Rhode Island House Passes Bill on Independent Voters

Current Rhode Island lets independent voters vote in a partisan primary, but if an independent chooses a party primary ballot at the polls, he or she is considered registered in that party unless the voters fills out a form on the way out, to remain a registered independent.

On April 23, the House passed H7662.  It eliminates the need for such a voter to fill out a form after voting in order to remain an independent.


Rhode Island House Passes Bill on Independent Voters — 62 Comments

  1. Taran, how are you better than a Nazi? You support the north Korean Stalinist monarchy/dictatorship, satanism, and proudly support white genocide – deporting all Whites to Europe, then invading Europe and “genocide them like they did everyone else.” You believe in literally eating the rich, torturing capitalists and defenders of capitalism.

    You are a Nazi communist, which is not surprising; Nazism is left-wing, like communism, and very similar to communism in ideas and practice. Both are very different from traditionalist right wing conservative ideas.

    How are you on racial purity? Clearly, you don’t like White colonizers, even if it was X generations ago. How about negroes? It wasn’t their choice to come to America, except the Africans that are coming over now. If you had your way, would you involuntarily relocate them to Africa, encourage them to leave voluntarily, welcome them into your native American communist utopia, or what?

    And what about mestizos, the majority of Latin America’s people? They’re part native, part European. What would you do with them?

    If you want to talk crap about Nazis – look in the mirror.

  2. Mestizos and African Americans are cool. Only whites need to go, off our continent and then off our planet. They are the ones who invaded everywhere and took everyone else slaves and tried to genocide or assimilate every other country.

    Turnabout is fair play, like it is with capitalists. They exploited others, so deserve to be exploited.

    Cis hetero males deserve to be forcibly emasculated. They’re the perpetrators of sexual violence, exploitation and coercion against everyone else. They deserve revenge.

    Hunters deserve to be hunted by animals for sport and entertainment. They’re not hunting for survival.

    It’s rebalancing the scales of nature.

    I’m a communist, not a Nazi. I’m left wing. Nazis and conservatives are right wing – they want to keep white supremacy, Abrahamist, cis hetero male patriarchy, and only pay lip service to socialism, if that. They’re basically the same.

  3. Whenever you notice a Commie in your midst, the first thing you should do is offer a free helicopter ride.

  4. When you see a capitalist, it’s time to feed the hungry dogs, or the hungry workers. What will you do when you have a thousand times more communists than helicopters? A million? Because you will, sooner then you think. I’m not afraid of helicopter rides, Pinochet wannabe. Might be a thrilling way to go if it came to that.

    The ways you’d go, might be a little less quick and painless. With a copter ride, it’s usually death from heart attack in the air. I’m down with that. I’d tell you a bit about yours, but the management’s tolerant comment policy does have its limits. I’ve noticed. We all gotta go one way or another. You thought you could scare me with a free ride? Silly little shill.

  5. “Taran” Stock is so retarded he has no clue what a Nazi even is. Nazis and communists are one in the same with only slight differences.

  6. Little child, don’t you have school in the morning? Your parents are way too lax with your devices.

    I explained what the difference between communist and Nazi is. One is a bully and a tool of capitalists, despite falsely claiming to be national “socialist.” The difference with revolutionary violence is that it’s righteous revenge. That makes all the difference in the world.

    Now, at the risk of making you too sleepy for school in the morning: what’s the difference between capitalism and fascism? Nazism as “traditional conservatism”? The 31 flavors of right wing baloney?

  7. Given enough revolutionary workers, the helicopter won’t achieve liftoff.

  8. It can only hold a certain amount of payload, like capitalist oppression as a whole.

  9. Hey Randy, it’s almost time for the short bus to pick you up. Are you going to be able to keep your eyes open in class, or will you be “resting” them like Mr. Orange does in court? And, did you do your homework for school? I see you didn’t do your homework about any real difference between capitalism and Nazis. Nazis are just the bully thug lackeys of capitalism.

  10. Btw, this is with apologies to actual mentally challenged children. You’re only borderline, so don’t deserve the sympathy that they do. I’d peg you at right around age 14, iq 88. Young and dumb,but not actually retarded. Sexually molested, for sure. Almost certainly a boy who identifies as straight and is deeply confused about your feelings for the older man or men who touched and played with you.

  11. Any other capitalist shills want to step up to the plate and get scalped by a red native warrior? LOL

  12. I’m sorry diaper boy, your homework assignment is incomplete. You’re going to have to try again.

  13. Taran, thanks for asking. Your mistake is understandable. A roman salute looks a lot like a Hitler salute to the untrained eye. However, the Roman empire existed thousands of years before Hitler, as you probably now.

    My parents named me Roman. My last name is not salute, and is not for publication since I’m not a public person. Salute refers to border guard duty, which I did both in the US and Russia,in Novorossiya.

    My dad is from Russia, my mother is from Moldova which was then called Moldavia and was part of the USSR. Most people in Moldova are ethnically Romanian. It was part of Romania until WW2 (Called great patriotic war there). Romania was named after the Roman empire. Roman is also a common name in Russia.

    I was born in the US. I’ve lived in Russia and other parts of the former USSR a couple of times, once as a child and once as an adult, and have been in Moldova many times.




  15. So, my point was, I’m not a Nazi. I’m a traditionalist national conservative Christian pan-nationalist. Contrary to what most people, including you, have been misled to believe, that’s as far as you can get from being a Nazi or commie like you.

    The difference you point out between Nazis and communists is superficial and dumb. He started it, no she started it. Little kid playground crap. You both need a time out facing the corner and no tv or devices for a week, plus you’re grounded, and you’ll get a paddling later.

    Totalitarian mass murder and repression is totalitarian mass murder and repression, regardless of whether it’s in revenge in the minds of the perpetrators or not.

  16. AZ, despite the ever eternal broken caps lock, made sense that time. I guess even a broken bot makes sense on occasion.

  17. Taran,the other logical mistake you make is collective punishment. I’m not always opposed to that – decimation is effective in military discipline, for example.

    Unlike the way its used nowadays, decimation originally meant the execution of every tenth man chosen at random as a way to discipline a fighting unit. It did not mean total destruction. The word has the same root as decimal – one in ten. 9 out of 10 are still strong enough to fight the enemy.

    However, you take collective punishment to an absurd totalitarian level. Billions of whites and cis hetero men of all races- I am all of those myself, but so are many others. Very few whites today had anything to do with any genocide. Relatively few straight guys have committed sexual violence, out of all the straight guys out there, which you said u want to emasculated all of us.

    Women and homosexuals have also committed sexual violence. Most child molestation, by a lot, is homosexual.

  18. Mongols genicided half of Eurasia. Everyone throughout history committed genocide. The Hebrews genocided the Canaanites. Japanese genocided Chinese and Koreans. Negroes are genociding Whites in rural South Africa. Jews are soft-genociding Whites worldwide through population replacement and race mixing. So called Ukrainians and Ukrainian Jews are genociding other Russians.

    Speaking of race mixing, you said that mestizos are ok with you. But mestizos are not necessarily 50-50. Just what percentage of White genetic heritage does someone have to have to end up on the side of recipients of justified revenge in your fantasy world? Few people are really racially pure anymore. Most natives aren’t pure, for sure. A lot of Whites and blacks aren’t racially pure either.

    If you start emasculating straight guys, a lot of straight men will claim to be bi. Are they going to have to prove it in front of the people’s tribunal by engaging in public homosexual acts? What if they’re performance shy in front of a crowd? Actually, please don’t answer that last one, I just got nauseous. It happens.

  19. It wouldn’t make a lot of sense for rich conservative donors to fund libertarians in order to split commie-fascist votes. Libertarians mostly have patriotic conservatives as their second choice, and hate commie-fascist demon rats.

    However, many alleged libertarians do have commie-fascists as their second choice, because both are liberal on a lot of social issues, anti military and anti law enforcement.

    This was especially true until just 2 years ago, when the planks in favor of the ritual sacrifice of millions of innocent babies to Satan by abortion as well as in favor of population replacement / soft genocide of Whites and destruction of national sovereignty through open borders got removed from the libertarian platform.

    Thus, it would not make a lot of sense for rich commie-fascist demon rats to give money to libertarians, either. Since libertarians take almost as many votes away from the commie fascist demon rats as they do from patriotic, righteous Christian nationalist conservatives.

    Libertarians are pretty much on their own.

  20. https://www.yahoo.com/news/people-cant-detained-just-trying-100057371.html

    People can’t be detained just for trying to avoid police, California Supreme Court says
    Kevin Rector
    Fri, May 3, 2024 at 6:00 AM EDT

    Police officers cannot detain someone on the street just because that person tries to avoid contact with them, the California Supreme Court ruled Thursday.
    The decision has immediate implications for police officers working all across the state, restricting the grounds under which they can stop and hold people for questioning. It could also affect other litigation in which arrests are being challenged, particularly when people of color allege they were detained simply for trying to avoid police.
    Someone acting nervous or attempting to conceal themselves can still be “relevant context” for officers, but those actions alone do not constitute “reasonable suspicion of criminal activity,” Justice Carol Corrigan wrote for the unanimous high court.

  21. Simon, I’m actually trying to be more gay. I’m not gay enough. I’m trying to overcome the conditioning of cis heteronormative culture. I was always bi but publicly identified as straight and, like you still are in your arrested development, homophobic in a juvenile way. In reality, I always went both ways, but I wasn’t out about it until well into adulthood.

    My goal is actually to transition to female. That’s a conscious choice. I never felt like a girl. But I’d like to. I’m expressing my feminine side more and more these days, and it’s liberating.

  22. Roman, you’re not convincing me that you’re not a Nazi. You sound very defensive about it. I think I touched a sore spot. Do you like having it touched? I don’t really care, do you?

    You never pointed to any big differences between whatever you claim you are and fascist or Nazi. If they exist, what are they , LOL? Assertion is not evidence.

  23. Can any of you capitalism shill geniuses identify any significant difference between fascism and capitalism? At least try, LOL.

    As for capital accumulation: in both the Soviet and Chinese scientific socialism periods, primarily agricultural societies were transformed into industrial ones. It was some of the fastest, most large scale industrialization in world history anywhere.

    Environmental destruction would have to be addressed much better to make industrialization an entirely positive thing. It would be best for Mother Earth for us to move into postindustrialization now, before we kill ourselves and every other multicellular species on the planet, if it’s not already too late. Capitalism creates the wrong incentives, which make the collective decision-making to make such a smart move impossible.

    Short sighted individual greed would kill us all within 50-100 years at most if the workers don’t rise up to save our species and life on Earth. Luckily, we will,due to the scientific laws of nature shown by the iron clad logic of Marxist scientific socialism.

  24. “Taran” Stock is not only a troll and a retard, now he’s admitted he’s mentally ill.

  25. Being gay is better. For one thing, we need to reduce human population. Babies should never be unplanned. They should be centrally planned under scientific socialism. In the future, babies will be created with artificial insemination. Ideally, they will be incubated in artificial wombs.

    Either way, they will not be allowed to bind with their mother after birth, and of course they will have no idea who the father is. The collective of workers will be a panopticon to introduce accountability. This will stop all crime, bad behavior, and hetero irresponsible behavior that could result in unplanned pregnancy.

    When I transition to female, I’d like to be primarily lesbian, even though I still won’t be able to incubate a child, unless that becomes possible, in which case I look forward to doing pregnancy duty if that’s the decision of the collective. But that probably won’t be necessary, since a society which can put a baby inside someone born male can put a baby inside an artificial womb, and the latter is more efficient for the productivity of the collective.

    Until I can become a woman, I’m trying to become as gay as I can make myself be. It’s a constant struggle, because females are still attractive to me more than males and I have to work to overcome my early heteronormative conditioning.

  26. Simon, you have probably tried being gay. If not, you should. I can tell you want to, at the very least. If you’re already gay, you want to come out of the closet. If you’re not, you’re curious to try it.

    You should. Men often know how to please other men better than women do. Someone with a penis knows how to make a penis feel good. Whereas girls have to be taught, often by guys who are too embarrassed to communicate adequately.

    Whether you’re closeted or just curious, take my word for it: being bi or gay and out feels great. That’s not to say I would find you attractive, but at least some men would.

  27. Larry, you still haven’t done your homework. You were playing on your phone instead of studying or sleeping. Now you’re sleeping through class and posting childish taunts at adults every time the bell rings. You need professional help badly.

  28. Use all need a hobby instead of being at each other’s throats prime example Y America is in the way it’s in horrible who wants to be king of the sandbox U no there R other sandboxs Foolish

  29. Me, and you, and pretty much everyone else ever to one degree or another. We just all handle it differently. Coming out as bi feels like what I imagine coming out of prison must feel like. Maybe that’s why it’s called coming out.

  30. The degree to which someone must be white to be punished should be determined by the collective. Maybe the degree of punishment should depend on the percentage of grafted devil ancestry.

    For example, how long they are kept out in the fields naked under the hot blazing sun and forced to pick cotton by Black men with whips, or how much water they are allowed to have during such long hot days. That’s just an example.

  31. I think Roman misunderstood emasculating. I don’t mean castration. Homosexual rape, most likely public, is exactly what I mean. Not being able to perform wouldn’t be a problem for these straights.

  32. If you’re gay or bi, I would highly suggest coming out before you have to prove it in front of a people’s tribunal, LOL. If you’re not, you really need to try it, seriously. You can take it the easy way or the hard way. I suggest the easy way, but it’s up to you. It’s possible you may be transitioned against your will too, but not necessarily right away.

  33. First of all, it’s not gay unless you get penetrated.

    I have cummed inside the anus of a couple men. I admit it was much tighter than a vagina and the guy enjoyed it more because I know how to hit the p spot better than the g spot.

    Now I have never been penetrated and have never put another man’s beast in my mouth. Because I am not gay.

    Men dominating other men is not revolutionary. There’s nothing special about it. It’s been happening since the dawn of time.

    And just because you like being dominated does not make you a woman. You cannot change your chromosomes. Just take what you get. Enjoy your prostate orgasm in exchange for a man’s penile orgasm and get on with your life.

    There’s more to life than hedonistic pleasure.

  34. Thanks. I’m a switch, both with men and women. You sound way more focused on sex than I am. My main focus is communist revolution.



  36. We are those very same agents. We watch porn and BAN at the same time. BAN is just text, so small phone screens are good enough for ban. It would be way too boring if we didn’t have porn going on our tablets at the same time. We also love texting each other crude jokes and nasty naked selfies to help pass the time.

    Hey, it’s a paycheck. Pretty decent pay and benefits and easy work too.

  37. Right wing: slow social change or revert to long standing tradition

    Fascism and communism: rapid transformation of society in unprecedented ways

    Right wing respects traditional norms, left wing doesn’t. Fascism is left wing.

    Right wing holds other social institutions – family, business, church, charity, etc – to operate independent of the state. Left wing fascism seeks to have them all deeply intertwined with and directed by the state. Far left communism seeks to replace them all with the state.

    Right wing respects local rights. Fascism and communism love centralized power and central planning, since they are left wing.

    Right wing wants national sovereignty and peace. Fascism, being leftist, wants imperial conquest. Communism wants world revolution – in practice, world evil imperialism.

    How are they similar at all ?

  38. Yep. Communists invented the lie that Nazis are right wing. Liberals and so called conservatives of the establishment adopted it. It’s still a lie.

  39. No, we didn’t. The Nazi program for women was children, kitchen, church – as traditional conservative as you get.

    The European and global right isn’t about small government. That’s an American thing, due to the pernicious legacy of 18th century liberalism becoming the new American conservatism.

    What defines left vs right is being on the side of privilege vs not. The rich, grafted white devils, patriarchy, cis heterosexuals and heteronormatives – the right, including Nazis, protect their interests. The left, especially Juche communists, fight for liberation from them.

  40. The right loves closed borders. The left is for open borders and internationalism. Are Nazis left wing or right wing? You have a brain. Use it.

  41. I grew up being a “normal” “straight” male who tried to dominate females and males alike. I acted homophobic, like the arrested development mental children still do. My bisexuality was deep in the closet. Sexually, I also preferred being the dominant partner with males as well as females.

    It’s only as I grew in revolutionary consciousness and began to truly understand the sexual politics of oppression that I came out as bi and began to explore my feminine and submissive side, both with women and men. I’m making a conscious effort to do that more and more, struggling against my societal heteronormative, homophobic, alphacentric, patriarchal conditioning and making slow, steady progress in fighting it.

    It’s one small aspect of communist revolution, a global struggle to liberate the oppressed on every sense, primarily but not only economic.

  42. No. You’re just a homosexual who likes to take a pounding and thinks it means something more than it does.

    I remember when you used to troll here as Aiden.

  43. Another name unfamiliar to me. Your juvenalia is nonsensical. I’ve explained my sexuality more than adequately. I’ve also explained where it fits in the general scheme of turning the tables on the powers that be. As usual , u are projecting.

  44. Ruining your anus and becoming incontinent doesn’t turn the tables on anyone. It just makes money for the adult diaper companies.

  45. Or “maybe” you’re mentally ill. Taran is only Taran. The more you deny it, the more obvious your desperate projection and cognitive dissonance become obvious. You’re simply trying to disrupt and prevent conversation for lulz. Classic trolling. There’s help out there for the molested children such as yourself.

  46. No. Juvenile homophobia, trolling, projection, cognitive dissonance – your mo – that’s mental illness..stemming from heteronormative conditioning clashing with underage molestation and unresolved gay attraction to the older partner. You certainly project multiple name trolling, among many other things.it’s a defensive mechanism and one of the most common ones.

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