Beezy.” Seriously. He’s on facebook. He’s apparently going after the former Biden voters who aren’t black enough.

  38. Mo is ebonics for more. Money is, presumably, money. As for beezy…

    So, he’s promising at least one of the following

    1) lower taxes

    2) bigger welfare payments to single moms

    3) economic policies which he believes will lead to higher growth

    4) more printing of money by the treasury, resulting in mo money in nominal terms

    5) well paying jobs for beezies who join his campaign staff

    You’re welcome, I guess.

  39. Seems like Joel Skousen / Randall Terry would be the best choice for the CP and their particular brand of anti-abortion voters. But, I suspect neither one of those candidate would accept being VP.

    Skousen is likely the best choice. He would get a high % (for a third party) in Utah because of his last name and because Trump is the other option.

    Skousen + Admiral Hook (assuming he isn’t a looney tune) might be the best shout. If they get on in California again (which…seems unlikely given that AIP is a Trumpster Dumpster), they could do very well.

  40. Did you read the “admiral” Hook interview?

    And, Terry has a much higher national profile than Skousen. I can’t speak for Utah, being from far from there myself.

  41. A McIntyre/Hook or Hook/McIntyre ticket seems like the obvious choice.

  42. “What is the first action you would take as president of the United States?

    Ultra Top Secret – Classified”


  43. All parties should nominate Trump to save our republic. We can get back to debating issues once we remove Chinese spy/traitor Beijing Joe from office.

  44. Q: What is the first historical event that happened in your lifetime that you remember? How old were you at the time?

    A: Assassination of John F. Kennedy

    On November 22, 1963, JFK, the 35th President of the USA, was Assassinated while riding in a Presidential Motorcade through Dealey, Plaza in Dallas, Texas. Kennedy was in the vehicle with his wife, Jacqueline Kennedy, Texas Governor John Connally, and Connally’s wife, Nellie, when he was fatally shot. I was in school at this time & I freaked out—was restrained by a Teacher [thanks be to GOD]. I’ll never forget that day when Jack Kennedy was murdered in the cross—fire that hit the motorcade.

    The Admiral

  45. Q:What is something that has been a struggle in your life?

    A: Addiction

    I am in six different programs for my various Diseases Gruppe:

    GA = Gamblers Anonymous CODA = Co—Dependency Anonymous NA = Narcotics Anonymous AA = Alcohol Anonymous CA = Cocaine Anonymous MA = Marijuana Anonymous

    I use each step in a monthly sequence for all six Gruppe. The first month I work the first step for rotation throughout the month to maintain function against my diseases. This way I am not out—numbered six to one each month. There are 12 × months and I work 12 × steps in sequence throughout each month. My last sponsor taught me this process and it has worked very well for me. It is just simple go to your meetings, keep showing up, never retreat and never surrender—keep coming back!

    The Admiral

  46. Say what you want, but the registration fee for the event was $250. So between the Admiral and Beezy, the CP cleared $500. Well played.

  47. Jeff, chillax – we’re just poking lighthearted fun at the clown candidates. If the CP is hard up for 500 bucks, or even if it’s not that hard up for 500 bucks, it’s all good. These characters always show up at minor party presidential conventions, and it’s one of the things that makes the process funny and entertaining.

  48. Meh, I left the CP in 2016 over national party shenanigans, recently came back, but would have no hesitation to leave again if they don’t get their act together.

  49. I think there was a question above regarding whether WV US Senate primaries are binding. You would probably know, since you live there?

  50. I remember in 2008 when Howard Phillips destroyed Alan Keyes at the convention and he ran away to start his own fly-by-night party. Mad Max Riekse and Daniel Imperato, both Libertarians, conned some delegates for votes.

  51. Imperato was not a libertarian. He was a wack job vanity candidate who claimed to be endorsed by the pope and various other outlandish claims. Yes, he showed up at the l.p. convention seeking the nomination as well, but his views were…let’s say idiosyncratic?

    I don’t remember Rieske off hand, but more than likely, same thing. It’s not unusual for these characters to show up to more than one national party convention thinking they might somehow land a nomination, or some sucker donors, or get laid, or whatever. They tend to be con men, delusional, or most frequently both.

    It wouldn’t be surprising at all if Mo Beezy and Captain Hook show up at the libertarian convention as well. Beezy might hit up the Greens. If they can get in, they’ll probably show up to the Republican and Democrats convos. If not, there’s a good chance they’ll have carnival booths outside, work the parking lot, or otherwise get as close as they can.

    Mainly, they just want whatever attention they can get.

  52. I’m pretty sure the primaries here ARE binding because major parties (10%+ for gov) are prohibited by election law from nominating by convention… which is total BS because qualified parties 1% – 9.9999% can choose EITHER the primary or convention.

  53. I was, temporarily, a libertarian in 2008 (Denver convention; also 1987, Seattle). I remember Daniel Imperato. It would be a stretch to classify him ideologically with any party. Congressman Barr was embarrassed to be photographed with him. The pope wasn’t, at least not visibly, but then the pope gets photographed with…lots and lots of people.

  54. Nuna: there are fewer Democrats than Republicans running for WV US Senator because it’s a crash dummy mission. Being a “spoiler” in a race for a chance to lose is not strategy. If there’s any pragmatic strategy to that, you haven’t explained what it could possibly be.

    This would be even more true if you were correct that the primary is nonbinding. Jeff Becker confirmed my guess that its binding. I think we agree he won’t win the primary. If he does win it, he won’t win the general election, or change who does, since that will be determined by the Republican primary, which he is not in.

    If he was in the Republican primary, it’s more likely that he would tilt it towards a rhino winner than the other way around, since he’d split the non rhino vote. If he got the Republican nomination, he might have enough haters to actually get a Democrat elected in WV, or he might actually have a chance to become a Senator.

    However, we won’t know for sure, since he chose the Democrat primary instead. This may have been because he knows he would lose the Republican nomination, or maybe because he doesn’t want to actually serve as a Senator, just get press coverage for running and a resulting platform to vent grievances.

    His strategy is most likely to vent grievances (ie troll irl), not to actually serve in office as a politician. Being a politician is, in many ways, less fun than being an outsider candidate. There are a lot of dull, boring committee hearings and annoying lobbyists, influence peddlers and rent seekers to entertain. Legislative office can be very annoying to someone whose experience is as a corporate executive.

    Even executive office can feel very chafing due to political checks and balances. Trump was better suited to transition to political office than a lot of businessmen because he transitioned to being a television entertainer first (and made being a showman a big part of his business model even before that). Even so, the first term was more of a learning experience than anything else. He didn’t figure out what he needed to actually do to jump through all the hoops and make implementation of his larger goals possible until he was a lame duck. The second term will be much more transformative, because he now has that experience.

    As for Blankenship and the constitution party: it was pretty obviously a case of him expecting them to do much more for him than they were capable of, and them expecting him to do much more for them than he wanted to. That’s frequently the case with outsiders and minor party nominations. They expect much more of each other than is realistic.

    I can’t comment on who promised what to whom, as I’ve been a Republican again (for the first time since the Reagan years) ever since Trump sought the GOP nomination. But I’m going to guess Blankenship and the CP have burned bridges and won’t repeat the experiment. Just my guess, so take it for what it’s worth.

  55. Also: my outsiders read on WV is that incumbency and personality matter a lot there. Maybe to some extent more than ideology. That would explain Manchin and Capito.

    It’s a different story when you have an open seat. Without knowing who all is running, but just based on how heavily WV went for Trump both times, I’d expect the most likely outcome to be a MAGA GOP Senator. It’s possible that the power of personality might overcome this. But that’s only true to a limited extent, which is the most likely reason that Manchin chose to retire, aside from his age, which isn’t very old for a US Senator anymore.

  56. Bob Barr posted a statement on his website about getting the endorsement from Imperato at the convention. I don’t know the story about him refusing to take a photo.

    Maybe Robby Wells will show up at the convention. Anyone know what happened to him? He seemed to be a special kind of delusional.

  57. Barr didn’t refuse. He took the photo. He looked very uncomfortable. You can probably find the photo somewhere.

    I didn’t know Coach Wells became a political candidate. I just looked it up, and apparently he has been an ultra under the radar candidate every presidential election since 2012. His current venue us the Green Party, or at least was in January.

    He has also been a Constitutionist, Democrat, Independent, and Reform Party candidate (apparently the Reform Party existed as recently as 2012, something else I either didn’t know or forgot. I was involved with them in 1992-2000 and thought they died in a fire in 2000, but apparently someone survived or resurrected it, with much less success).

  58. No fair! Richard Winger went back and fixed the comment where be said Ford beat Reagan for the Republican nomination in 1996. Something the rest of us can’t do here. His comment now correctly states that Dole beat Buchanan that year.

  59. Also, Prevagen has been scientifically proven to be bullshit hocum snake oil. There is absolutely no scientific evidence that it does anything at all to improve memory. Its deceptive advertising claiming that there is has resulted in plenty of legal action.

  60. @Nuña,

    In 2012, Tittle ran for the Republican nomination. As you might expect for someone living in Fredericksburg, VA; she made her announcement of candidacy at the rotunda of the Mississippi capitol in Jackson, MS. A local Jackson TV station covered it.

  61. Rosetta,

    I’m not sure Bainbridge Brandon is actually promising anyone anything with his campaign slogan. I interpret “mo money beezy” to be his pitch for campaign donations. I further speculate, and this is just a guess, that this strategy has gotten him such success as he’s had thus far in life, including providing his travel funds to conventions, which also double as money making opportunities for his beezies.

    No hating, but those who can’t do, teach, as the saying goes.

  62. Tittle is another non reality based party hopper. This isn’t her first, and probably not last, shot at a CP presidential nomination, either.

  63. Tittle has run in 2012, 2016 and 2020 for President for the nomination of various parties and as an independent. Her 2020 running mate was named Fakes. Had they reversed their ballot order, they could have been the Fakes-Tittle ticket. I think that could have gotten more votes, or at least sold more campaign merch/memorabilia.

  64. I don’t know about the TV station. Maybe it’s a gay porn station? I do know for a fact that Vermin Supreme turned Terry gay by glitter bombing him at the 2012 Democratic debate. And that Supreme had an encounter with Terry backstage in the men’s room.

  65. I care a lot more about stopping the holocaust of innocent babies than who is or isn’t a sodomite behind closed doors. So long as they understand that no means no, don’t molest children, obey public morals, and don’t pushy the sodomy agenda, I don’t see any need to involve the law in their personal lives.

    There’s an area where church, family, and ultimately God, at the day of judgement, must judge. There is another area where government has a role – protection of innocent babies, our borders and national sovereignty, keeping pollution out of our gene pool, protecting American jobs, repelling foreign invasion and terrorism.

    Sodomy belongs in the first area, not the second.

    Besides, it decreases the competition for women, thus meaning more women for me. That is, if I was single or unfaithful, which of course I’m not.

    As for lesbian activities among women, I see no problem, so long as they perform their duties to their Husband and Father, church, children, and kitchen. Sure, it’s a sin, but as sins go – two or three women at the same time isn’t half bad, just as long as they remember that I’m in charge and not to ever be questioned or disobeyed.

  66. Polygamy isn’t even a sin in the Bible. Patriarchy and polygamy is actually traditional social order. That means sodomy for beta males, naturally. It’s either that, rape, bestiality, or pederasty. Buggery among consenting adults is the lesser evil.

  67. Nonsense! Castration for beta males is the traditional solution, along with being worked and starved to death on chain gangs in mines. You are a half ass trad, if even that much.

  68. So called super straight, “no means no” is feminazi propaganda. It is the duty of females to obey their husbands and fathers. Weak men get conquered by strong men. Weak nations get conquered by strong nations. Weak animals are eaten by strong animals. Weak species die. Might makes right, regardless of cuck propaganda.

    Don’t be a cuck, be a conqueror or go down fighting. Or, get in where you fit in and go ahead and be a cuck. Yeah, that’s right. Go ahead, scream and cry all you want. I like that.

  69. Politics should only be discussed on all fours. More profound delusions like philosophy and religion should only be discussed while being stretched on the rack. Talk softly and carry a big stick. This is clearly a venue for those who do the opposite.

  70. It sounds like the nomination is in the bag for Skousen, thanks to alleged proxy votes by the mor(m)on mafia:

    Presumptive nominee Skousen believes, among other things, allegedly, that 360 million illegals have invaded the US since Biden stole the presidency and 160 million are now US registered voters.

    I’ll reserve judgement on whether Skousen actually used those numbers until I have source(s) besides one identified above as an alleged communist.

    Skousen is 77 years old, making him around the same age as other leading presidential candidates.

    He also owns and pilots a plane, which he plans to use to campaign around the country. Sadly, it sounds like the campaigning will consist of long winded rants. He’d be a lot smarter to make the same sound bite speech at each air strip, like the fictional Lindbergh candidacy in a Jew propaganda miniseries I monitored on the Homosexual Box Orifice HBOGO streaming propaganda channel which I had to endure a few years ago.

    Sadly, Captain Hook was a no show.

    Bainbridge Brandon has a better slogan than Mo Money Beezy: Let’s Go Brandon! On the downside, he thinks his initials, BLM, are a plus. To answer a question way above, he’s 34, but will be 35 this year.

    Skousen’s presumptive nomination means Terry will also be seeking ballot access separately as an independent.

  71. Skousen says he will not get the nomination. But, if he was president, he would release J6 Hostages/political prisoners. How would he become president, if 160 million illegals who came in under Quisling Biden are registered US voters?

    Maybe I’m wrong, but 160 million sounds like a stretch. 16 million seems much more realistic, which is already bad enough. Of course, it’s not yet proven he said 160 million, so maybe he did not actually say that. Hopefully, he’s correct about not being nominated. The tidbit about proxy voting indicates he is wrong about that part, unfortunately.

    Terry actually has a realistic plan on what he wants to do with the nomination:

    Unfortunately, he seems to believe waaaaycism and “antisemitism” are bad things. But that’s ok, since he does not actually want to be president.

    They would be smart to nominate him. I don’t think they will be that smart, but hopefully I am mistaken. If they do not, hopefully he manages to get on in ten states so tv networks are forced to show ads which show how abortion kills babies (federal law).

    If he has or can raise the money to actually put the ads on the air in meaningful quantity, he should be able to get ten States. The cp nomination would make ten plus states in the bag.

    The ads could start airing TODAY, if the CP cares about innocent children’s lives than Planet Kolob. We’ll find out in a few hours.

    With the dummy craps making ritual mass sacrifice of babies to Satan one of their top two issues this year, along with “Democracy” (more accurately known as Bolshevism), there’s never been a better time for Terry to execute his long standing presidential campaign as excuse to air dead baby tv ad strategy – so far, he has yet to hit the ten state mark.

  72. Terry looks like Cornell West in whiteface. If he wants to be taken seriously, he should shave his head for battle and stop cucking to the seed of Satan and the mud washing over the borders at they’re behest.

    Abortion? Whether it should be legal ought to depend on the race of the parents.

    The browning of America is the real issue. Individual survival means nothing. Only racial survival matters.

    Skousen? At his age, and with his plane, he could truly be an hero for race and nation. Valhalla > Kolob.

  73. Twit, my friend, you missed the point. Terry is not really trying to be potus. He’s not delusional enough to think he has a chance. He wants Trump to win, and will help Trump win.

    How he looks does not matter. His campaign is all about showing photos of dead babies to as many people as possible. This will help end Beijing Joe’s treasonous reign of terror by neutralizing one of his two top issues.

    It’s actually a great division of labor. Trump will halt and reverse the Browning of America. Terry will help Trump end the holocaust of White babies. Together, the two Ts will spell Triumph for our people and a future for White children.

    Hail Victory!

    PS: correction on prior comment:

    …if the CP cares about innocent children’s lives MORE than Planet Kolob….

  74. Prediction: CCCP will nominate the guy who says he will not be nominated, but tells you what he will do as president, because he’s going to win somehow with 160 million illegals that came in in the past 3.5 years registered to vote in US elections, according to him.

    The only effect this will have is taking a small number of votes from our Lord and Savior Donald Trump and make it marginally easier for Quisling Biden and his Chinese Commie puppetmasters cheat their way to another win…let us pray that his ineptitude and Trumps landslide victory over Beijing Joe makes it too few votes to matter.

    God forbid, this fool is the straw that breaks our nation’s back and gets Xi’s senile hand puppet installed again, putting the nails in our nation’s coffin.

    CCCP will ignore the guy actually doing something to end the abortion holocaust. Thus proving that whatever comes out of their faceholes and forked tongues, they actually love killing millions of babies and selling out our Homeland to our enemies just as much as any demon rat, Chinese Commie, or Lucifer himself.

    Watch what they do, not what they say.

  75. Relax. It’s fine. Trump will crush Biden. The best they can do with all their cheating is try and make it look close. If they pretend Pedo Joe actually wins again, there will be a real insurrection, not a J6 “insurrection.”

    Fun fact: cities can’t feed themselves. We have you surrounded. Trump wins either way, by ballots or by bullets. It’s God’s plan, and nothing anyone does or says will derail it. Let us all pray it’s not by bullets, keep our powder dry, stand back, stand by, vote, and be prepared.

    FWIW I’d vote for Terry if I was at the CP convention. I also expect they will be dumb and nominate Skousen. I don’t expect it to matter in the larger scheme of things.

    I voted for the CP nominee for President once. Virgil Goode in 2012. Good man, like Randall Terry. I don’t think Skousen or any large portion of their delegates are ill intentioned. They’re just fools and not strategic thinkers.

    Of course, I’ll vote for Trump this year, just like 2016 and 2020. He’s the first GOP presidential nominee I have supported since Reagan. In between: Ron Paul, Ross Perot twice, Pat Buchanan, Pat Buchanan write in, Bob Barr, Virgil Goode. My favorite Presidential vote, however, remains Lester Maddox in 1976.

  76. Rubbing dead fetus t.v. ads in devil worshipping commies faces is a great idea. Federal election law making it mandatory for stations to accept the ads from a candidate who is on the ballot for President in ten or more states – awesome! Rock on!

    Like my uncle Pig Farmer – voting Trump, rooting for Terry for the Constitution nomination. The Terry FAQ makes sense, even though he does look like Cornell West in whiteface (LOL). But, it’s not about him, it’s all about the babies!

  77. I do not appreciate BLM using my slogan for his sneaky campaign. I’m a Trump supporter. If I was in the Constipated Party, I’d go for Randall Terry.

    Brandon McIntyre should resurrect the ideas of Marcus Garvey, lead a new Exodus to the Motherland, and run for President of Liberia or any other African nation he moves to.

  78. @Jeff Becker
    What exactly went down between Howard Phillips and Alan Keyes at the 2008 convention? And what were the 2016 Constitution Party national party shenanigans you referred to?

    Keyes was a great candidate. Maybe not as great as Phillips had been, but nonetheless better than even Chuck Baldwin, whom the Constitution Party nominated instead.
    Keyes was also, as it turned out, the last good presidential nominee of the American Independent Party.

    I wouldn’t call the AIP fly-by-night. It predates the CP considerably. It affiliated with them upon their founding as the US Taxpayers’ Party in 1992, then disaffiliated in 2008 and went its own way.

  79. @Jim Riley @Historian @Fun Facts
    Thanks! Ballotpedia lists Tittle running as an independent in 2020, and says she also ran in 2016 without specifying.
    While and no longer exist.
    Fakes-Tittle would be almost as good as Weiner-Holder, but perhaps a bit too on the nose, since Tittle’s mother is supposedly a Spanish noblewoman, according to

  80. @Q
    According to the wikipedophiles, “Randall Terry: The Voice of Resistance” airs on “The Walk TV” via KDGL-LD (channel 23) and on which unfortunately no seems to exist.

    Terry’s a great guy, even outside of his 2012 run. He’s the man behind Operation Rescue (since renamed to Operation Save America). Until Skousen issues a public formal apology to Russia, I’d much rather see Terry nominated than Skousen. Perhaps even then.

  81. @Trad
    You sound like my religious education teacher in junior high school, so I’ll tell you what I told him:
    Matthew 19:3-9 speaks of a singular wife, not plural wives, with verses 5 and 6 using the word “twain” for husband and wife.
    Similarly 1 Corinthians 7 is clearly phrased monogamously, with verse 2 explicitly stating: “Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.”

  82. @Lee
    I don’t think anyone goes to party convention to get laid, much less succeeds. Even the libertine – oh, I mean the libertarian – one. At best it’s a zoo where you get to look at all the strange animals, at worst it’s a wretched hive of scum and villainy.

  83. @August
    It doesn’t change the end result though. Instead of simply ignoring the primary results and nominating their candidate, they simply find or invent a technicality on which to disqualify the undesirable victor(s) until they get to one they approve of. Or they simply fake the election results.

  84. Nuna, I haven’t refreshed my memory, but there was an actual policy difference between CP and Keyes, chiefly foreign policy. CP more noninterventionist like Ron Paul and Keyes for a more aggressive US foreign policy. Phillips called Keyes a neocon.

    Perhaps also other differences I forgot, but I’ll refresh my memory.

    Beyond that there were personality conflicts and issues over proxy voting (which have turned contentious again this weekend – see Buchman report on day one linked above for some detail). As with any recent party switcher, there were issues of party loyalty. Keyes has just switched to the CP just before the convention from GOP.

    The party Keyes created was called America’s Independent Party, with an apostrophe. The American Independent Party, which was already on the California ballot since 1968 and has run the CP presidential nominees in 1992-2004, went with Keyes. The AIP had originally been on the ballot in many states, but had dwindled to only California long before 2008.

    Keyes new apostrophed AIP made an attempt at becoming a national party. I don’t recall them being very successful – certainly less so than the CP, much less than the original AIP – but I think they got on the ballot in at least a handful of other states. However, I will have to refresh my memory there as well.

  85. Nuna – speak for yourself. Lots of people go to political conventions and get laid. I’ve done it, and so have lots of other people, whether they expected it or went there intending it or not. Multiple times. At different conventions. Of different parties. State, local, national.

    It happens at business gatherings, alumni events, gatherings of fans of music or sport or anything else from disparate places, and, sadly, yes, Christian religious conferences, indeed anywhere and everywhere where people gather, often traveling without their wife or husband. Or even traveling with – they sneak off under each other’s noses, or sometimes with each others knowledge.

    I’m not even bragging. I’m not proud of my sex addiction. It’s as harmful as any alcohol, gambling, workaholic, tobacco, or other bad habit. It destroys families and spreads diseases, and many times nearly destroyed my family – only through God’s grace was my marriage saved. Many times. I pray to God it doesn’t happen again.

    Yes, I’ve sought church counseling. Many times. But, the flesh is weak. I’m a sinner, saved only by God’s own blood shed on the cross.

    Don’t do as I have done. But if you’re doubting it happens? Well, it happens, just like **it happens. Frequently and in many places.

  86. Addendum: you’re not wrong about the
    metaphorical “strange animals”, scum and villainy. Some of the women I fornicated with were in one way or another abhorrent or alien to me. Yet, we had at least one thing in common, at least in that moment.

    Scum and villainy? Well, you’ve probably heard of hate****ing. Also not something I recommend, but yes, it’s a thing which happens. Both within and outside of marriage. Unfortunately, but it happens. A lot. Often. To and by lots and lots of people.

  87. Potentially confusing typo at 0557. Keyes had…referring to 2008, not has, as in 2024. Probably overabundance of caution, that should be clear from context. But just in case.

  88. I’m not a holy roler. I don’t feel guilty about getting pussy at conventions. I get pussy at conventions. If it’s a political convention, it doesn’t have Jack to do with the ideology of the party, much less the factional loyalties of the beezy.

    Libertarian conventions? Sure. GOP conventions? You bet. Were they all Ron Paul delegates? Hell no. If you haven’t painted Ron Paul’s name in your own juice on the forehead of a fresh faced young Mormon Mitt Romney delegate from rural Utah, you haven’t lived. If you didn’t give her a matching tramp stamp, you haven’t lived well.

    Nuna is probably blowing smoke and gets laid at conventions, if Nuna goes to conventions. Unless Nuna is a Nun. In which case, she probably also gets laid at conventions if she goes to conventions. Confession can always be a convenient excuse for a few minutes of private tandem kegel exercise.

    Do whackjob candidates go to political conventions where they have no chance at a nomination and try to get laid? Do bears shit in the woods?

    How often do they succeed? I have no idea. How important is it to them among the reasons they go? I’m sure that varies.

    They’re trying to be stars. Donald Trump explained one of the best things about being a star on the famous Access Hollywood “leaked” tape. Trump is a star. That’s one of the big reasons people try to become stars. Success comes at different levels.

    Joe Biden, he likes to sniff children. We all have our Kinks. That’s one of the ones I’ll shame. Anything between consenting adults, not so much.

  89. @Historian Thank you! That was very informative. I didn’t realize America’s Independent Party was a distinct entity from the American Independent Party. I know Keyes was pro-Israel and Baldwin was pro-Palestine, but I don’t know whether Phillips voiced any opinion either way.

    @Pig Farmer Shocking, hard to believe, terrible. But at least you aren’t reveling in it. I’ll pray for you.

    @Lee You on the other hand… You sound like a virgin telling stories for street cred. And you have the audacity to accuse me of such vulgarity, while also mocking the holy sacrament of confession? Fie on you! Go sit in dunce corner with 2YT4U and think about what you’ve done.

  90. Regarding the Buchman article:

    So not only is Skousen still a Russophobe refusing to admit the US and its NATO allies are the real axis of evil. But this nuclear war prophesying fallout-shelter-salesman from the mormon state, also wants to remove God from the platform.
    He tries to amend the convention bylaws, so only those physically present can vote, which naturally favors the delegation from his own mormon home state, since that’s where the convention is being held.
    He then gets to speak for 1h20m IN ADDITION TO the 18 minutes every candidate got, as well as an extra chance to rebuff Terry’s criticism, which itself was cut short “for lack of time”.
    How much more favoritism can the convention show?!

    And speaking of favoritism, reducing the coverage of Tittle’s speech and hers alone to a few (partial) quotes because she supposedly spoke too fast and ramblingly, is also really hokey on Buchman’s part.

  91. Nunnya – Yep, I suspect you are only playing the supposed innocent. I don’t need to play along, or play anything.

    Street cred? What street creed? I’m anonymous on a freaking messages board. Maybe I exaggerated. Maybe not. That’s for me to know, and for you to, not find out. Believe whatever you want. I do not care. Believe it or not…

    I bang sluts at conventions. I give otherwise supposedly chaste and responsible wives a good time at conventions. I’ve popped a cherry or two at conventions. I’ve knocked dust off some old vaginas at conventions. I’ve been too drunk to fuck at conventions. I’ve woken up wondering whether I had been too drunk to or not at conventions.

    I’ve struck out plenty at conventions. Nobody bats a thousand. I don’t even bat a hundred. It’s more about how often you step to the plate.

    I don’t need to brag. I’m not bragging. It is what it is. Believe what you want about me, and I’ll believe what I want about you.

    I think you’re promiscuous as all get out. Holy rollers usually are, in my experience. But I could be wrong about you. Or not. Just like you could be right about me or not.

    We could even be right about each other. Or for each other. Hell, who knows, if you’re female, maybe we already had sex. If you’re male, well, there’s those times I’ve blacked out drunk. So who knows?

    I’m not ashamed of it. Some of the particular instances, yes, but not because I share the moral code you claim to follow. I don’t.

    But, I do have one. So, if you’re genuinely offended by my blasphemy, I apologize. Just because I personally find your religion silly and am only describing reality of sex between priests and nuns doesn’t make it good for me to pee on something that may be what gives your life meaning. If that’s what I did, I apologize.

    It’s still something that happens, and I still wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve done exactly what I described, but if you’re truly that virgin nun or priest or eternally faithful spouse, I’m sorry for implying otherwise. May the higher power give you blessings and your life be filled with meaning and joy.

    Btw, and you probably know this, Pig Farmer actually was bragging. Humble bragging is still bragging. If you’ve ever twelve stepped, you’ve heard your share of humble brags. Reality is whatever it is, and anyone can believe whatever they want.

  92. P.s. What do you have against 2YT4U? He or she is a little too… focused… for my taste, but there’s nothing wrong with racial pride, even if you’re White. Are you anti White? I would agree, generally, whites should stand up for themselves more. I would, if I was white.

  93. Pps: cut Buchman some slack. Tittie spoke too fast for him to catch quotes and write or type them. He’s a human, not a machine.

    He may be a volunteer. If he got paid to write the article it was probably chicken scratch. He may have paid his own costs to the event. He gave us information we didn’t have. So what if he’s not perfect? You try it. Maybe you type 100+ wpm or have perfect recall. Not everyone does.

    Sometimes, being unable to take dictation from someone speaking too fast is…just that. Speakers aren’t perfect either. Maybe she was nervous or excited or whatever. Maybe she’s a whacko. Favoritism? How do you know?

    Now, this is a separate matter from whether Buchman is a communist. If he is, he can go choke on a giant mechanical bull autoramming dildo and die. Not really, he’s still got a right to his whacko beliefs then, just as long as he gets nowhere near being allowed to force them on other’s.

  94. Well my longer version comment disappeared.

    Nuna, thank you for you prayers. Believe me, I need them, and would be honored to help with any prayer requests you may have, if any.

    Lee; I’ll pray for you too. Hopefully you will find a healthy relationship, get or stay married, be faithful, have or honor your family, and accept Jesus into your heart.

    I’m not bragging. Would wearing a six foot tall dunce cap and admitting that I wrecked my whole body punching holes all through the roof, walls and floor of my own house over and over and letting in the heat, cold, wind, rain, etc be bragging? Not to me.

    Some part of you is telling you what you are doing is not healthy. Please listen to it.

  95. On zha naturalniy debil blya, ne khera on ne pretvoryayetsa.

  96. @For Unborn Children, Kindly
    I just noticed that Terry updated his FAQ, so it no longer says to vote for Trump. It now, accurately, points out that Trump shot himself in the foot with his weak position on infanticide:

  97. Terry needs that Republican ad money. He’s not going to be president. Calling out Trump doesn’t help him right now.

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