Former President Donald Trump Said if Robert F. Kennedy Meets the Debate Criteria, That is Fine

on May 15, former President Donald Trump said that if Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., qualifies for the June 27 debate, that is fine with him. See this story.


Former President Donald Trump Said if Robert F. Kennedy Meets the Debate Criteria, That is Fine — 20 Comments

  1. ‘In a video posted recently to Truth Social, Trump called Kennedy a “Democrat plant” and a “radical left liberal.” “He is not a Republican so don’t think you’re going to vote for him and feel good,” Trump said in the post.’

    Ah the irony. It will be fun watch the climate crazy crush the RINO in chief in a debate. Assuming the cowardly orange traitor doesn’t suddenly get cold feet and renege on his words yet again.

  2. Trump will win the debate, but that’s besides the point. Even if Kennedy wins, it won’t elevate him above Trump, because Biden will still have enough reflexive Democrat support and Trump still has enough hardcore support that wouldn’t abandon him no matter what. Biden has no hardcore personal support to speak of. Having Kennedy in the debate will split the anti Trump vote, which is why Trump wants him there and Biden doesn’t.

  3. He’s not going to refuse. But, he should set up separate debates with Kennedy that Biden is invited to.

  4. The AZ bot still hasn’t been programmed to realize Brown has nothing to do with this.

  5. AZ bots do not get programmed to simulate greater intelligence over time. On the contrary, they are programmed to simulate become getting dumber and dumber, and make anyone reading their output and especially anyone interacting with them dumber and dumber at an accelerating rate.

  6. All the presidential candidates of all different parties should be on stage to debate.

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