Evan McMullin Says Other Conservative Independents Will be Running for Public Office

This article about Evan McMullin, independent candidate for U.S. Senate in Utah in 2022, quotes him as saying that other anti-Trump conservative independents will be running for important public office in the future.


Evan McMullin Says Other Conservative Independents Will be Running for Public Office — 12 Comments

  1. Most Republicans are definitely as conservative or more so than him. Particularly in Utah.

  2. Just hope that what he says here doesn’t taint all independents as being “never Trumpers.”

  3. He is a deep state rhino piece of work ridden diseased pig shit. There is nothing whatsoever conservative about him. Neocon stands for new world order confidence artist. Not conservative!

  4. Unless you consider shilling and spying for the globalist Zionist elite illuminati cia, Chinese Communist fifth column infiltraitors to be work. I’d consider it more selling out. He is a Judas for the judeas.

  5. Then why didn’t you vote for TRUMP you idiot? Mcmuffin is a deep state swamp creature who was running specifically to try to split TRUMP VOTES to try to stop TRUMP. It looks like u fell for it like a stupid sucker that you ARE. Idiot! Thankfully there were not a lot of people that stupid so that particular globalist deep state scam FAILED MISERABLY. Thank GOD AND NO THANKS TO YOU!!!

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