Morton Kondracke Wants John Kasich to Run as an Independent Presidential Candidate in 2020

Real Clear Politics has this essay by journalist Morton Kondracke, who advocates that Ohio Governor John Kasich run for president in 2020 as an independent.

The article quotes John Weaver, a consultant, as saying that it would cost $100,000,000 to get an independent presidential candidate on the ballot in all fifty states. This is ludicrously inaccurate.


Morton Kondracke Wants John Kasich to Run as an Independent Presidential Candidate in 2020 — 13 Comments

  1. I’ve recently seen ads for petitioners with pay as high as $3 per signature. What would be an accurate estimation for an independent candidate to get on all 51 ballots.

  2. The author is being selfish by advocating his own gender and so he cannot speak for unity, and he cannot unilaterally advocate for male voters who know how, because the United Coalition has a better idea and his candidate is the wrong gender for men interested in a better, more fair, policy in politics.

  3. 136,000,000 Total Prez 2016 x 0.025 pct x $3 = a mere $ 10,200,000

    Thus — estimated — circa 8-25 Mill ???

    Much less with correct 14 Amdt EPC lawsuits ??? — see earlier postings.

  4. Isn’t this the same John Kasich who had something to do with keeping a Libertarian gubernatorial candidate off of the Ohio ballot? And the same John Kasich who has never been favorable toward any 3rd party or independent candidates? So, what makes Kondracke think this Kasich fellow would be an “independent” candidate?

  5. Ballotopedia says 864,000 signatures. I think they mean valid signatures, so realistically more like 1,120,000. So maybe $3.5 million. Plus additional related expenses, like printing petition papers.

  6. The Libertarian Party Ballot Access Committee, of which Richard Winger is a member, estimated that the LP spent around $750,000 for Presidential ballot access in 22 states in 2016. That includes spending by the Libertarian National Committee, the state parties, and the Johnson campaign.

  7. Recall 1992 — Independent ego Perot —

    26 years since of UNSTABLE USA gerrymander regimes and counting.

    More and more monarchy machinations — esp. undeclared foreign WARS

    — and $$$ trillions more in USA national and State/local debts

    — means ZERO to the super-arrogant powermad top gangster monarchs/oligarchs.

    PR and AppV

  8. Ballotpedia is technically accurate, but misleading. All important presidential candidates who ran outside the two major parties were always pragmatic and in states in which it is easier to get on the ballot as a new party, instead of as an independent, then those candidates would form a one-state party in such states. Thus the true number of valid signatures is closer to 500,000 valid signatures. States in which it is easier to get on as a new party, than as an independent presidential candidate, are Arizona, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Texas.

  9. $3 is not that high of a pay rate for petition signatures anymore.

    The LP generally gets on the ballot cheaper than a lot of groups. A couple of ways the LP saves money is because they have volunteers get some of the signatures, and they also have volunteers handling petition drive management functions.

    A new political party or independent for President would have to spend way more than what the LP spends to get on the ballot in all 50 states plus DC (also note that the LP goes into presidential elections already having ballot access in quite a few states).

  10. Americans Elect spent somsthing like $16 million plus on ballot access, and they dropped out of the race before finishing. I think they had like 13 states they did not start, and a small handful they started but did not finish.

  11. How many are already talking about planning to run independent or third party campaigns in 2020.Their are probably a few that might be talking about an early run for the presidency.

  12. WS–

    Since the USA became a de facto Monarchy on 4 Mar 1933 (IE with FDR after the Nov 1932 election day) —

    all sorts of wannabee monarchs start running the minute the polls close in a Prez/VP election.

    Did Civil WAR II start the 3 AM EST morning after the Nov 2016 election day

    — Minority Rule Trump declared elected by the moron media ???

    PR and AppV

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