Donald Trump to Answer Questions at Libertarian Party National Convention

This morning the Libertarian Party announced that Donald Trump has accepted the invitation extended to him to speak at the Libertarian National Convention, May 24-27, in Washington, DC.

A similar invitation was extended to Joe Biden, but it has not been accepted.

Trump will answer questions on Saturday, May 25.  Beforehand, the convention will vote on which topics should be included in the questions.

It seems unprecedented that a major party presidential nominee would speak at a minor party convention.  According to Darcy Richardson, Eleanor Roosevelt spoke at the Liberal Party kick-off campaign event on August 2, 1944 in New York city, which seems to be the only historical precedent even remotely close.


Donald Trump to Answer Questions at Libertarian Party National Convention — 156 Comments

  1. Your sources are liars, and you fell for it. It’s not even April fools day. That was last month.

  2. You’re not Ron Paul, and the only thing that is happening is either that you got trolled, Trump lost what’s left of his mind while being tortured by boredom in a Manhattan court room, or he’s getting really desperate for no actual discernible reason. Maybe because people aren’t showing up to protest outside the kangaroo court in Manhattan despite his repeated exhortations. He’s probably really bored and will change his mind later if he actually did say yes.

  3. You’re right, I am not Ron Paul. I’m Ron, Paul. I lived in China for a long time and my wife is Chinese, so sometimes I switch my first and last name by mistake. Sorry about that.

    But any way it’s cool how Trump will be in DC that day, if he’s not in court or in jail and something doesn’t come up in the meantime. Would be nice to see him debate Kennedy there. Sleepy Joe will skip, and lose out.

    Hey, I wonder if both Trump and Kennedy will seek the libertarian nomination now? Who do you think would win it? I know Kennedy already said no, but maybe now he will change his mind. Or, do you think one of the current contenders would beat Trump and or Kennedy for the libertarian nod?

  4. Not mentioned is that he will address the delegates via prerecorded video. Or that someone at lphq, which is now virtual, thought it was April 1 or May 1. Possibly both?

  5. Reality, it actually mayday, so they were not wrong if that’s what they thought. Trump is the most libertarian president ever, or at least since Andrew Jackson marched the injuns down the trail of tears, so losing ballot access by conominating TRUMP makes total sense, right?

  6. General Andrew Jackson marched Native Americans down the trail of tears. President Andrew Jackson shut down the national bank, among other things. Yes, I know he was the same guy.

    Likewise, author Thomas Jefferson was the chief author of the Declaration of Independence, among other stirring rhetoric. President Thomas Jefferson violated the Constitution repeatedly, for example with his Louisiana Purchase. Plantation owner Thomas Jefferson probably screwed and even impregnated his teenage slaves, etc. Also, same dude.

    Ever been to a Jefferson Jackson dinner, or been nominated for a libertarian Jefferson award at their convention?

    Jefferson, Jackson, Clinton, Trump – These guys are stars. That means they can do anything they want. Grab women by the vagina and just start kissing them. They’re stars, so the women let them.

    Trump is grabbing lady liberty by the vag and kissing her, and she loves it.

  7. Jealous much?

    Also, whether by lady liberty you mean America or the libertarians party, yes, he is, and yes, she does.

  8. Best news ever! I might even go. Wouldn’t have considered, otherwise. I went to Denver in 2008 and Seattle in 1987, libertarian conventions, but I was temporarily a libertarian party supporter both of those times. I’m a Republican for Trump right now, much as I was for Reagan, but not before or in between.

  9. Awesome news! This should be a push for the LP to officially nominate him.

  10. Sarwark would get a hard on if Biden showed up. I’m sure Angela McArdle is glad he isn’t because she doesn’t want her hair sniffed by a creepy old man.

  11. How many states would they lose ballot access is they did?

    I agree with the idea of inviting Terry. I would add Stein. They already invited Kennedy and Biden. I think that’s it for candidates likely to be on enough states to have a mathematical chance of winning the electoral college, absent write in votes.

    Biden and Trump (unless they somehow lose their nominations) and whoever the L.P. nominates are already there. Terry and Stein, presumably if the Greens don’t surprise us and nominate someone else, probably will get there.

  12. Walter, in states where they don’t allow fusion, libertarians would and should just not run a presidential candidate, and maintain ballot access either through down ballot candidates, voter registration, or other means.

    So what if they lose ballot access in a few states? They can get those back, and then some. They can either jump on board the Trump train, be heroes, and play their role, however big or small, I’m saving America.

    Or, they can be the loser party that helps Communist China conquer the USA with Xi puppet Quisling Biden, aka Beijing Joe.

    I hope and pray they help save America.

  13. Fred, I think Angela is to old for Biden to sniff. He’s more likely to sniff her child.

  14. How many states allow a Presidential candidate to run on separate ballot lines?

  15. I’m with my uncle on this. I’ll try to get up there now. I haven’t been to DC, so it may be a fun trip for the wife and kids and me if we can put the money and time together.

    It’s a bit too far north for our taste, so we’ll pray about whether going up to the district of criminals in damn Yankee land is worth the risk of getting waylaid by rampaging criminal scum, or the risk of the D & C law enforcement officers arresting us and stealing our kids for violating their insane laws by carrying weapons to protect ourselves against such an eventuality.

    What genius put the libertarians convention in such a place?

  16. Term limits, your question was both asked and addressed already. Scroll up.

  17. Correction of myself earlier: Kennedy, Terry and Stein.

  18. But not Cornell West. The liberal media loves him. But it’s not looking likely that he’ll be on in many states. Claudia de la Cruz and possibly other Marxists will be on in more states than their fellow Marxist West, but he’s included in polls and major media coverage, just because.

  19. God has hereby blessed America and the libertarians. Fusion nomination is manifest destiny, regardless of ballot access. Bitcoin and gold = money, federal reserve notes are for lighting cigars, let’s finish the wall and save America! Trump RULES, Biden SUCKS! I MEAN SNIFFS! I MEAN BOTH!

    Hopefully, Biden will not cause a terrorist attack worse than 9/11, especially with his latest plan to import large numbers of Hamas terrorists right into the US from Gaza.

    It’s bad enough that criminals, lunatics , terrorists, mobsters, cartels, rapists, murderers, drug dealers, and, presumably, some good people are already sneaking over the border in record numbers!

  20. You can donate $10 to the LP and ask Trump a question. I would ask why is he so awesome

  21. Why is Trump slumming like this? If I were Melania, and I must admit I have often dreamed about being her, I would skip it. Or at least wear the famous I don’t really care, do u outfit to show what I think about libtards. Oh well, the Lord works in mysterious ways, so I’ll keep trusting the plan. WWG1WGA.

  22. Thanks, herb. You sound like a dweeb, though. Do you have a large penis, big muscles, cool hair, a funny Jersey accent and an awesome spray tan? Like the Jersey shore dudes? That’s totally my type. If not,thanks for your interest. Actually the position is already kinda filled , at least on a trial basis.

  23. A native American is a White born in America. Red skinned savages are not native Americans. Andrew Jackson is currently the best President ever. Trump, second best. In his second term, Trump will become the best.

  24. If the national LP chose not to nominate any candidate for President, would state parties be free to run slates of unpledged electors?

  25. Herb, also, in case the position comes open again, don’t bother applying unless you’re, like, at the very least a multi millionaire and can prove it.

  26. Walter Ziobro: hopefully they would be kicked out of the l.p. and sued out of their affiliate status if they did that.

  27. Yo, MEGAN. I fit 100% of your criteria. Hit me up when you’re ready to step up to the next level.

  28. It’s actually a Rhode Island accent. But it would sound the same to you deep south gals.

  29. The former guy is going where? The only place he’s gonna go in DC is the DC jail. Oh wait, that’s in Virginia. Or Maryland. For sure not Delaware. There’s no ice cream there, except chocolate. I like vanilla ice cream. Yum. I’m going to bed.

  30. Trump might go to the DC jail, even if the NY judge doesn’t follow through with jail for contempt. The contempt ruling alone violates the conditions of pretrial release in DC and every other Trump trial. Judge Chutkan in DC is not exactly a fan of Trump, and the feeling is mutual. It’s a federal case, so he probably will go to DC jail, which, yes, is in Virginia. He’d probably visit DC in shackles and leg irons along with other jail inmates for court.v

  31. Jefferson being a star and whether the women (or underage girls) lived it was besides the point. He was their master, and they had to obey him, get whipped, or both. As it should be.

  32. What if the national LP made a deliberate choice to run a “none-of-above” campaign for President, made no nomination, and actively encouraged state parties to place unpledged electors on the their ballots?

  33. That would be regarded. Are they planning to merge with the retard party?

  34. I mean, retarded, not regarded. Excepting lowly regarded. Like me.

  35. Not quite, but my mix of NY and Mass accent sounds a lot like a Rhode island accent to everyone except people from Rhode Island,and I’ve even fooled some of them.

    However, I have zero dj skills, have been on both the jersey shore and tv but not at the same time, and I’m a big fat Jew with almost no muscles and a small penis.

    I’m also broke and not even close to a millionaire – barely even a thousandaire.

    So, yes, I’m just like Pauly D except for a few minor details.

  36. I see several possibilities here.

    1. Canned video,

    2. Bill Redpath got trolled,

    3. Bill Redpath is trolling,

    4. Trump accepted, many people will pay for convention packages because or this, and demand their money back when Trump cancels or sends a canned video at the last minute. Total chaos will erupt in the L.P.

  37. I’m with my friend Pig Farmer on this, although his nephew Porcus Agricola raises appropriate objections.

  38. Paula F, do you actually know how big Pauly D’s penis is? If so, how do you know?

  39. IMO, the LP co-nominating Trump doesn’t give him any votes that he doesn’t already have.

  40. Hey, guess who this is. You’ll never guess. I’m gonna have to cancel my reservation because of unforseen schedule changes.

    Even though the NY judge only gave me a fine, it violates my pretrial release conditions in all the federal cases. The Florida judge is pretty cool, but Atlanta and DC, not so much. So I’ll probably be locked up because of a broad, would you believe it, probably in the DC or Atlanta jail, unless I open my yap again and get put in the Tombs in Manhattan foist.

  41. A RINO speaking to LINOs. Trump following in the footsteps of Eleanor Roosevelt. How extremely appropriate.

  42. Will the retard party invite Trump? Will he accept? Does the troll moron party have a convention scheduled? Did they invite Trump? Has accepted, if they did? Does the troll moron party have a nominee yet? Will the retards reconsider their ticket, yet again?

  43. When parties nominate candidates for presidential elector who are officially unpledged, states generally just show a blank on the November ballot for that party for president. That is what Michigan did in 1960 for the Independent American Party. It is also what California did in 1968 for the Peace & Freedom Party. In Alabama in 1964, there were no presidential nominees printed on the ballot anyway, just the names of the electors and the party label. Same with Texas in 1944 for the Texas Regulars Party.

  44. In my opinion, the Retard Party should run Biden and the Troll Party should run Trump.

  45. “Walter, so, why do you think Trump accepted the invitation?”

    That’s a good question. It gives him a platform for publicity.

    But, I think that Libertarians who intend to vote for Trump have already made up their minds to do so.

  46. LOL, really? Trump needs the libertarians to give him a platform for publicity? Maybe Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, Larry Page and Larry Ellison need to do a tour of radio shacks?

  47. The retard and troll parties would merge and run Trump Biden. The only sticking point is who gets stuck with veep duty.

    As we speak, students and outside agitators are occupying college campuses in the middle of finals, shutting down traffic on bridges and daring planes on tarmacs to run them over Tiananmen Square style because they like one a lot better than the others.

    Since they’re troll retards, I’m not sure which one they like better, but they all have the same – and not that cheap – gear, like brand new color coordinated $499 tents which arrived suspiciously fast with no supply chain issues from China.

  48. They like the retard who’s bringing in Hamas terrorists as “refugees.” Duh. They still call him Genocide Joe, because they’re retarded troll morons, but they want him at the top of the ticket.

    Plus, with Trump as VP, they now get to vote for Trump by being uncommitted, thus avoiding a logical paradox which could blow up the universe. Trump only gets to be President again if Biden croaks before he’s 86, rather than being 86ed before he croaks. Everybody wins.

  49. You didn’t. But I did. Who’s on first? What’s on second? Who? What? Who am I? Where am I? Am I the President? When do we get ice cream?

  50. Locked up because of a broad:

    45, I feel your pain. 30 years ago, as you well remember, we didn’t get locked up, or even have to sit in court and pay fines, because of a broad. We just squashed our bimbo eruptions and went and had a cigar. The times have changed. Not for the better, as far as this goes.

    I promise to write and visit and put some money on your books. Say hello to Melania
    for Hillary.


  51. Elephino. Sound it out if you don’t know the term. Besides, you should be asking Walter Ziobro. He’s the one who said Trump needs the LP convention to get publicity.





  54. This easier earlier, but Maybe Mr winger didn’t see it, how many states would the L.P. Lose if it just didn’t have a presidential ticket at all in non fusion states due to endorsing Trump?

  55. We’re way better than the secret service. And AZ is not the Retard Party presidential candidate.

  56. Since we’re all living in bizarro world now, how many states would the GOP lose if Trump was on the LP line instead? I’m going to guess none, or almost none? The LP would get more ballot lines, and possibly elect its first ever President.

    McArdle would get a high ranking position such as Secretary of State, or maybe even the President’s personal secretary.

    With the LP on the ballot in every state and a sitting President, blacks and Hispanics would become the new second major party.

    Democrats would become a minor party, consisting mostly of white women who love abortions and don’t mind sky high inflation and trans.

  57. I see where you got confused. Blacks and Hispanics would become the base of the libertarian party.




  59. HOW ABOUT A MERGER ??? –



  60. LP should nominate President Trump for president. All the current candidates for the nomination are nobodies. Just do it and be relevant.

  61. L.p. Got trolled. Trump will send them a VHS tape. I think they have the AV contract approved or almost approved, so they should be ready to play it on opening night in a little over three weeks. Hopefully it won’t get lost in the mail.


  63. We’re an 88 rock n roll band..
    .Trump-Trump 24!

  64. I remember when Orin Hatch spoke at the LP national convention in SLC Utah in 1993. We applauded when he said something right, and we quietly mumble-grumbled when he said something wrong. He laughed at that. He knew our philosophy and where we stood. He was a pretty good sport and, in the end, it was an honor for us to be addressed by an influential senator in his home state. I’m sure it will be the same good time at the LP national convention in DC, and then it will be back to work.

  65. Trump got roaring applause at freedom fest. He will get roaring applause at LPfest. Too bad he won’t be there in person. If he does live video , he may have a two way connection and see or at least hear it. If canned, he’ll see snippets on FOX.

  66. I would actually laugh if Trump stampeded the LP into a co-nomination. It would probably finish wrecking the party.

  67. The LP helps Trump by nomination of NOTA for President in non fusion states, Trump in Fusion States. Trump trolls the Manhattan kangaroo court by petitioning in New York for a second line, since NY is a fusion state, using the petition drive to persuade more voters to support Trump and help get NY into the Trump column.

    Soon, there will be huge Trump rallies at Madison Square Garden every night, and then other venues will be added, like Yankee Stadium,MetLife giants stadium just over the Hudson in NJ, citi field where the Mets play now, Barclays center in Brooklyn, etc. Trump is coming home to roost!

  68. What’s in it for the L.P.? A YOOGE boost to down ticket candidates, that’s what. What could bar even sweeter than a second Trump term? How about Congressman Q Anon Shaman? Nuff said?

  69. Marjorie Taylor Greene works in D.C., where the convention is being held. How about if she’s the LP nominee in non swing, non fusion states?

  70. Real reality, you may be right. Trump would actually HELP the LP with NY ballot access. While they might lose ballot access in some states by NOTAing, the only way they can plausibly not just get but KEEP ballot access in NY under current laws is by running Trump there.

    It’s a fusion state, and not normally a swing state. And it’s important for media coverage, since FOX and a lot of other news outlets are based there.

  71. Maybe they could of done it with KENNEDY, but he opted for Sergey Brin’s ex instead, once again confirming that for the Kennedy’s, much like LIMP BIZKIT, it’s all about the nookie.

  72. May 23 is a Thursday. Trump is in court til in Manhattan til that afternoon and due in court in Manhattan again the next morning. Traffic sucks on I 95 from NY to DC and back. No way Trump rides Amtrak, that’s Biden’s thing. Gas for the Trump plane might be prohibitive, especially given the unrest in the middle east and all of Trump’s liquid assets temporarily locked up by various NY Courts.

    Conclusion: whoever says it will be video address is probably right. Hopefully the VHS tape is not lost in the mail.

  73. Who cares of its a vhs tape and gets lost in the mail. So what. They should still nominate TRUMP. It’s not even close.

  74. Whites do it, Orientals do it, Hispanics do it, even educated blacks do it…let’s do it, let’s go for Trump!

  75. I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you. It’s almost like Trump and Ron Paul are secret underground libertarian white nationalists.

  76. Mr. Redpath,

    Please bring back the list of recent comments to the mobile site.

    Thank you

  77. Trump is not a White nationalist or even close to one. He is a Zionist stooge just like Biden and Congress. Bow to all powerful Israel.

    History lesson: Israel was founded on terrorism, first againsat the British and then the Palestinians. Zionists are the most extreme Racist Supremacists on Earth and will go to any length to secure Jewish racist Supremacy in Israel but also globally in banking and media and over many governments (like USA).

  78. Trump is a white nationalist. He’s from New York, so he’s pragmatic about Jews. He wants to get them all into Israel first, before the battle of Armageddon can commence. The Saracens must be pushed back first.

  79. Zionists just want Israel to have a right to exist. The US and Israel were founded the same way, terror war against the UK and then against the natives. The US and Israel have a lot in common, including being targeted by jihadists – US 9/11/01, Israel 10/7/23.

    For racist extreme supremacists, check out Hamas or Bobo, who both cheer the Nazi holocaust and hope for a bigger repeat.

    According to these folks, Zionist Jews are genocidal racists because we don’t want to all be killed or booted from one country to another all over the world. For wanting to not have our one and only country pushed into the sea, but to defend it, like every other nation defends itself.

    Trump is more pro Israel than Biden, by far. He’s not a racist. More and more non whites in America are for Trump. He highlights them at his rallies. I’m voting for Trump and Netanyahu, Idk, I like Avigdor Liberman in Israeli elections if he runs. Israel Our Home is the party, Yishrail Beitenu in Hebrew.

    I hope Trump has a good visit with the liberty party, and they learn from each other. I understand there are a lot of Jewish libertarians – Mises, Rothbard, Ayn Rand, on to the present day.

  80. Israel had Jews living there thousands of years ago. America had viking and much earlier white settlers thousands of years ago. There’s even a Zion national park in many parallels!




  82. Go ahead and let that door hit you where the good Lord split you on your way out, Oregon Retards. Best of luck with organizing the Oregon Retard Party.

  83. This dude is supposed to be some kind of know it all with the libertarian pedo, I mean party. He may know something about this and he’s doing a slow motion ama today. I don’t know when he cuts off questions. Some of you may want to ask him some of this stuff.

    Does anyone know of other sites where top libertarian retards take and reply to queries of this nature?

  84. Alabama Rigger, the retard page probable came back due to merger talks with troll moron and loser parties for joint president nomination. They don’t like Trump but for some reason. Maybe not Biden either.

  85. You found it? You found the link I posted right above you, retard LOL. I found it not you. I know you want to be me. But you can’t be me.

  86. P or vp? And what about the loser party? Would retarded morons get retarded over losers splitting their vote?

  87. Congressional candidate q anon shaman and Trump, together! Trump-Shaman 2024!

  88. Alabama Rigger,

    They’re doing it all for no nookie. Or at least none that has tits yet. Does that answer your question?

  89. The Virginia part is already in va, arlington. The part that is still DC was Maryland.

  90. The thread linked by reader yesterday 9:48 pm to another site is having MORE conversation now. Can they be merged.

  91. It’s Seebeck, Anon. If I had a nickel for every time my name was misspelled or mispronounced, I’d be a trillionaire and then “Seebuck” would be apropos.

    In any case, regarding a riot, I’m not ruling it out, because if there’s one thing libertarians are good at, it’s acting stupid at conventions and when the cameras are rolling. I hope they don’t, but I have little confidence in that.

  92. Sorry. It was actually Google “correcting” your name and I hadn’t noticed.

  93. Seebeck (this time it tried to make your name Setback), when you make your convention theme become ungovernable, what do you expect?

  94. I mean, it was going to be a clusterfuck no matter what , but calling it that is just asking for it. Then throw in a big huge orange grenade, step back and kaboom, LOL

  95. Donald Trump for President
    Andy Jacobs for Vice President

    Make it happen!

  96. The el pee veepstakes are on? Awesome. How about seabiscuit seebeck from Alabama?

  97. Starting to read it now. The author seems intelligent and aware unlike most if the retards here, at jewpr and turd potty wash. He brings up a good question , why is trump going to porcfest and doing Freedom fest etc.

  98. Correction. I mean if Trump wants to talk to libertarians why wouldn’t he go to those rather than lpcon?

  99. I read hamman. Where’s all the news coverage that’s finally making the lp relevant? I monitor Fox CNN and msnbc a fair bit. Fox is mainly covering the untifada with a side of Manhattan kangaroo court. On ChinaNN and pmsnbc it’s the same diet, just with the center piece and side switched. I have not spotted a single l.p. mention.

    One of the tabs on my phone is Google news. It comes preloaded. I scrolled all the way down the page and again saw zero mention of the losertarians…

    Mainstream media college? Relevant? Where? How?

  100. I like your vp suggestion, stormy. How about Johnson-Pecker 24? Celebration cigar?

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