Library of Congress Accepts Archives of David Nolan, Founder of the Libertarian Party

The Library of Congress has accepted the archives of David Nolan, who was the primary founder of the Libertarian Party. Congressman John R. Curtis (R-Utah), as a representative of the Library, accepted the papers on July 16 at a ceremony at the home of Joseph and Cindy Buchman, who digitized the collection. Eventually the public will be able to see the collection.


Library of Congress Accepts Archives of David Nolan, Founder of the Libertarian Party — 158 Comments

  1. Look for olde GOP Elephant Bylaws circa 1970

    >>> LP gasping at 1 pct since.

  2. Excellent. I hope it won’t take too long to make them accessible.

  3. Old l.p. Bylaws all online already. Republican probably too but I have not looked.

  4. The Libertarian Vote/ Cato Institute is about 13%.
    Tom Knapp is denial about this.
    He also does not believe the progressive vote is about 27%.
    Constitution party (nationalist) vote is also about 27%.
    Does Tom believe that?
    BTW, I say the circumstances of Nolsan’s death were VERY suspicious.

  5. David Nolan died of a heart attack while driving. What do you think was suspicious?

  6. That by itself not all that suspicious.
    However I had just before Nolan’s death, asked Tom Knapp to put me in communication with him.
    About PLAS.
    IIRC Tom agreed to do that.
    Also there was an issue to be addressed at the L Convention. I do not recall the exact issue but it involved Wayne Root and Alicia Mattson, both of whom I did not trust. And Nolan had a definitive answer to the issue.
    66 is not all that old anymore.
    Hell, I am going to be 69 in a few days.
    When a person dies alone, a whole lot of possibilities come into play. No witnesses.
    On the other hand when there is another or more than one other present when someone dies, other possibilities present.
    I have been watching the Justice Channel.
    Die in a hospital, could be your spouse poisoned you.
    Could be a serial mercy killer nurse.
    AS far as I am concerned the independent/third party movement is under attack for some time.
    All deaths are unreliable IMO.
    I still am very suspicious about Kevin Zeese’s “death”.
    At the very same time I became very seriously ill and was having difficulty breathing and was considering going into the ER.
    I think somebody tried for a twofer.

  7. Q was/is a Deep State psyop. There is no one person who is Q. It is a room full of Deep State spooks.

  8. There is no Deep State.

    Q is nothing more than a computer geek playing with the emotions of easily manipulated unstable people for his own sick entertainment. Q is the Grand Poobah of internet trolls.

  9. If JFK, jr was seen as possibly getting into a position to find out what happened to his father, suspicious “death”.
    Note that JFK’s brother Joe, died on a secret bombing mission during WW2. If he was seen as an Irish Catholic being groomed to be President, suspicious “death”.

  10. Another suspicious “death” Dr. Marc Feldman.
    The “death” that really got to me was that of my ex girlfriend Nancy McCusker Benson, PhD.
    She died of cancer at a time I was under covert attack with the Boston Tea Party presidential nominations?
    And I am stubbornly pushing PLAS?
    No way.
    Cancer is Israel’s go to disease see: Jack Ruby.

  11. Of course Stock says there is no deep state because he is a communist who worships George Soros.

  12. Stock probably says there is no Deep State because he works for the Deep State.

    It is like in the movie, “Fight Club,” where the first rule of Fight Club was to never talk about Fight Club, or like the Mafia, where members of the Mafia were/are supposed to deny its existence.

    Stock could have been paid for years by some Deep State entity to sabotage the Libertarian Party from within, but now he has changed assignments, and they are paying him to post propaganda online as a “former Libertarian” who “saw the light” and is now a Joe Biden supporting Democrat.

  13. Whitney Bilyeu is the current Chairwoman of the Libertarian National Committee, and the Chairwoman of the Libertarian Party of Texas (I believe she has not stepped down from this position).

  14. Ms. Bilyeu continues to be chair of the Texas party while she is national chair through the conclusion of the ceremonies in Reno. Some of the other candidates for replacement chair said definitely they would not run in Reno. I think she just said she’s not looking that far ahead yet, but she may have also said she won’t run in Reno. Sexist comments from bigot trolls in 3, 2, 1…

  15. Andy: And I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for those meddling Libertarians and Conservatives on BAN!

    Paranoid nonsense. I was never in any position to “sabotage” the Libertarian Party or anything else. I never held any office higher than LP County Chair in Texas and Oregon. I was appointed to serve on City Boards in Weatherford Texas and El Reno Oklahoma. That is no power base to “infiltrate” a damn thing.

    I post my opinions as things arise with no prior direction or payment from anyone. The best way to describe my change of political affiliation is that I have gone back to my factory setting of New Deal Democrat after falling through the rabbit hole of strict adherence to one philosophical viewpoint in 1992. I finally realized that there are only absolutes in math and physics. Everything involving human thought such as Politics, Religion, or Philosophy is completely Subjective. Everything depends on the situation at the time therefore solutions to problems will vary widely depending on those situations.

    There is no conspiracy. There is no one pulling strings in the shadows. People who think so desperately needs therapy.

  16. How many control freak statists deny that they are statists or that control freak statism exists – commie and fascist versions ???

    statist hacks in govts = DEEP state ??? Duh.

  17. Demo Rep: There are people in government who try to carve oit a little fiefdom for themselves. That is also true in any large corporation or any group of people that have a bureaucracy. But that is not the same thing as controlling the government, corporation, or group.

    A good example of this can be found by watching the English comedy television show “Yes, Minister”. And it’s sequel “Yes, Prime Minister”.

  18. Demo Rep: Large charities are another example of where an individual might carve out alittle fiefdom inside a bureaucracy. They jealously guard what they consider their authority in their tiny sphere. But that is not control of the entire charity.

    In government Scott Pruitt tried to run the Environmental Protection Agency as his little fiefdom, but he was discovered and left office. If he had not been discovered and continued then he would still not have been in control of the government. Just his office and the poor beleaguered employees who had the misfortune to come in daily contact with him.

  19. Robert Stock having been an LP County Chair in two states IS a position from which to sabotage. Where you ever a delegate to a state or national convention? If so, those are also position from which to engage in sabotage.

    Saying that there is no Deep State, and that there are no conspiracies either makes you the most naive person on the planet, or a big stinking liar. I don’t think you are that naive, and lying is a part of your religion, as is moral relativism.

  20. Andy: You don’t know what the hell you are talking about.
    You are deluded. I pity you. I hope you get the therapy you so badly need.

  21. So says Robert Stock, the admitted Satanist and Joe Biden supporting Democrat, and a man who claims there is no Deep State, and no conspiracies involving government.

  22. There is no deep state, morons. What is your evidence for this alleged conspiracy?

    Please define deep state while you’re at it. How many people would you estimate are involved? How completely do they control government? When did they start their takeover and if they completed it, how long ago? Or, did they control the federal government ever since the revolution?

    Are they the same people you call globalist, or a different group? Do they control state, city, and county governments? Foreign countries? How many?

    Please present evidence of each of your claims. Logically, the burden of proof is on those who allege a conspiracy, since it’s impossible to prove a negative (logic 101). When it comes to the mafia, that burden has been met.

    I’m going to bet that you won’t and can’t. Instead you are going to name call and spin outlandish bullshit about how anyone who disagrees with or questions you is a part of the alleged conspiracy or a paid troll, a communist, your former gay lover, or some other nonsense. Anything other than making an actual argument with evidence.

  23. I’m not Stock, moron, and you are also posting under fake names. Stock, as far as I know, does not. You are a Nazi troll and a real piece of shit. And, more importantly and as I predicted, gave exactly zero evidence of your alleged deep state conspiracy. That’s because it doesn’t exist, and you have no evidence that it does.

  24. Robert Stock has admitted to worshiping George Soros, one of the masterminds of the deep state

  25. Yes, there is a mafia. That has been amply proven in many court cases among other things, including direct testimony from mafiosi. Now please present your evidence for a “deep state” and answer the other questions.

    I am not Stock, as far as I know have never met him, but I have read a number of his comments here. He is not a communist. He’s a liberal and one time libertarian and doesn’t worship Soros, which is some bullshit you dug out of your brain, deep in your ass. He did I think say he admires Soros, or thinks Soros is for the most part a good person. The worship thing was something u made up, troll piece of shit.

    Please present your evidence that Soros is one of the masterminds of a deep state, or that such a thing exists. You know as well as I do that the reason you haven’t even tried to is because you have no such evidence. Prove me wrong if you can.

  26. You are obviously Stock. You defend him constantly and remember everything he wrote. Only the communist himself would do that.

    Stock admits to worshiping Satan, which is the same as Soros.

  27. I don’t remember everything he wrote and as far as I can remember this is the first time I spoke up about your constant, idiotic accusations against him. You are a wannabe bully punk and a textbook definition troll, as well as an alt right fascist piece of shit. Stock is nowhere close to a communist, and neither am I. He is a liberal, and I’m not. Satan is only the same as Soros in your diseased fungus and mold eaten brain and those of other conspiracy nuts just like you.

  28. The problem with your conspiracy theories about the alleged deep state is that they are non-falsifiable, and there is no way to prove a negative. If anyone denies or questions that the conspiracy you allege exists, they become suspects as part of the shadowy conspiracy.

    Could a deep state exist? Yes. Can you prove it exists? Probably not, but you’re welcome to try. Can anyone who says it for sure does not exist prove that it does not? That’s logically impossible, because there’s always a chance it’s just better hidden. Thus the occams razor presumption is it does not exist, and the burden of proof on those who say it does.

    Of course, that’s for those who believe in logic. The paranoid trolls here prefer to name call and allege that any one who disagrees or doubts their bullshit is in on the conspiracy or a paid shill…are doing so in a lame attempt to distract from their lack of evidence.

  29. Fascist troll keeps posting under fake names. He gets as good as he gives. I’m not Stock, and don’t know Stock, moron. You are an idiot, troll and a nazi. Your idiotic accusations are a lame attempt to deflect from your lack of evidence for a “deep state.” It’s an obvious strategy , and it’s not going to work.

  30. Now communist Stock is talking to himself. That’s pathetic even for you.

  31. Stock hasn’t commented since the last comment under his name. And you still have no evidence of your bullshit conspiracy. I wish I could say that’s pathetic even for you, but it’s actually standard operating procedure for you.

  32. Andy is commenting under a bunch of fake names accusing others of doing so, trying to make it look like there’s a lot of people here who believe in a so called deep state and there other paranoid conspiracy and fascist alt right beliefs, or that everyone who disagrees with them is a communist, paid to post, etc. Talk about pathetic.

  33. The deep state exists. It requires faith and a priori knowledge to know it exists. If you deny that a deep state conspiracy exists, you are an agent, shill or dupe of the deep state. If you deny our holy, wholly holey faith in a widespread, all pervasive, ill defined deep state, you are a heretic who must be rooted out, an infection which must be removed before it spreads further. The deep state exists, and asking for proof means you’re probably in on it, or at best naive.

  34. I tend to agree with this chap.
    I start with the top layer of government and go ever deeper from there.
    The clowns in Congress cannot be ultimately in charge. There must be a deeper group of thinkers, a Think Tank or more than one. And more than just government. A civilian advisory Think Tank. Or more than one.
    I tend to think it is deep within the DOD/NSA.
    Issues like the stability of government and economy, survival of government and economy, humanity and of Western Civilization.
    The mandate that Western Civilization prevails must be behind everything.
    And I must say, I more or less agree.

  35. …It’s a total completely random coincidence that they usually agree about just about everything. Andy says he does not troll, so we should believe him. Andy says he never posts under other names, we should believe him. When anyone else says that, we should not believe them . Except unless if they are characters who always or usually agree with Andy. Then they’re ok.

    Andy doesn’t reveal anything about himself, including his last name. He says other people here met him and know him, but no person, much less a recognized real person, has confirmed that. Of course, if they did , it doesn’t tell us anything about whether he also posts under other names or not. We’re just supposed to take him at his word, a courtesy he does not extend to others, unless they generally share his views. Otherwise, the accusations fly, and he and these “other” people who usually agree with him pile on with their stupid guesses and accusations.

    Andy usually demands those who disagree with him dox themselves. He rarely does that to anyone who agrees with him. If anyone complies with his demands he and or the trolls who are not not not him launch endless ad hominem attacks . If they maintain reasonable privacy like he does they start the guessing games, accusations, and ad hominem against whoever they guess it is. Usually someone who beat them in past argument.

    They frequently accuse others of being paid trolls. So often, the suspicion naturally arises they may be guilty of it themselves. I tend to doubt it though.there are people with more money than sense. But come on, pretty obscure board, and there not very good at it. Ud have 2 b pretty very dumb and rich to pay them. Or him. Most likely they or he are just mentally ill and doing it for shits and giggles. Just nasty alt right Nazi pretend to be libertarian trumptard Alex Jones conspiracy nut mentally ill sex obsessed trolls. Gross.

    This will all probably be illustrated yet again shortly.

  36. Milnes is the best. Andy Whateverhislastnameis too. And all the fashy trolls who are or aren’t Andy. But they can’t possibly be Andy. Because he says so. We should believe him. And them. But not people who disagree with them.

  37. Mr. Winger,

    I enjoy your site and the information you provide. The quality of information you provide however is harmed by trolls on your comments section, giving the notion that everyone that reads your site is a quack because you allow for anonymous posts and excessive trolling by the same handful of people, which lends to solidifying the stereotype about the non-Democrat/non-Republican group of people being few in number and crazy. Have you ever considered turning comments off?

  38. Ryan, I agree that the trolls are annoying, but I think comments are important, and there are a lot of good comments here in spite of the trolls.

    One solution is to just skip over troll posts, as in don’t read them, or immediately scroll on after encountering such post.

    Another solution would be to require all posters to sign up and register as official posters. Take down all troll posts. Maybe do not accept any posters who use IP anonymizers and/or who fail to prove their real identity.

  39. “Ryan” posted the same (or very similar) comment on another thread under a different name. He is trying to ruin healthy political discourse on this site. If you don’t think feds are capable of doing this just look at what the CIA did to Tucker Carlson over the weekend. After the NSA admitted it spied on and unmasked Tucker, the CIA sent an operative to Montana to harass Tucker and film it in order to encourage other people to do this. The deep state is targeting people like Tucker because he is uncovering the truth and red pilling too many people.


    DUH 1


    DUH 2


  41. So your evidence for the existence of a deep state is your belief that there is a deep state. Got it.

  42. Demo Rep: Hell no! No Deep State in 1933, or 1953. Duh!

    Washington DC is not Devil City.

    Taxes are the reason there is a United States Constitution. It was too difficult for the Feds to collect taxes under the Articles of Confederation so the Founding Fathers created our present Constitution.

    In the mid 1790s a group of farmers in Western Pennsylvania thought they were Taxed Enough Already. They burned the house of the local tax collector and stopped paying. President Washington rode at the head of the United States Army with the intention of forcing the Pennsylvania folks to pay up. Washington was ready, willing, and able to spill American blood to force the of paying Federal taxes.

    You can disagree with what happens 8n Washington DC, but the government is doing what the Founding Fathers had in mind.

  43. There is nothing particularly secret about the deep state. It’s simply the quasi-permanent bureaucracy, as opposed to political appointees, of the federal government. The folks who stay on for administration after administration, R or D alike, and do their jobs. Some conspiracy theorists have conflated this with all sorts of fanciful conspiracy conjecture (it does not rise to the level of theory). Some government work necessarily involves secrecy, making it an officially acknowledged and legal conspiracy. As long as conspiracy conjecturists don’t define what exactly they do or don’t mean by deep state, it’s hard to argue whether it exists or not.

  44. Hey commie Stock, the Articles were a much better governance. Even so, the Constitution does not authorize nearly what those thieves in Washington take! Taxation is theft! You want a North Korean or Cuban type system.

  45. There is a school of thought which says that we’d be better off today if this country had remained under the Articles of Confederation, and that the delegates who assembled in Philadelphia pulled off a coup when they replaced the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution, but regardless of this, it should be blatantly obvious to all that the US government of today operates far outside the confines of the US Constitution, as in most of what it does today is unconstitutional, as in illegal.

  46. If the Articles of Confederation were good enough, then they would have never been replaced by the likes of Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, James Madison, to name just a few. Can the people who led the American Revolution be considered to have carried out a coup? Or were they creating a more perfect union as the Constitution says?

    If a person reads the Constitution then you will see that the government today is acting in accordance with the Constitution. If that were not the case then the Supreme Court would say so. Nothing illegal is happening.

    Taxation is NOT theft. Taxation is the price we pay for civilization. If you don’t like how much we pay or where the money goes, then elect enough members of Congress to change things. Whether you like it or not, the government is acting exactly how the Founding Fathers intended.

  47. Hey commie Stock, the Supreme Court also said Separate But Equal. Do you agree with that?

    If I put a gun to you and demand money so I and a chosen group can do what I want with it, is that theft?

    You should move to North Korea.

  48. The Supreme Court has ruled that Separate But Equal is unconstitutional. Rulings can be changed by the Supreme Court. Many conservatives are hoping that Roe vs. Wade will be changed. The Supreme Court has final say on what is constitutional.

    If you were from the IRS and put a gun to my head because I haven’t paid my taxes, then you would have every right to do so. It would certainly not be theft. If you were not from the government then it would be theft.

  49. So the government can steal from you but another person can’t? What about a police officer- they work for the government! What about the city employee cleaning the park? That’s a double standard, but I expect nothing less from a communist such as yourself.

    Don’t you have a Motel 6 coffee pot to clean?

  50. I don’t apologize for saying Andy / fash morons is Andy / fash morons. Also he/she/it/they is Ryan among many others and stages pretend arguments with him/ her/ them / itself. Gross.

  51. The coffee pot comments are lame. Whatever mishmash may be in Robert’s brain, he has amply explained his job duties and situation. Go bitch to his boss if you don’t like it, Karen..whether his workplace is good or bad or his job easy_ or what other employees there do or don’t do their job well had nothing to do with discussion here.

    It’s a red herring and a distraction, and only makes your argument look weaker, even when you sometime make good points. Which you do. But you make it hard to have sympathy for your substantive points, even when they deserve it, by making the same lame cracks endlessly.

  52. I thought Robert made a lot of good points and some not so good but the latest are ridiculous.

    The federalist and antifederalist papers in tandem make it clear that the government has strayed far from the founders vision. A plain text reading if the constitution certainly does not prove that the government operates exactly as the framers wished; the supreme court has stacked reinterpretation on top of reinterpretation repeatedly, and has acknowledged doing so with concepts such as penumbras and living constitution.

    Robert writes as if the supreme court were infallible, which is plainly absurd. In fact it was the court which gave itself many of the powers it has. It has reversed itself many times in the past, and continues to do so. Was it always infallible, or when did it become so?

    In fact, if it were obvious from the plain text of the constitution that the government operates exactly as designed, why would a supreme court to interpret it even be needed? Reading the constitution as well as the declaration of independence, it’s actually striking how much more the federal government of today meets every condition of tyranny forming the complaints against king George III.

  53. Can the people who carried out the revolution be considered to have carried out a coup? Yes, and the more prescient among them warned it was likely.

    They were keenly aware that they were very flawed people, individually and as a group. Jefferson even said that the tree of liberty must be watered about every 20 years with the blood of patriots and tyrants. 20 years was well within his time of active participation in government. They were thus well aware that patriots could easily become tyrants, a point stressed repeatedly in their papers, and other places such as the writings of, say, Tolkien.

    Another way of expressing the quandary posed by the ever present danger of the lure of power was the common question at the time of the revolution, whether it was better to be ruled by one tyrant three thousand miles away or three thousand tyrants one mile away.

    In a global context, it is very common for revolutions to be betrayed by those who carry them out. To take a look at only one of many, many examples. See the French revolution and what followed …

  54. My position is clear and I stand by my statements. There is no need for me elaborate further. What about this or what that doesn’t mean a damn thing and doesn’t change my thinking. You disagree with me? OK, that’s fine.

  55. Stock is a hypocrite. Call him out on his love of communism and cluelessness about history and he runs away like a little child.

  56. Robert, what makes you think I am desperate to change your thinking? I’m open to changing mine if you can explain your position well enough, although I doubt it. It’s happened through these kinds of discussion in the past, albeit rarely.

    Clearly, many people are not particularly open to changing their views. They might imagine they are changing other people’s views by saying whatever they say, or just letting off steam. Whatever works for you, I guess. I prefer to discuss with people who are reasonably firm in their beliefs, reasonably open minded, and reasonably honest about what they believe and why. Propagandists, cranks and trolls make that difficult, but I try nevertheless.

    The people most likely to be persuaded, if there are any, are more likely to be lurking and less likely to be commenting. Of course, it’s difficult to know if there are any such people here, or how many.

    Perhaps you’d like to answer what you get or hope to get out of commenting here? Of course it’s fine that I disagree with you, and I don’t need your permission to do so. If I haven’t changed your mind, that’s certainly not unexpected. But the lack of intellectual curiosity about the implications of what you write , history, logic, etc begs the question of just what it is that u may be seeking here. Just a place to vent frustration?

  57. Your position may well seem clear to you. It seems either unclear to me, in places, or perhaps at variance with itself, or with logic, history, what I know of human nature, and so on. It’s why I ask questions. It’s ok if you don’t want to answer them or respond to counterpoints. Obviously, nothing obligates you to do so. Perhaps it’s just digging deeper than you want to dig. Perhaps they are causing some level of dissonance that makes you uncomfortable, which you deem better swept back under the rug.

  58. If taxation is the price we pay for civilisation, are we more civilized the higher the tax levels get? Consider. If the answer were yes, then a system of communism where everything is in effect taxed 100% and redistributed through the government would indeed be ideal. I don’t believe empirical evidence supports this position, but if anyone wants to make such an argument, please post your argument and why you think so.

    Perhaps you Believe some other level of taxation is ideal. How is that level determined? Do you believe that this level of ideal expropriation, regulation and redistribution can be rationally calculated by bureaucrats? Voted on by two wolves and a sheep? Derived from penumbras by priests in black robes?

    Rational choice and, I’d say, empirical evidence shows that the systemic pressures of elected or bureaucratic government are for government to get constantly bigger, more intrusive, more Byzantine, more expensive, etc. Is this a good thing? Is it true? If it’s not, how can it be reined in? If it’s good, the end result is totalitarian communism. See above.

    Does logic or empirical evidence show that more civilized, better quality of life results from a certain level of expropriation ? What evidence? If more isn’t always better, how do we know when enough is enough, and how do we keep government from growing past that point? Are your answers to these questions supported by historical, empirical evidence?

    These are among many questions. My own view is that taxation is the price we pay for LACK OF civilization, that more is worse and less is better, that zero is ideal, that there is no good way to contain excessive and growing government, ..

  59. That’s more than enough of my filibuster, though. Other’s perspectives on these questions?

  60. I suspect most of the last many comments on this thread are garbage comments by paulie.
    To trash what mostly I and Andy and Nathan/Egyptian say.

  61. That’s a rather mundane perspective, perhaps even tunnel vision. I note, sadly, the other Robert, who I was actually talking to, did not rise to the occasion. That indicates that his goal here is to blow off steam and perhaps make himself feel superior to someone or ones. There’s nothing wrong with that; please resume your games, and pretend I did not interject. I’ll seek a more interesting and intelligent conversation elsewhere.

  62. Unfortunately, Robert S lacks the intellectual curiosity to read the link I posted yesterday at 3:16 pm for him. Perhaps someone else reading will read it, to put Mr. Stock’s remarks here in a very different perspective.

  63. Deep State definition 1: all non politically appointed federal employees. It clearly exists, and maintains many secrets, which regularly get declassified after some period of time. Poring through such declassified information, one is often left scratching one’s head as to why it was ever classified.

    Deep state definition 2: a shadowy group of people both inside and outside government, perhaps linked to a larger global conspiracy that may have preexisted the USA, which operates completely in secret and controls pretty much everything.

    I’d like to see evidence that a deep state definition 2 exists. If someone has a different definition of deep state, what is it, and what is some evidence that it does or doesn’t exist?

    Regarding demo rep’s circumstantial evidence for a deep state he also has not defined at 1:41 pm, that’s adequately explained by rational choice and public choice theory economists, without resorting to far fetched grand conspiracy conjecture. The problem with realizing that the perpetual slide toward ever more excessive government of perpetual looting of all by most is the natural result of any democratic or bureaucratic system, even a mixed one, is that the problem can’t be solved simply by tweaking voting rules, or by “electing the correct people,” or rooting out any imagined conspiracy or real conspiracy for that matter. Because the rot is baked into the fundamental designs of democracy and bureaucracy themselves.

  64. Those who carry out a coup against their own revolution can of course come up with any excuse they want. In Russia it was bolshevism, which means majoritarianism, ie democracy. Of course, it immediately became tyranny, with many front line Bolsheviks themselves being among the first to face firing squads and harsh work camp sentences. This was, of course, carried out by people headed by those who were among the leaders of the first revolution, against the czars.

    U mentioned France, and of course something similar happened there.

    A “more perfect union ” was that same kind of bogus excuse. The convention was called for the purpose of amending, not replacing, the article’s of confederation. Today’s government has strayed far, far past any limits imposed even by the constitution, and the folly of the supreme court’s being allowed to expand its own powers can be seen in the game of telephone they have played over the years with alleged constitutional interpretation.

  65. Ron and Jim Watkins invented and played qanon. For the lulz and for their evil alt right agenda.

  66. …, much of it can alr3ady be f0und at Lped1a dot org or 3lsewhere on the w3b

    1=I in url

  67. Of course JFK Jr is really dead. This should be about as surprising as that JFK Sr, RFK, Ted Kennedy, Papa Joe and eldest brother Joe Kennedy are dead. There are also lots of other Dead Kennedys, and not just the rock band.

  68. Stock is probably largely correct about the motives of Ron and Jim Watkins in creating and playing Q. There could however be some Intel agency involvement, in which case the prime suspect would be the Russian Federation. The elder Watkins does have some US Intel background, but probably not q level, and has apparently been cut loose for quite a while.

  69. Andy 25th at 7:29 am, why should she resign? She’s a fine chair in Texas and I think she can do both jobs at the same time just fine. If she can’t, it will become apparent, and she will choose which one to resign. Personally I would prefer she remains as chair of Texas no matter what. The state parties are a lot more important than the LNC.

    The lnc is mainly a do nothing caretaker committee that maintains the party in between national conventions. In theory, they oversee the national office employees. In reality, they mostly just take reports. Whenever they do start bothering the employees and volunteer teams, it’s pretty much never a good thing. The most important function of the lnc is preparing for the national convention, and Whitney was the chair of the convention committee. They also make minor adjustments to the national office budget every year, in the form of amendments to the budget the treasurer and one or two other people present them with, typically the previous year’s budget with small adjustments. They make adjustments a few times every year.

    Most of what the LNC does is useless busywork. They adjust their own internal rules, appoint people to other national party subcommittees, receive reports, occasionally replace some of their own officers and at large members, debate useless resolutions that may or may not pass and don’t go anywhere, etc, etc.

    The bottom line is that the party is designed , rightly and correctly, to operate mostly at the state and local level. The national party, to the extend it should exist at all, is just a umbrella network to share some , primarily information, resources and put on a national convention every two years.

    The national party exists to serve the state parties. Texas is the best state, and the best state party . Texas is what’s important. National is not. That’s the way it is, and the way it should be.

    People who expect more from the national party need to adjust their thinking. Additionally, the chair of a committee is just there to facilitate the proceedings and debates of the committee. Being the gaveller of a caretaker umbrella committee is all national party chair is or is suppose to be. A lot of people imagine, wrongly, that it is or should be more than that.

  70. Stock 25th 7:35 am apparently identifies libertarianism with objectivism. Should be introduced to libertarian subjectivism if he was not so close minded.

  71. Tucker Carlson is a horse’s ass, with apologies to actual horse hindquarters. If you believe Tucker, you are a sucker.

  72. Andy Gonzalez and all his fake personalities should share a padded cell with Robert Milnes.

  73. Still no evidence of any deep state. Still no deep state in the real world. Only in your imagination.

  74. I don’t like them taking any money under duress. I don’t like the amount or how it’s spent. The system is rigged, and even if it wasn’t, I’d still get outvoted. Getting the most votes, especially in a rigged system, but in any system, doesn’t entitle you or anyone else to a penny I earned.

    Taxation is extortion, sometimes theft, and sometimes armed robbery. Voting changes little to nothing. If it did, they would make it illegal. Voting is for rubes and only serves to legitimize an illegitimate system.

  75. I agree with separate but equal. Like democracy, egalitarianism is a bad joke and a big lie.

  76. There is no mafia, but there is a deep state. The deep state and the Zionists invented the mafia to denigrate Italians and Catholics.

  77. You are correct about the Deep State and Zionists, but there is most definitely an Italian Mafia. It is true though that the mainstream media downplays, or does not mention at all, for at least the most part, Jewish mobsters. They will sometimes mention the Russian mob, but they do not mention that the Russian mob is heavily Jewish.

  78. Who is this Andy Gonzalez guy some people keep mentioning? I do not know, or know of, an Andy Gonzalez.

  79. Oh yeah, the guy who harassed Tucker Carlson on video at a fishing shop in Montana is tied to the CIA.

    I have got to wonder how many Deep State goons there are out there, including posting here.

  80. Oh wow. I was not surprised to learn that Andy Gonzalez is actually a Mexican. I guess it shouldn’t be surprising that he is actually a dirty commie pretending to be a libertarian either, but somehow it still is. Maybe he works for the deep state.

  81. Andy,
    I know that and you know that. But if somebody read: paulie, says it enough in different contexts it will become associated in many minds. Adding to the chaos.
    i.e. garbage here.
    paulie, go to Sinai and speculate on the real estate market there.

  82. Yes, quite. Thank you for asking.
    Took some time to ponder that I am still alive. Many others have fallen.
    And how good it is to be alive and fairly healthy.
    I am glad.

  83. If Trump runs against Biden in 2024, their combined age on inauguration day will be 160. Milnes is a youngster compared to both of them, and dirty commie Mexican Andy Gonzalez is barely even a toddler in comparison. Mr. Egyptian Fact Checker Disco Stick Libertarian might, on that scale, be a fetus.

  84. Is “Egyptian God” Krystof Lesiak, or is he that guy who used to live in West Virginia?

  85. What guy that used to live in WV? As far as I know he lives in Scranton, PA, or possibly California. Or, he may also be you.

  86. Not true. Egyptian lives in Jacksonville, FL now. He used to live in Scranton, but that was a long time ago.

  87. WHAT are you nut jobs talking about? Egyptian gods do not live in the USA. They live in Egypt. Like, duh!

  88. So it is alleged that “Egyptian God” is Nathan Norman. I have never been convinced that Nathan Norman is a real person.

  89. I’m not convinced he is a real person either. But if he’s not, someone went to some effort to make it look like he is, like posting fake old teen pop music magazine interviews, wiki articles, internet movie database entry, etc. Whatever he is or isn’t, egyptian is part of the same entity. He claims they are just friends, but it’s obviously him.

  90. Compared to Biden you’re still quite young.
    Yes, now that you mention it. He has just under 10 years on me.
    Trump has about 6 years on me.
    Yes, I feel a lot better now, thank you.

  91. Andy,
    I do not think Egyptian is Kris Lesiak.
    Kris does not seem to go into the anonymous or false name kind of stuff.
    He seems to be having his one personality problems enough.

  92. “…wiki articles…”.
    Oh, you mean like William S. Saturn?
    Who nobody ever met, including me.
    And no one has ever found a photo of on the interweb?

  93. Stephen Spencer is Stephen Spencer, or whatever his real name is. He never posted that, and never will. If he did post it, it would mean nothing to you, but he will still never post it.

    He doesn’t know Paulie or William Saturn other then what they post publicly online. The same of Egyptian, he only knows what has been posted on these boards over the years. And yet, he has learned a great deal from mere observation.

    He doesn’t care who you think he is. Egyptian is not Mr. Lesiak. He is Norman, who may or may not be a real name.

  94. Paul and William Saturn may be the same person. We have not determined that yet. Paul and Andy Gonzalez may also be the same person. Or perhaps Robert Milnes and Andy Gonzalez. The highest chance of being the same person is Andy Gonzalez and Nathan Norman et al. Any or all of these may be the same person, or any combination of them.

  95. Andy Gonzalez and William Saturn also seen to have many of the same views as Nathan Norman and associated characters. Of course, that may be a false front. They may just be trying to make actual conservatives and right libertarians seem crazy with the craziness they post.

  96. Or maybe not, but it’s probably not important either way. Perhaps Eminem said it best: And I am whatever you say I am. If I wasn’t, then why would I say I am?

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