Creative Thinkers Begin Imagining “Fun” Scenarios for Stephen Colbert Presidential Candidacy

Although no one can vote for Stephen Colbert in the South Carolina Republican primary, various writers and thinkers are beginning to imagine other scenarios in which he could run for President. Josh Dzieza writes here that Colbert might enjoy running in the Texas Republican presidential primary. Eric Dondero writes here that Colbert could seek the Americans Elect nomination. UPDATE: see this New York Times story about the Colbert “campaign”.


Creative Thinkers Begin Imagining “Fun” Scenarios for Stephen Colbert Presidential Candidacy — No Comments

  1. How about having Mr. C. use his best efforts to ABOLISH the evil insane timebomb Electoral College —

    Uniform definition of Elector in ALL of the U.S.A. (including D.C. and the occupied colonies)
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  2. Colbert is reportedly the product of two legal US citizens at his (Colbert’s) birth on US soil and sufficient residence and age and is ergo a natural born citizen of the United States and eligible to be POTUS — as opposed to known 2012 candidates such as BO

    — he would have to repair each and every ineligible official POTUS defect “void ab initio”

  3. Colbert has not formally declared much. I actually watched the episode in question. He gives John Stewart ownership of his SuperPAC and then announces that he is setting up a exploratory committee (I like to call them the maybe-maybe-not committees).

    Thus far it looks like an extension of the ongoing jokes and jabs taken at the high profile Citizens United case, which I have mixed feelings about. Much like his creation of the SuperPAC.

    {sigh} Yeah, it seems like we still have crackpots who will continue to pump up the “birther” cow pies. Yes, President Barack Obama is legally qualified to seek and hold the Office of president.

    The conspiracy theories that suggest otherwise are a partisan-motivated self-stroking activity or ego trip by nuts, crackpots and loonies seeking some attention.

  4. unless you are a child of a slave or a slave still alive from the US civil war era, there is no 14th amendment native born citizenship since that era for children of aliens — without formal naturalization process, ergo redistricting will remove an estimated 40% of the non-citizens from states such as CA, TX etc. and the electoral college distribution will be vastly changed.

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