California Minor Parties File Brief in Lawsuit Opposing “Top-Two” System

On January 13, the plaintiffs in Rubin v Bowen filed this Memorandum of Points & Authorities with the Alameda County, California Superior Court. Rubin v Bowen is the lawsuit filed by the Peace & Freedom, Libertarian, and Alameda County Green Parties against the “top-two” system. The case number is RG11605301. It has a hearing at 9 a.m. on February 7.


California Minor Parties File Brief in Lawsuit Opposing “Top-Two” System — No Comments

  1. top 2 with labels = FREE advertising for the party hack gangs — NOT being brought up in ANY brief ???

    How many undercover in-the-closet in-a-rathole Donkeys will claim to be Elephants (and the reverse) in marginal gerrymander districts ???

    How about a lottery guessing which day that SCOTUS will have the LAST opinion about top 2 with labels ??? — to put the anti-top 2 folks OUT of their misery.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V. = REAL reforms

    — and NOT the pre-school top 2 stuff (in various regimes) and the CA gerrymander commission.

  2. Pingback: California Minor Parties File Brief in Lawsuit Opposing “Top-Two” System |

  3. I didn’t see anything there that is different than the Washington lawsuit. They even use the same faulty Manweller study.

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