Press Reports on Inclusive New York Gubernatorial Debate

Here is one of many press accounts of the October 18 New York gubernatorial debate.  This particular article, from The New Republic, seems to feel the debate was a success.  UPDATE:  here is the account in The City Paper of Rochester, which is also favorably impressed with the debate.


Press Reports on Inclusive New York Gubernatorial Debate — 4 Comments

  1. Tie-breaker #3

    Eballot: Elects “Coalition of Seven” – Vote Here
    Under Single Transferrable Vote (STV)
    10/14/2010 through 8/5/2014

    The Four Eballots Cast Thus Far;
    See Totals;
    Current Approved Rules;

    Directions to Voters

    Do not use X marks. Mark your choice
    (s) with numbers only. Put the figure
    1 beside your first choice, the figure 2
    beside your second choice, the figure 3
    beside your third choice, and so on.
    You may rank as many choices as you please.
    Do not put the same figure beside more than
    one choice/name. Copy, paste and email
    the marked eballot to the volunteer vote
    counter at

    Candidate Name Party/Category
    ___ ________________ ________________ (write in)
    ___ Chelene Nightingale [Constitution]
    ___ Jerry Brown [Democratic]
    ___ Laura Wells [Green]
    ___ Dale Ogden [Libertarian]
    ___ Carlos Alverez [Peace and Freedom]
    ___ Meg Whitman [Republican]
    Lieutenant Governor
    ___ ________________ ________________ (write in)
    ___ Jim King [Constitution]
    ___ Gavin Newsom [Democratic]
    ___ James “Jimi” Castillo [Green]
    ___ Pamela J. Brown [Libertarian]
    ___ CT Weber [Peace and Freedom]
    ___ Abel Maldonado [Republican]
    Secretary of State
    ___ ________________ ________________ (write in)
    ___ Merton D. Short [American Independent/Constitution]
    ___ Debra Bowen [Democratic]
    ___ Ann Menasche [Green]
    ___ Christina Tobin [Independent]
    ___ Marylou Cabral [Peace and Freedom]
    ___ Damon Dunn [Republican]
    ___ ________________ ________________ (write in)
    ___ Lawrence G. Beliz [American Independent]
    ___ John Chiang [Democratic]
    ___ Ross D. Frankel [Green]
    ___ Andrew “Andy” Favor [Libertarian]
    ___ Karen Martinez [Peace and Freedom]
    ___ Tony Strickland [Republican]
    ___ ________________ ________________ (write in)
    ___ Robert Lauten [American Independent]
    ___ Bill Lockyer [Democratic]
    ___ Charles “Kit” Crittenden [Green]
    ___ Edward M. Teyssier [Libertarian]
    ___ Debra L. Reiger [Peace and Freedom]
    ___ Mimi Walters [Republican]
    Attorney General
    ___ ________________ ________________ (write in)
    ___ Diane Beall Templin [American Independent]
    ___ Kamala Harris [Democratic]
    ___ Peter Allen [Green]
    ___ Timothy J. Hannan [Libertarian]
    ___ Robert J. Evans [Peace and Freedom]
    ___ Steve Cooley [Republican]
    Insurance Commissioner
    ___ ________________ ________________ (write in)
    ___ Clay Pedersen [American Independent]
    ___ Dave Jones [Democratic]
    ___ William Balderston [Green]
    ___ Richard S. Bronstein [Libertarian]
    ___ Dina Josephine Padilla[Peace and Freedom]
    ___ Brian Fitzgerald [Republican]

    For paper ballot, corrections or more information:
    Telephone 415-686-1996
    * * *

  2. Ofcourse the multi-party debate was interesting; the point of multiple parties is to bring out interesting ideas and hope the public supports them. The writer makes it seem like it was a miracle that the ‘fringe’ candidates didn’t start stabbing Cuomo.

  3. @Tom, Charles Barron certainly had an axe to grind with Cuomo, and Mr. Barron does appear to have a mean streak. The emotional, bleeding heart vote will likely go to Jimmy M., and the Jewish Lawyer vote will almost certainly go to Warren R.And Kristin D. will get what she wants, as always. But she shouldn’t have gone with the hair pieces.

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