The South Carolina legislature adjourned on May 9. Many election law bills failed to pass. They include bills to abolish fusion; a bill to require convention nominees to pay a filing fee; a bill to set a maximum of $2,500 for filing fees for presidential primaries; bills to close primaries; bills to have South Carolina join the National Popular Vote Compact; a bill to make Treasurer an appointive position; a bill to delete the straight-ticket device. and a bill to move the non-presidential primary from June to May.
Current law lets parties set any filing fee they wish for presidential primaries. The Republican Party charged $40,000 in 2016. The Democratic Party caps its presidential primary filing fees at $2,500.
The USA Federal Elections Commission (FEC) is either accidentally or on purpose blocking 40 to 80 percent of Libertarian Party candidates seeking equal treatment and equal time.
The men of the United Coalition USA are united in our plans, 100% a female candidate for POTUS, then to help women elect the right male for Vice President, despite the unfair treatment and censorship going on now with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC).
Our team is bringing the correct unity and we are planning a big announcement to that end this weekend in San Francisco California.
SC still revolting against command orders from Devil City ???
— esp re wiping out 3rd parties and independents ???
USA PREZ Candidates are supposed to file paperwork with the FEC.
The FEC does NOT have an army of folks looking for such candidates.
We filed our forms, when YOU look at the FEC site, you will see that more than 50% of the candidates are no longer listed, I am among those who have been blocked including most of the female candidates for POTUS too.
The new policies of blocking more than 50% of the names seems to have become effective within the past few weeks. I’m not exactly sure when they did this, I only noticed about 48 hours ago myself.
JO, it sounds like you may have missed some paperwork. Trust me the FEC has no intentions of doing the Libertarian Party’s bidding.
Ogle is the guy who filed to run president in 2014- where there was no election. No surprise he messed up again.
up to a mere 716 candidates
– of which about 700 are EGO freaks loving to see their names on a public/private website ???