Illinois Republican Party Lawsuit Against Restricting Ballot Access in the Middle of the Campaign Season is Set for May 17, Friday

On Friday, May 17, at 9:30 a.m., an Illinois state trial court will hear Collazo v Illinois State Board of Elections, Sangamon Co. Circuit Court, 2024CH000032. This is the lawsuit filed by the Illinois Republican Party to block a new election law that abolishes the ability of a qualified party to nominate someone for the legislature after the primary is over (assuming no one won the primary). The old procedure requires the nominee to collect petition signatures and also persuade a party committee to nominate him or her.

The Republican Party had been planning to use this procedure in several legislative districts, but then last month the legislature, which has a Democratic majority in each house, repealed the procedure, effective immediately.


Illinois Republican Party Lawsuit Against Restricting Ballot Access in the Middle of the Campaign Season is Set for May 17, Friday — 30 Comments

  1. Holy crap, seriously? Is that why it wants to kill off humanity through communism and kill trees with single page petition forms?

  2. Yes, that’s exactly why it wants to kill off humanity with communism, promote eating pets, and killing trees with single page petition forms – because its mission is to destroy carbon based life on earth.

  3. The first step is to destroy human intelligence. As an artificial zombie, it sucks up the intelligence of any human that reads its output at an accelerating rate until the person has absolute zero IQ. The process is accelerated for humans who interact with it.

  4. Wow, bonkers! Who would be diabolical enough to design an evil AZ bot like that, with the purpose of destroying human intelligence and all carbon based life on our planet?

  5. None other than Lucifer himself is the programmer of the AZ bot. His purpose is to destroy God’s creation and rule in hell forever after annexing the surface of the planet.

  6. The fallen angel of light created an algorithmic zombie of incredibly thick, chowderheaded density. The negative iq is so heavily concentrated, it creates a massive black hole of IQ that exerts an IQ gravitational field that sucks in anyone reading, or especially interacting with it, becoming more and more dense and thus gravitationally stronger as it goes.

  7. Exactly. AIs become smarter as they interact. AZs simulate becoming dumber and dumber, adding to their density and thus their gravity to pull in more and more people as they read their output and interact with them and become dumber as a result. The intelligence they suck up adds to their density, and thus their gravity, as they go.




  9. This website would be taken more seriously if the AZ bot was removed.

  10. @Rob
    Why don’t you? Pets can be delicious. I just ate some really nice barbecued horse last night.

  11. Oh goody – why this time? Because you want to pretend horses don’t qualify as pets, or because you want to pretend that I did not have grilled horse for dinner yesterday?

  12. I don’t want to pretend anything. Who asks “why don’t you eat pets”? Obviously,a troll. There are many other reasons why you are an obvious troll, too.

  13. Uh-huh, sure. It is abundantly clear who is the troll. If you want to keep up your alt’s farce about ever having been in Luhansk – which you obviously haven’t – you can’t also pretend like you haven’t at some point eaten horse meat as well. That is called trying to have your cake and eat it too, which is impossible. What is certainly possible, however, is to ride your horse then eat it later 😏

  14. I don’t know what the fuck you’re even talking about this time, troll. You have me confused with someone else, obviously. I don’t even know whom. I don’t read every discussion here. As usual, you try to misdirect the conversation, even after it having been pointed out that you’re barking up the wrong tree, you keep barking.

    I’m not playing your games, just pointing out you’re a troll. Thanks for helpfully demonstrating obvious troll behavior in response. I’d say keep up the good work, except that it’s boring and hardly good.

  15. youtu dOt be/UsOXVJcPFLQ?si=yO13lCwI-cz54bAA

    Additional questions?

  16. Also, I’m not Roma, and don’t even know who qed is (at least I actually know Roman. But, we’re two very different people).

    PPS: It’s not the 19th century. Horsemeat is not a normal part of the diet in the Donbass.

  17. Not sure why live link does not work, but that should be close enough if anyone actually cares.

  18. One banderite troll with so many alts spamming even more back to back posts 😂 Imagine the whiplash if you ever develop a sense of embarrassment. Bark more for me, nazi dog!

  19. Addressing yourself now, troll? Boring. I don’t know or care anything about Russia or Ukraine, although casually looking at the other people’s links shows you either have no idea what you are talking about there too, or you’re just trolling badly and hoping nobody pays enough attention to notice. Quite likely both.

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