Constitution Party Closer to Setting National Convention

The national committee of the Constitution Party met in Boise, Idaho April 20-22. The committee tentatively chose Phoenix for its 2008 presidential convention, although if that doesn’t work out, the back-up choice is Kansas City. The exact dates still aren’t set, but it will be in late April or early May 2008.


Constitution Party Closer to Setting National Convention — No Comments

  1. Hello: I have fulfilled the constitutional age and residency requirements to assume the Office of Presidency of The United States 2008 and again in 2012 on any available party lines, but as Nassau County Executive Commitee Chairperson to The Constitution Party, I would be honored to serve as The Officially Nominated and Endorsed Constitution Party Candidate for The Office of The US Presidency. I recently changed my party from Right To Life back to republican at The NC Bd Of elections for a local village vote, and got nothing but disrespect from a person there who thought that if the GOP Primary switched to Tuesday, “they” would have known about it. As an Accountant to The NY State Office of The Comptroller and Election Inspector, the bureaucrat was poorly informed as usual. As I have appeared on “Catholics For Life” cable Channel 20 taped at The Skidmore Law Office with Dr. Vincent Garbitelli of Rockville Centre, I am also eligible to be elected to the Office of The NY State Governor on Right To Life, Conservative,and maybe also Republican Party lines, but with my experience in prosecuting Foreign War Criminals of Iran, Libya and Syria on The Corporate Board of Directors of The Victims of Pan Am Flight #103, and Filing Petitions on behalf of Prisoners of Conscience for Amnesty International 1984-89, I am more suited to serve as The President of The United States of America 2009-2013, and 2013-2017 in Washington, D.C. I have been to Scotland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Israel and Palestine,as an independent journalist and scholar, diplomat and plaintiff/prosecutor of indicted suspects in The Knesset, Scottish Court in The Netherlands,and humanitarian worker, besides professional educator and musician,actor/dancer and singer for tens of thousands at Du Four Physical Fitness Center 1987-91, bars and coffeehouses and library basements. Request and purchase in bulk my cds” Rabbi Daniel Shalom, All Patriot, NO Act” from Tower Records on backorder and in wharehouses since it was for sale at Carle Place and Empire Disc in Garden City,LI,NY, in the local artists’ section, and I have chaired blood drives locally and am aware that there are other people with my name who might be downloading illegally or impersonating me illegally, as the monicker “Rabbi Daniel ” is a title bestowed upon me by Rabbi Michael Singer of Malverne for my leadership in the August 15, 2004 blood drive which I promoted and later earned the Award of Appreciation in 2006 for my Lifetime of Donations to NY Blood Center and The United States Marines. Respectfully Yours In Responsible Prayer, Intelligence and Counter-Terrorist Activities and Patriotism, Sir Daniel M. J. Tobin, 115 Atlantic Ave Apt 2A,Hempstead,NY 11550-1204

  2. Maybe.I just have so much on my mind and don’t always do my own typing, it doesn’t always come out on the page as I want it. I guarantee that I am not always this way when I speak! Thanks in advance, Sir Tobin

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