
Greg Orman Explains Why he Ran for Governor or Kansas as an Independent, Even Though He Felt the Democrat was Better than the Republican — 8 Comments

  1. Who cares? He got all of 6.5% of the vote. Why does he deserve any press coverage whatsoever??

  2. I disagree with Don’s hot take. That said, Wiki officially calls him a “perennial candidate.”




  4. SG wrote “I disagree with Don’s hot take.”

    Then why didn’t I get national press like a RealClearPolitics story? I got almost 6% of the vote running for governor of Wyoming as an independent in 2014. Pretending that it matters when someone gets a small percentage of the vote is just clickbait, and furthers the fiction that a candidate other than a D or R can make a difference. It doesn’t work that way. If you really want to make a difference, get elected! Become a Ron Paul or Thomas Massie, and you will have a national audience and a bigger megaphone to allow your voice to be heard by a wider audience.

  5. Orman has a large ego. He made a lot of money and started getting hit up for large contributions and decided to start running himself.

  6. Don,

    I’d suggest that the reason Orman rates more attention than you is because the political situation in Kansas with Brownback has been an ongoing national story, Kobach and his voter-suppression efforts have been an ongoing story, Orman has generated more attention for himself nationally otherwise compared to you, the result had the governorship changing parties to Democrat in a very Republican state, and Orman ensured that the race was decided by a plurality.

    Wyoming in 2014 was not a competitive race and no one could read any national implications into it.

  7. The elected donkey KS Guv –

    one more minority rule HACK –

    got under 50.00 pct of votes.

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