Washington, D.C. City Council Bill to Eliminate Mandatory Presidential Primary Petitions if Party Approves

Washington, D.C. city councilmembers Jack Evans and Anita Bonds have introduced B21-576. It would make it easier for presidential candidates to get on a presidential primary ballot. Current law requires a petition of 1,000 party members (or 1% of the party membership, whichever is less). The bill would say that if a political party desires to set out its own rules, those rules would apply. Presumably, if this bill passes, the parties would simply dispense with petitions, although they would probably require a filing fee.


Washington, D.C. City Council Bill to Eliminate Mandatory Presidential Primary Petitions if Party Approves — 3 Comments

  1. I’m pretty sure that under the current law in DC, candidates for presidential nominations have the option of paying a filing fee instead of gathering petition signatures. I’d have to look it up to be sure, but that is what I recall from when I looked it up.

  2. Paper ballot with write-in space for each office. Minimal printing costs and no excuse for filing fees. Filing fees do not entitle voters and candidates to an honest count. Abolish the filing fees.

  3. Andy, I think the current law is that if parties desire, there can be either a petition and a small filing fee, or no petition and a big filing fee. But this is very confusing. I hope you learn more.

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