New Mexico Election Director Quits, Says Secretary of State Ordered Employees to Work on her Ballot Access Petition

According to this story, New Mexico’s Director of the Election Bureau, who recently resigned, has said that one reason he resigned was that the Secretary of State was requiring patronage employees to help with her ballot access petition. New Mexico is one of a minority of states in which Democrats and Republicans must petition in order to get on their own party’s primary ballot. Thanks to Bill Van Allen for the link.


New Mexico Election Director Quits, Says Secretary of State Ordered Employees to Work on her Ballot Access Petition — No Comments

  1. I wonder when the last time was that New Mexico did NOT have a crooked Secretary of State?

  2. Former N.M. Director of Elections A.J. Salazar’s resignation letter is now available in its entirety (as a .pdf) at – it was provided as part of a story entitled “Ex-Elections Director Slams Secretary of State” that appeared in yesterday’s Española (NM) Rio Grande Sun (3/10)

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