Commission on Presidential Debates Announces Locations and Dates for General Election Debates

On November 20, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced its general election debate dates and locations. All debates will be held at particular colleges.

The dates and cities of the three presidential debates are: September 16 in San Marcos, Texas; October 1 in Petersburg, Virginia; October 9 in Salt Lake City.

The vice-presidential debate is September 25 at Easton, Pennsylvania. See this news story for more details.


Commission on Presidential Debates Announces Locations and Dates for General Election Debates — 22 Comments

  1. Quisling Biden will be too far gone in senile dementia to participate. Trump has no reason to, except perhaps to debate RFK Jr.

  2. Who needs the commission? If Trump wants to debate Kennedy he could invite him to joint rallies and tell the derp state and fake news to shove their phony controlled debates to the dark side of the moon. The controlled phony sides potemkin village idiot paradigm controlled by janus faced globalists is now officially cancelled, on the ash heap of history where it belongs. Most likely even the derp state knows it, but they feel compelled to keep up appearances as long as they can. Pathetic!

  3. Trump probably won’t participate, and the so-called Commission is hostile towards third parties and Independents, so this will basically be a set of town halls for Biden. Good opportunity for the far more independent and open minded Free and Equal Elections Foundation to host actual debates between multiple candidates and attract a larger than usual audience for said debates.

  4. It won’t even be town halls for Biden. Maybe for Manchin. Biden will be too decrepit to stand up and pretend to understand what he’s saying or recite talking points for 90 minutes no matter how much dope he’s pumped full of by then.



  6. Needs a fourth one in Detroit so Biden can debate Thomas Jones. I bet he’d win that one.

  7. Thomas Jones would rant about purge lists, replacement lists, mandatory mail in voting, and other retarded shit while obsessing about Pat.

    Dementia Joe might indeed win that debate.

  8. I heard Thomas Jones wants Robert K Stock as his running mate. Talk about a pathetic crazy retarded ticket.

  9. The debate would have to be held in Thomas Jones’s basement since he hasn’t left his house in decades.

  10. No need to mention El Pee. They might be the 6th or 7th ticket in terms of votes next year. Most likely not even significant enough to be a spoiler, most likely missing several states of ballot access and running candidates less than 1% of the public ever heard of before they are nominated. After the El Pee efforts to publicize their nominees, they might push that to 2%, of which a single digit percentage might care one way or the other.

    Biden won’t be in any debates. He will be hiding in his basement like AZ, occasionally wheeled out for another weekend at Bernie’s.

    The Jones-Stock ticket might be a hoot, but I don’t see them getting on the ballot anywhere. They might get a single digit number of write in snail votes. Probably all in the same handwriting .

  11. If there’s a “Biden” at any debates next year it will most assuredly be a body double crisis actor.

  12. Why are you telling me? I’m not a horse, don’t own horses, don’t bet on horses, don’t eat horses, and haven’t ridden a horse in quite a few years. My level of interest as to what outlet plug your charger into is less than zero. I’d rather not know anything about it.

  13. Seriously AZ dude, why would you post that? Do you think it would turn Pat on? That’s disgusting.

  14. NOT QUITE.



  15. Is AZ impersonating himself in order to then cast suspicion on his imaginary troll moron competition, perhaps without realizing he’s in a league of his own with no true opponent except the man in the mirror, the voices in his head, and his own shadow?

    Or, is some AI bot impersonating the AZ artificial counterintelligence program (which is designed to make everyone else dumber, rather than itself smarter as an AI would) in a game of Spies like Us vs Spies like Us, where the object is maximum stupidity and the stakes are unimaginably retarded?

    Anyway, imaginary chief troll morons who are not AZ aside, I can understand why AZ might be wondering about brain transplants given his condition. And age. How old is AZ? Older than Biden? Same age? How close? Old enough to have seen 1950s horror movies in their original big screen debuts, long before they were publicly available in any other format? Old enough to have been an adult then? We know, at the very least, that he was either a strange adult or a very, very, very strange child by the 1970s.

    Chances are, he’s too old to successfully plug his charger into an electric outlet, much less horses, or, God forbid, Pat. Ain’t no party like an AZtard party cuz an AZtard party don’t stop. I mean seriously it never stops. It just keep getting ever dumberer progressively, like brain cancer, Polisci, leftist wokism, and black holes of artificial counterintelligence alien zombies with an insatiable appetite for human brains.

    It’s like watching paint dry in slow motion, except under the delusion you might be receiving responses after experimenting at initiating communication with extraterrestrial intelligence. If it’s not actual paint drying, it must be very bored and of tremendously low intelligence. Maybe an alien troll moron, picking up the transmission satellite on its playground, wondering what it is and how it can fit into its own outlet, which is too large for normal activities.

    As the alien zombie absentmindedly rubs and fails to insert the satellite in its elimination round ejection chute, it succeeds in accidentally inserting its tentacles, sending a gooey slime slowly dripping across the satellite antenna. The satellite, programmed to receive and transmit alien communication of unknown format, interprets the slime ooze as a signal, which translated on the screen looks a lot like slowly drying paint.

    In other words, the aliens are not sending their best. They’re sending brain cell murderers. They’re sending evangelically retarded alien zombies seeking to suck up brains. They’re sending self rapists picking up unknown objects in shady playgrounds at dusk who like to pick up odd objects of unknown origin to try to molest themselves with. And some, I believe, might be good aliens.

    Not having enough experience with their species to tell them apart, We need to build a firewall to keep them from infecting our communication systems with alien zombie malware. And we need an immediate communication ban with a sector of the galaxy known for its unrelenting fanatical devotion to injecting system killing malware anywhere it finds an open back door, particularly communication systems.

    For aliens which send uninvited reproductive organ pics, we need a strict child separation policy. We must prevent any further alien hacking of our elections, deport criminal aliens, put a moratorium on imported alien AIs and AZs, and immediately end birthright citizenship for anchor AZs.

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