U.S. Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Pennsylvania Lawsuits Filed by Former President Trump, and the Republican Party, Over the 2020 Election

On February 22, the U.S. Supreme Court revealed that it will not hear four pending Pennsylvania cases filed by former President Donald Trump, or his campaign, or the Republican Party, over the 2020 election returns.

Still pending are two similar cases from other states. They will be considered on the Court’s March 5 conference. They are 20-887, Wood v Raffensperger, a Georgia case; and 20-883, Trump v Wisconsin Elections Commission, a Wisconsin case.

The four denied Pennsylvania cases are 20-542, 20-574, 20-845, and 20-810. Justice Clarence Thomas dissented from the court’s refusal to hear the first two. He wrote an eleven-page dissent arguing the Court should have heard them. Justices Neil Gorsuch and Samuel Alito also dissented from the Court’s refusal to hear those two; they wrote their own separate four-page dissent.

On February 22, the U.S. Supreme Court also refused to hear the Michigan Republican case concerning the election results, but it would have been extraordinary if the Court had accepted that one, because that case has not even been heard yet in the U.S. Court of Appeals. King v Whitmer, 20-815. Also on February 22, the Court refused to hear another Trump Wisconsin election case, 20-882.


U.S. Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Pennsylvania Lawsuits Filed by Former President Trump, and the Republican Party, Over the 2020 Election — 2 Comments

  1. How USELESS is SCOTUS ??? —

    9 SUPER-partisan H-A-C-K-S in the USA ANTI-Democracy gerrymander regime of monarchs/oligarchs —

    H Reps, Senate, EC minority rule systems.

    18 States with voter pets for State Const Amdts.

    Since the SCOTUS hacks are being roasted —


    About 0.0001 pct chance – ??? – that they *may* hear a remaining 2020 election case ???

    esp legis vs exec/judic rigging
    esp deadlines

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