Utah Initiative, to Alter How Political Parties Nominate, Will Start to Circulate

“Count my vote”, a group that opposes convention nominations, will start to circulate an initiative petition very soon. The initiative would change the election law, to provide that party conventions would have no role in choosing party nominees. Instead, all qualified parties would nominate by primary. Currently Utah has a hybrid system in which candidates who have substantial support at party meetings become the nominee, unless someone else files a petition for the same office. Then, there is a primary. But most of the time, no such petitions are filed, and persons with support at party meetings never face a primary. See this story.


Utah Initiative, to Alter How Political Parties Nominate, Will Start to Circulate — 1 Comment

  1. NO primaries.
    ONE election day.
    Ballot access via nominating petitions or filing fees.

    PR and AppV.

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