Germany Finally Has a Government

At Germany’s 2017 parliamentary election, no party won a majority of seats. Now, five months later, parties holding a majority of the seats amongst themselves have agreed to a new coalition government. See this story.


Germany Finally Has a Government — 8 Comments

  1. One more reason to have TOTAL SEPARATION of Powers and Elections —

    legis, exec and judic.

    Europe learned ZERO from the rot of the *parliamentary* systems in 1914-1945.

    What if it took a mere 5 months to form a USA govt or a State govt in a US State ??? Duh.

  2. Demo Rep,

    Hitler came to power because he murdered communists, jews and other minorities, he burned down the Parliament building and the German democratically elected government was dissolved by him and his crew.

    That was not due to parliamentary procedures but due to violence, propaganda and force.

    Now with the internet, hopefully the propaganda and strategies of NAZIs cannot take hold.

    Certainly the team psychology of pure proportional representation (PPR) will be a strength in future Germany.

    After being involved in PPR for twenty-three consecutive years, I am only more confident than ever, that pure proportional representation is the best voting system, superior to plurality systems and I like the unicameral structure under PPR.

  3. JO-

    1. Hitler was APPOINTED to be the Germany Prime Minister by the senile Prez Hindenburg.

    2. The 1919 Germany Const had the F-A-T-A-L defect of permitting the Germany Bill of Rights to be suspended by the regime in an alleged emergency.

    3. Hitler/nazis had the support of the center morons in such destruction of the Germany Bill of Rights — aka 1933 *Enabling Act*.

    PR and AppV

  4. Demo Rep is right. The National Socialist Party did not win a majority. But the Center Party voted with the National Socialists, so the two parties together had a majority.


    Basic failure of the 1918 Allies to get Democracy and limited government into German brains in 1918-1933 after the killer monarchs/oligarchs and unlimited govt in Germany from 1860s (Bismarck) to 1918 (certified killer-lunatic Kaiser Bill and his killers/enslavers (esp. Hindenburg)).

    See the Apocalypse WW I series on cable TV.

    The total danger continues —
    killer/enslaver gangster monarchs/oligarchs versus peaceful Democracy folks.

    PR and AppV

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