Arizona Legislator Suggests State May Owe Money to Recalled State Senator

According to this story, Arizona Representative Jack Harper believes that the Arizona Constitution requires that the state reimburse Senator Russell Pearce for his campaign expenses in the recent recall election. However, there is no indication whatsoever that Senator Pearce would ask for reimbursement. The article reveals that when former Governor Evan Mecham was the subject of a recall, as well as impeachment and removal by the Arizona legislature, he did make a claim and settled for several hundred thousand dollars.


Arizona Legislator Suggests State May Owe Money to Recalled State Senator — 3 Comments

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  2. Don’t count on it. The law in Arizona requires the state to reimburse the candidates in a recall. However, when Governor Mecham was the recall candidate and had $1M in campaign debt, the state legislature had a temper tantrum and impeached him instead, then they said they didn’t have to pay him the money because the recall election was canceled. When he first tried to settle out of court, they offered $100K. He then said, “Meet you at the courthouse”. The state finally gave him, not “several hundred thousand”, instead it was $400,000. On a side note, the Secretary of State, Art Hamilton, who hated Governor Mecham from the word go, said he would investigate every item that Mecham wanted to be reimbursed for. This was the same person who reimbursed the legal fees, as required by state law, for the seven infamous AZSCAM bribery legislators without any investigation of their fees at all.

  3. Amid the nearly $15 Trillion dollar U.S. treasury deficit, the 12 special politicians are scrambling to cut back on uncontrollable spending, why we not saving some of this money by stopping welfare benefits to illegal aliens? We can accomplish some instant cutbacks, by removing the encouragement, that criminal business have brought upon the average American worker, by displacing them with foreigners from other countries. It’s not like we don’t have our own share of poverty, but when the government-sponsored invasion has allowed this continuing for decades. Most every law to discourage illegal immigration has been tabled in Congress, or it has never collected enough sponsors to reach the floor. When I read a very thorough analysis by the Conservative think tank ‘The Heritage Foundation’ that illegal aliens were being subsidized to the unheard amount of $113 Billion tax dollars annually, then I knew that the Liberal progressives, Democrats and political class Republicans were behind this disgusting behavior. NO wonder the political perpetrators had never enacted illegal entry as a FELONY; instead it is even less than a misdemeanor?

    We have become a dumping ground for incompetent governments for their 20 million unauthorized aliens. Incidentally, President Obama in his wisdom, with I’m sure from inside and outside influence to introduce some policy that illegal aliens were now classed as–undocumented immigrants. Well I will not oblige him in my commentary, even if the Liberal press writes in their columns, that all illegal aliens are now just immigrants? Guess this is the lefts push for strengthening their ‘Political Correctness’ agenda, which has been forced on every America? Except that the TEA PARTY knows better and that foreign aliens will be even more alienated after more authentic TEA PARTY Representatives, slide into Senate and Congressional seats by the time of the Presidential race in 2012. It’s almost laughable that the rabble ‘Occupy’ in city centers have been identified with the TEA PARTY–of course by our countries subversives and Liberal extremists. We are nothing like these people and shouldn’t be associated with any of this mob rule. The TEA PARTY doesn’t build tent cities, leave mounds of garbage, rape, kill or cause mayhem on the streets.


    It’s time to look at this bipartisan spending spree and that includes illegal immigration. THE ISSUE OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION HAS BECOME EQUALLY PREDOMINANT AS OUR LIFELESS ECONOMY, THAT IT IS A COST WE DON”T NEED AND CANNOT AFFORD. A TEA PARTY CONGRESS SHOULD START WITH A THOROUGH RE-DESIGN OF THE BORDER BARRIER, WHICH IS A DOUBLE LAYER FENCE, AND A RIGOROUS NATIONWIDE SWEEP OF BUSINESSES WHO ARE VIOLATING HIRING LAWS. This doesn’t include the immigrants that have proved by their highly skilled experience should be no admitted to settle, work. This country will always need people with substantial credentials in Science, math and engineering. Not the uneducated that are still streaming across our undermanned border. We can certainly stop the grim rising statistics of drunken driving, drug cartel criminals spilling over the border region and the endless tracks of impoverished people contributing to our own people’s poverty. Whether it’s by international jet or across the Southern border, 300 thousand pregnant women are arriving and cannot be detected. These females know the loopholes and become mostly permanent squatters in America, a foothold child with instant citizenship. The schools, education, healthcare are all forced federal mandates, left for this nations taxpayer to support. The Tea Party doesn’t support Sanctuary Cities or States, the Dream Acts or any Amnesty or Immigration Reform policies.

    The open-borders bloggers and pro-illegal alien organizations are suggesting that the recall of Arizona state senator Russell Pearce means the beginning of the end for state efforts across the country to stop illegal aliens from taking jobs and taxpayer-provided benefits. And some of our allies in other state legislatures are even asking if they should feel vulnerable Pearce was beaten by Jerry Lewis, another Republican, who won with about 53% of the vote. If the challenge to Pearce had happened during a regular election year, it is doubtful that nearly as much open-borders money and energy could have been funneled solely to this recall effort. That alone might easily have made the difference in election results. All of this is to say that it took some very special circumstances to engineer Pearce’s defeat. Roy Beck of the pro-sovereignty NumbersUSA stated “I see nothing in the highly individualized circumstances of Pearce’s unfortunate election loss last week that should cause other elected leaders to pull back from their duty to protect the American workers and taxpayers in their jurisdictions from reckless lawlessness by the federal officials who refuse to fully enforce our immigration rules.”

    E-VERIFY–Lamar Smith’s Legal Workforce Act (H.R.2885) would require 100% of companies—large and small– to use E-Verify for all new hires within 2 years. This bill would also require all federal, state, and local agencies as well as federal and state contractors/ sub-contractors and critical infrastructure sites to use E-Verify within 6 months; eliminating the majority of illegal alien workers from the 8.5 jobs they are holding in this country. Increase employer penalties and fines for knowingly hiring illegal alien workers. Require the Social Security Administration to send no-match letters to employers if existing employee’s name and social security number don’t match in their system. Require the Social Security Administration to notify owners of a Social Security number if their number is used multiple times.

    Phone the Washington switchboard at 202-224-3121 and they can direct you to all House Representatives responsible for moving Chairman Lamar Smith’s ‘Legal Workforce Act’ (bill H.R.2885) to the House floor. Make a judgment for yourself and study more about the illegal alien occupation, which has caused major financial disruption issues in every nook throughout America. By going to NumbersUSA web site the truth is available instead of reading the devious repressed information from the two party system.
    Perhaps your attention should also be drawn to H.R. 1148? My assumption is, nobody has heard of it before? It’s being kept awfully quiet in a bipartisan manner. Its legal title is the ‘Stop trading on the Congressional Knowledge Act’. This silent unethical award has manifested itself in the halls of power, as ‘Insider Trading’ by the both parties, having in advance financial intelligence of stocks and shares. Regular Americans on Wall Street would be prosecuted for inside trading and using it for their own greed, or communicating it to friends and relatives, so why are policy makers immune? Nancy Pelosi, (D-CA), and her husband have participated in at least eight IPOs, having a way in to information directly linking to the Wall Street businesses implicated. Republicans such as House Speaker John Boehner, who has also profited from transactions. These handsome rewards—are not available to members of the public.

    A non-political equitable committee should be formed into delve into the rot of unfettered corruption, which resides in Washington. Learn more about corruption at Judicial Watch.

    Please remember that ACORN is still out there under a different assumed name, but will be canvassing for Borack Obama for a second term, and will do anything necessary to keep him as President; even to allowing illegal aliens voting in any state or election leading up to 2012. Many states intentionally have flexible laws that leave a wide gap for non-citizens to vote, as California, Nevada and other partial Sanctuary states and cities.

    Lastly President Obama has been hesitating on a oil pipeline from Canada, and now they are talking about handing it over to Asia. We could be well on our way to becoming self-sufficient in energy instead of being beholden to foreign countries, who mostly would kill us—if they had the chance. The administration’s decision to delay the Pipeline, which would have brought Canadian oil to US refineries in Texas, is now at a stalemate. THE UNITED STATES THAN ANY OTHER LOCATION IN THE WORLD HAS MASSIVE RESERVES OF OIL, WHICH WE COULD BE SELLING TO OTHER COUNTRIES, AS WELL AS CAPITALIZING ON IT FOR THE AMERICAN CONSUMER.

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