
Maine House Defeats National Popular Vote Plan Bill — 10 Comments

  1. Did some Democrats in Maine realize that ranked choice voting for President is better for Maine?

  2. ME was 1 of 11 marginal Prez States in 2016 — T-C/C-T pcts under +/- 5 pct — Clinton by 3.0 pct.

  3. In any event, if PA, MI and WI go Democratic in 2020, the Presidential election could come down to Maine, and how they choose to cast their electoral votes. This bears watching

  4. Let there be no mistake. The only voting system that brings pure proportional representation (PPR) is ranked choice voting (AKA instant runoff voting) in multiple winner districts.

    Though our work and free speech is still being continuously blocked by party bosses who do not agree with the free speech access to bring our message, the math in indisputable, there is only one path to take for PPR and all other paths lead away from fairness.

  5. JO –

    What makes you so convinced that PRR is superior to single member geographical districts using RCV instead of FPTP?

    Case in point – the UK. And several other European countries.

  6. DW —

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 rigged SMD gerrymander areas = 1/4 or less Control

    The UK is T-H-E corrupt EVIL model of a minority rule oligarchy

    — posing as a small d democracy.

    Rotted House of Commons 751 rigged SMD

    — with worse rotted House of DARK AGE *Lords* [now many retired HACKS from HC].

    — with UN-elected monarch [getting moron tourist cash for the regime and itself).

    The UK may easily blow up regarding the BREXIT super-mess. Stay tuned.

    PR and AppV

  7. DW, the problem with single-winner election districts under “advanced” voting (RCV, AppV, etc.) is that only the biggest faction will ever win, they are not opening doors for those under 50% and so one party/civic group wins 100% of the time with no exceptions.

    At least in plurality elections, because of the split-vote problem the 2nd biggest can randomly win, this bringing the two-party system.

    The United Coalition USA is eliminating all single-winner districts worldwide so to eliminate the one and two-party systems.


    since 1840 — repeat 1840s —

    advances in political *science* along with chemistry and physics *science*.

    –Basic PR –

    Party Members = Total Members x Party Votes / Total Votes

    Both MAJORITY RULE [DEMOCRACY] and minority representation.

    Also – TOTAL SOP

    Nemesis for EVIL rotted to the core monarch / oligarch tyrant regimes.

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