Alaskan Independence Party Activity Was Much Higher in 2020 than in Previous Decade

The Alaskan Independence Party is one of the nation’s oldest one-state parties. It first appeared on Alaska ballots in 1974. Until 2020, it had seemed dormant. It had no nominees in 2018, only one in 2016, and none on the ballot in 2014 and 2012.

But in 2020, it polled its highest percentage ever for U.S. Senate (4.73%, for John Wayne Howe), and it had three legislative candidates on the ballot, the most since 2004. Its nominee for State Senate, district P on the Kenai Peninsula, polled 35.06% in a two-person race against a Republican.

Here is the party’s website, showing that it still believes in a new relationship between Alaska and the remainder of the United States.


Alaskan Independence Party Activity Was Much Higher in 2020 than in Previous Decade — 2 Comments

  1. Have it become part of Canada ???

    — which is also another minority rule gerrymander regime quite ready to fall apart —

    West / Ontario / Quebec / East

  2. Now Alaska seems to have adopted an odd one-party voting system. Top four combined with ranked choice voting in single-winner election districts is a one-party voting system because the biggest wins every time.

    The biggest party simply runs more candidates and that one biggest dominator will get the most votes as each vote single-transfers back to the biggest faction.

    The United Coalition USA has been bringing the correct math for pure proportional representation to the internet since 1992 Santa Cruz city council elections.

    Read more about the complaint filed with FEC against google founder Sergey Brin who launched his company from the 1996 Ogle for President campaign and who set up the one-party search program “click the go”.
    * * *

    Accept Who You Are
    By CEO Buck Rogers [Conservative]

    Your happiness depends on you.

    Every single person is responsible for their own happiness, and you yourself are responsible for your own. Never rely on someone else for your happiness. Always remember that your happiness depends on you.

    “Don’t rely on someone else for your happiness and self-worth. Only you can be responsible for that. If you can’t love and respect yourself – no one else will be able to make that happen. Accept who you are – completely; the good and the bad – and make changes as YOU see fit – not because you think someone else wants you to be different.”
    * * *

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