California Proposed Constitutional Amendment to Let Felons in Prison Register to Vote

Ten California legislators have introduced SCA 4, which would delete the provision in the State Constitution that does not allow felons serving time in prison to be registered voters. Here is the text. The lead sponsor is Assemblymember Isaac Bryan (D-Los Angeles), who is chair of the Assembly Elections Committee.


California Proposed Constitutional Amendment to Let Felons in Prison Register to Vote — 14 Comments

  1. IMO, felons should only be allowed to vote if they actually work, and pay taxes.

    No taxation without representation.

  2. My opinion is that it should depend upon for what offense they are locked up.

    After a person has served their sentence all their rights should be restored.

  3. “Suppose they are over retirement age, such as perhaps 80 years old?”

    Only if they have taxable retirement income

  4. Felons in prison don’t deserve shit in life. People who rape little boys deserve the highest building to be thrown off. Murderers need to be executed the way killed their victims.

  5. Felons should all be executed once found guilty. Better yet, make law enforcement officers judge, jury and executioner.

  6. Altho, maybe the heir of an executed convict should be allow to cast a proxy vote for the executed convict if it is proved that the convict was wrongly convicted.

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