Polling Requirement for June 27 Presidential Debate

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., needs to be at 15% in national polls by June 20 in order to qualify for the CNN presidential debate. Specifically, he needs to be at 15% in polls from four organizations. Polls from 13 organizations will be considered. He doesn’t need to be at an average of 15% in all of them; any four polls will count. The poll can be either 15% of the registered voters, or 15% of the likely voters.

Polls from these 13 organizations are eligible: ABC News, CBS News, CNN, Fox News, Marquette University Law School, Monmouth University, NBC News, NY Times-Siena College, NPR-PBS-News-Hour, Marist College, Quinnipiac University, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post.


Polling Requirement for June 27 Presidential Debate — 12 Comments

  1. What if he’s at 16% in 2 polls, and 14% in 2 polls? Will that qualify?

  2. Thank you, Thomas. I think you are correct, and I have amended the blog post.

  3. It’s going to end up being a Trump-Kennedy debate when Kennedy qualifies and Quisling Biden drops out.

  4. So they aren’t counting YouGov, Suffolk University, Emerson College, Selzer & Co., SurveyUSA, Beacon Research/Shaw & Co. Research, Public Policy Polling, Echelon Insights, McLaughlin & Associates, Redfield & Wilton Strategies, Morning Consult, Ipsos, TIPP Insights, Data for Progress, Fabrizio, Lee & Associates/Impact Research, Data Orbital, Rasmussen Reports, etc. etc.

    That’s a lot of polls to leave out. Convenient that most of those 13 pollsters are part of mainstream media.

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