Rocky De La Fuente Asks U.S. District Court to Suspend Last Month’s Decision on Arizona Ballot Access, Until Ninth Circuit Issues California Decision

On July 9, Rocky De La Fuente asked a U.S. District Magistrate to suspend his opinion in De La Fuente v Hobbs, until the Ninth Circuit issues its decision in De La Fuente v Padilla. On June 11, 2019, the U.S. District Magistrate in Arizona had upheld the Arizona independent presidential petition requirement of approximately 37,000 signatures. Except for Ralph Nader in 2008, no one had used the Arizona statewide independent procedure since 1992.

Meanwhile, the Ninth Circuit had heard oral argument in De La Fuente v Padilla on March 12, and still hasn’t issued its opinion. This is the California case against the independent presidential petition. Both Arizona and California are in the Ninth Circuit, so whatever the Ninth Circuit says about the California petition is likely to be pertinent to the Arizona petition. Here is the Arizona filing of July 9, 2019.


Rocky De La Fuente Asks U.S. District Court to Suspend Last Month’s Decision on Arizona Ballot Access, Until Ninth Circuit Issues California Decision — 1 Comment

  1. More UNEQUAL ballot access stuff – since 1968.

    Too many MORON so-called lawyers and judges to count.

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