Nader Files For Colorado Ballot

On June 12, Ralph Nader submitted paperwork and a check for $500 to be listed on the November ballot for president in Colorado. The deadline for that procedure is June 17. Colorado has the fourth earliest deadine in the nation for independent presidential candidates. The only three earlier are Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.

Ballot-qualified parties need not submit the names of their presidential and vice-presidential nominees until later. The Republican Party cannot submit such information until September 4, since it won’t have nominated for president and vice-president until that day. The ballot-qualified parties in Colorado, besides Democratic and Republican, are Constitution, Green and Libertarian.

Here is a Colorado news story that was written just before Nader filed in that state. He has, as expected, now filed.


Nader Files For Colorado Ballot — No Comments

  1. Phil: Any word on how well the Nader write-in candidates did in the PFP primaries?

  2. Phil Sawyer:

    Anything more on the P & F write-in slate? Also, if you can, could you send me your e-mail address to me at I was a “fellow traveler” in the McCarthy 1976 Independent presidential run in Minnesota, and am interested in touching base with others nationwide who were in the movement. I have not voted for a Dem or Rep since 1988….Anderson, Perot twice, Nader twice, are among my votes. Thanks much.

    Richard Batson
    Vancouver, WA 98684

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